As thousands of road accident victims are anxiously waiting to be compensated by the cash-strapped Road Accident Fund (RAF) following court orders in their favour, the Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, is expected to soon deal with the fund’s inability to pay up. Hundreds of claimants recently turned to the court where they had obtained an..
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Cash-strapped Road Accident Fund struggles to pay billions in outstanding debt – This is just another SOE that is collapsing under ANC-regime’s rule
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12 Army members arrested for the disappearance of nineteen R4 assault rifles are set free on a mere warning
The military court released 12 army members with only a warning after they were arrested in connection with the disappearance of nineteen R4 assault rifles. The army members were arrested between December 24 and 27, 2019 on charges of housebreaking, theft and negligent loss of firearms after the disappearance of the weapons from the storeroom..
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38,9% Is The ‘Real’ Matric Pass Rate, According To The DA
The DA has claimed that the matric pass rate is incorrect, just after the announcement of the 2019 results by Basic Education Minister, Angie Motshekga. The Democratic Alliance (DA) has called the Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga’s bluff saying that her announcement of 81.3% for the 2019 matric pass rate is incorrect and the..
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SA Sewage system collapse a ticking ‘time bomb’ – Another reason why we live in a sh*thole country!
Methane bubbles popping on the river’s surface, sewage pipes clogged with tampons, diapers and toilet paper, and the smell of faeces lingering in the air. These scenes are everyday realities for residents of Emfuleni – a municipality southwest of Johannesburg – as the breakdown of the area’s pipes, pumps and wastewater treatment plants causes sewage..
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Hello darkness my old Friend! Brace for more Stage 6 load-shedding as Eskom breakdowns rise
Stage 6 load-shedding, which has happened only once before, looks set to become a far more common occurrence as Eskom’s plant breakdowns remain at dangerously high levels. Stage 6 means 6,000MW are dropped from the grid to avoid the system becoming unstable. In Gauteng, where load-shedding intervals last four hours, Eskom customers could be without..
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WHY is President Ramaphosa silent about Farm Murders? Doubt his new role as Chairman of the African Union will change anything
South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa is the incoming new chair of the African Union for the year 2020. South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa is set to take over the chairmanship of the African Union for the year 2020, replacing Egypt’s Abdel Fattah el-Sisi who chaired the organization through 2019. In his New Year’s address, the..
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BEE has de-industrialised SA, pushed it backwards in time – The oppressed has become the oppressor, and technological advancement is no longer possible as we enter the New Sanitation Dark Age
Zimbabwe had land expropriation as the spark that caused its economy to implode. South Africa has a slower, but equally insidious, government policy that is pushing it backwards in time: Black Economic Empowerment (BEE). This warped system has enabled corrupt individuals to benefit personally from contracts as the country’s key services have steadily eroded. While..
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24 train wagons set on fire at Bloemfontein train station
An arson case is under investigation after 24 train wagons were set on fire at the Bloemfontein train station. Police spokesman Brig. Motantsi Makhele says that an employee of Prasa saw that smoke was coming out of a bunch of train cars standing next to the train track around 2.30pm on Saturday. He went to..
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Solidarity: Eskom is in crisis due to years of looting, mismanagement and race obsession; asking taxpayers to fund R1.8 billion in performance bonuses is wrong
Eskom is in crisis and should be treated as a crisis. The company is hopelessly bankrupt and operationally fragile due to years of looting, mismanagement and race obsession. The new CEO, André de Ruyter, has to be given comprehensive powers similar to that of a business rescue practitioner. If Eskom is not treated as if..
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ANC regime’s Multi-Billion Rand water project in Bosveld does not deliver a single drop of water
It has now been five years since the big water project for the Bushveld area was started. The outcome was to supply water to some 50 small villages where black people live. After spending several billion Rand, there is not one drop of water for the villagers. Even the drowning of a six-year-old did not..
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Two officials from the Department of Justice, Free State arrested for fraud
Officials from the Department of Justice and Constitutional Affairs appeared in the Zastron Magistrate’s Court, Free State on charges of fraud. A former manager in the courts, one Desmond Mokhobo, 32, and his colleague, Mxolisi Kakalatsa, 38, who served as an administrative clerk, is charged with fraud amounting to about R380,000. The two men were..
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New Eskom CEO faces huge challenges, first task is to unbundle the state entity
Andre de Ruyter started his duties as Chief Executive Officer of Eskom six days earlier by visiting each of the power plants individually to familiarize himself with the circumstances of each of them. The new Eskom boss has an enormous task upon his hands, with the first task assigned to him, to unbundle Eskom into..
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SANDF robbed of at least 20 fully automatic R4 rifles, the firearms will most likely be for criminal activities – Was it an inside job? Where were the guards, and why could they not defend a strategic military installation?
The brazen theft of at least 20 fully automatic R4 rifles from the Lyttelton South African National Defence Force Base has sparked outrage and fear. “Gun Owners of South Africa (Gosa) would like the public to know that these rifles are capable of fully automatic fire, civilians cannot buy these firearms. “These will most likely..
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409 Farm attacks and 56 farm murders in 2019 – Slaughter of white farmers in SA increases, especially in rural areas
The massacre in rural areas has increased in recent years, according to the latest figures on farm attacks and murders. Henry Geldenhuys, deputy president of the agricultural organization TAU SA, says that according to their statistics, there were 409 farm attacks in 2019 compared to 395 farm attacks in 2018, during the same period 56..
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Fort Hare University collapses and once again apartheid is to blame for the decline
What went wrong with Fort Hare University collapsing, and why has the media been silent for so long about the true facts? These are the questions that are currently hanging in the air after it became known that an overall investigation into the university has not yet been completed. Two prominent academics, prof. Chris Brink,..
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