Dawie Roodt: “SA economy can be restored if Eskom privatizes”

Foreign investors sell R25bn worth of shares in SA

ANC regime just cant resist the old folks money – State still wants to use pensioners funds as a bailout for bankrupt SOE’s

Eskom’s municipal debt rises to R23.5 billion – Lets face it! Management and board of directors do not possess management skills to run this entity

Eskom – in return for R59bn bailout from National Treasury, Eskom must recover Soweto, municipal debt

Eskom drowning in debt, will need R69 billion to service its overflowing liabilities

Trade unions are rejecting ANC’s plans to sell non-performing SOE’s

Eskom problems not solved yet – Possibility of load shedding exists in the coming months

Thank you SA for voting ANC – SA is broke thanks to the thieving done by ANC cadres in government

ANC-regime drowning in debt -, domestic debt burden exceeds R7 billion and all this for SOE bailouts

Medupi and Kusile power stations are still “off the grid” due to poor construction work, corruption and cost overruns

Taxpayers will now have to bailout the Ramaphosa regime after Moody lost patience with SA’s poor economic situation and proposes a tax increase

#ParasiticParastatal – SA Express is just another bottomless pit swallowing taxpayers’ money

Government employees face 10% salary cut to fund crippling Eskom since National Treasury’s box is empty

Parasitic Parastatal Eskom, paralysing SA as the country runs out of money. Unless considered action is taken, not just talk – South Africa remains on the brink of destruction