Zuma branded as defaulter, owes R12,517 for unpaid school fees, maybe he must consider subsidy?

SAA strike costing R52 million a day and with a bankruptcy record it could mean the end of the entity

Another waste of taxpayer’s money! – Millions down the drain as Tshwane houses will have to be demolished and rebuilt

Another leeching SEO sinks – 3000 Prasa employees possibly without work after the wasteful expenditures carried out by ANC cadres

ANC piggy bank is empty – ANC regime owes municipalities R165 billion

NBF chief executive earns more than the president – Taxpayers finance public servants’ lavish lifestyles

Court deals Soweto residents who wants to pay a flat tarrif of R150 a month for electricity a blow by striking case off the roll

Junk Status looms – Implementation of NHI will have disastrous consequences for SA economy

The Department of Home Affairs faces about R2 billion in claims due to their inability to meet expected services as well as incompetence to maintain law and order in its immigration department

Weapon manufacturer Denel has quietly acquired a contract worth R6.3 billion for the export of weaponry

South Africa’s army has run out of money – this is how much trouble it is in

First Gupta house under the hammer – property apparently occupied by controversial ANC secretary general Ace Magashule’s son

Parasitic SOE, Prasa also bankrupt? – Eskom threatens to cut power supply to trains due to default in payment

Unemployment Insurance Fund pays more than R63,000 to registered unemployed ‘ghosts’ so one man can benefit from it

ANC regime’s debt to SA municipalities exceeds R1bn