Two-thirds of South Africans believe that corruption has increased in the past year, and half (49%) believe that it has “increased a lot.” Furthermore, a survey shows that people not only think that corruption has gotten worse under Ramaphosa, but also recognize that a large part of the elected officials and civil servants, who should be fighting corruption, are involved in corrupt activities themselves.
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South Africans don’t fall for Ramaphosa’s Act – 82% say Corruption is Same or Worse Under Cyril!
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ANC Loses Control of Covid19! SA Has World’s 4th Most Daily Infections Despite FIVE Months Warning, Unlimited Funds & Dictatorial Powers!
Ramaphosa Can’t Bluff a Virus: With 500 infections an hour, SA has the 10th most daily deaths worldwide, despite having had 5 months warning, unlimited funds and totalitarian dictatorial powers! Ramaphosa and ANC have failed spectacularly to cope with, never mind curb, the virus. It seems the only thing they can control is the PR and propaganda to fool the people with. There is no logic and Ramaphosa blames everyone and everything but himself, despite dictatorial powers! Ramaphosa treats South Africans like naughty low intelligence children and imposed enhanced lockdown with alcohol banned again, but taxis may operate at full capacity.
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Covid-19 Tenders Are Now Just Plain Fraud, Looting & Cronyism! No Tender Process, Winners Kept Secret & Any Old Excuse to Steal From The Taxpayer Will Do!
The Free State is living up to Ace Magashule’s Legacy of gangsterism and has spent R80 Million on fumigating schools, but the CCPvirus can only live for 3 to 9 days on surfaces, and schools are now closed for over 65 days (7 weeks)! So why the need to fumigate? Once again, the CCPvirus is the gift that keeps giving to the ANC regime and its cadres as lockdown is being dragged out, because the comrades have not yet exhausted all the opportunities for taking money out of tenders which are, according to them, issued to combat the spread of the CCPvirus. These emergency COVID-19 related tenders are being issued without even a tender process being followed, because they say it is an emergency and there is no time to follow a tender process, and the tender winners are being kept secret!
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Decomposing carcass of dog rots on chair in courtyard of Pretoria-North magistrates court! Cleanliness is next to Godliness but not in #TheAfricanWay
The partially decomposed carcass of a dog is lying on one of hundreds of abandoned chairs and other equipment standing in the inside courtyard of the Pretoria-North magistrates court, all covered in bird poo. Nobody knows how it got there and nobody seems to care! After all, there are new tenders and contracts to plunder…
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Greedy Ramaphosa & ANC Want More From Their Personal BEE Cash Cow, Eskom – He Finally Admits Medupi & Kusile Are Unreliable (Have Been Bled Dry) Even As The Blame Game Rages On…
Planning to fail: Having pocketed millions, if not billions, by plundering Eskom in all sorts of ways through a variety of tender companies and who knows what else, it seems Cyril and The ANC have finally realised the Medupi & Kusile projects have bled dry, and are now looking for new ways to employ (steal) taxpayers money, to continue bleeding them dry… yet another new huge expensive project with new tenders, contracts, bribes & kickbacks. It is the same all over South Africa, build a new school, extort tenders, contracts, bribes & kickbacks. Then burn it down and steal more from the taxpayer by building another school with more tenders, contracts, bribes and kickbacks. The African Way.
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Plot of corruption thickens: Magashule’s former secretary allegedly scored R100m for CCTV cameras that don’t work
A company belonging to the former secretary of ANC secretary general Ace Magashule has earned more than R100m for, among other things, providing CCTV cameras to the Mangaung metro – most of which allegedly don’t work or have never worked. Netwerk24 reported on Wednesday that a Bloemfontein-based attorney, who wishes to remain anonymous, made these..
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Eerste tenders vir omstrede nasionale gesondheidsversekering uitgereik
Die eerste tenders vir die omstrede nasionale gesondheidsversekering (NGV) is uitgereik.
Die departement van gesondheid soek voorstelle van die private sektor oor hoe om vyf programme – sommiges wat tans katastrofies deur staatshospitale behartig word – reg te ruk.
Net drie van die land se grootste administrateurs van mediese fondse het opgedaag vir die inligtingsessie om sake te gesels, verneem Rapport.
Kundiges het in reaksie gesê dié NGV-planne lyk glad nie soos die ideologiese prentjie van ’n funksionerende geïntegreerde gesondheidsdiens vir almal nie, maar is eerder ’n uitkontraktering van bestaande pligte van die staat teen bykomende koste.
Die regering soek private maatskappy om onder meer die volgende te doen:
* Bestralingsdienste vir kankerpasiënte: Luiden
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Breaking News: Over 12 000 “Zombie Entrepreneurs” are doing business with the SA government
It reads like the start of a joke, but we’re afraid this one’s no laughing matter. National Treasury has discovered about 12,000 dead people in its register of companies that do business with the state. A report by the Sunday Times has revealed that there are around 12 000 people on the South African government’s..
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