NUMBERS DON’T LIE: Despite all the hype and Covid-19 mania peddled by mainstream media and money grabbing politicians, far more people will, and are still contracting and dying from HIV/AIDS, Cancer, Tuberculosis, Malaria, etc. Shockingly, figures have revealed that lockdown will indeed take more lives than it saves! Truth is the ANC and other globalist liberal governments see Covid-19 as an opportunity not only to line their pockets, but also to hammer through ideological political social engineering projects in the so called Great Reset. For all their claims about saving lives, that really is the last thing on their minds, Socialism is, which is why Covid has been nicknamed #CCPvirus…
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#COVIDMANIA, a Politicized Flu, Weaponized by Greedy Powermongers into a Great Reset Which Will Kill More Than Covid19 Itself!
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SA Has 4th Most Daily New Covid19 Cases Globally for 3rd Straight Day! But Where are the Bodies? Mojo or Fraud?
South Africa has once again reported the 4th most daily new Covid19 infections worldwide, for the 3rd straight day in a row, confirming what Ramaphosa said, that the storm is on us. But where are the bodies? We hear anecdotal stories of hospitals running out of ventilators and ICU beds, hear of Indian nurses trying to leave the country, and of graveyards running out of space, but with all the extra Covid-19 deaths, and South Africa’s third world socialist infrastructure, you would expect to see bodies in the streets? We have had more infections than Italy, which has the same population as SA, and they literally had coffins stacked up outdoors.
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#COVID1984 Pandemic of Fear is More Dangerous Than COVID19 Itself and ANC Government Abuses the Fear to Control and Manipulate Us!
WILL FEAR CONTROL AND CHANGE WHO YOU ARE? Very few of us know someone who got the CCP-virus, but everyone knows someone affected by the lockdown. As we regularly see on FB, there are many smart alecs and many “experts” on this CCP virus (COVID-19), and too many of us unfortunately prove that the real pandemic has become fear itself. Indeed, the fear pandemic is now a bigger pandemic than the CCP virus itself. Ironically, the greatest comorbidity of patients dying from Covid19 is hypertension (stress and high blood pressure). Let’s calm down and return to the facts and the bigger picture.
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ANC Regime Blames & Punishes Citizens Because it Can’t Cope with CCP-Virus Peak! ANC Used Fantasy Modelling to Scare us into Lockdown & Grab More Powers!
Cigarettes & Alcohol are tools for Covid Guilt: As the COVID-19 epicentre moves to South America, we now know that the potential risks and impact, once the CCP-virus reaches its peak in South Africa, will not be the 351,000 deaths that ANC modelers claimed, yet despite that, we were still held hostage at home? It is clear the single biggest driver behind the ANC’s draconian reaction, apart from its lust for power and money, is its fear that the virus will expose ANC’s failure and inadequacies. The ANC’s health system was not coping before COVID19, so how on earth could it cope with a pandemic? Already Bloemfontein is running out of burial plots! So the ANC’s default reaction, as far left socialists always do, is distract, delay and destroy, until the original problem, i.e. their failure, is lost in the confusion and they can blame everything and everyone else but themselves. The entire health system, army and police are on COVID19, everything else, that ANC was failing in, has conveniently been set aside. You now have to feel guilty that you are not doing your part to fight CCP virus when you have a cigarette or a drink! Xi would be proud!
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#LetThemEatCash! Ramaphosa Creating Historic Debt to Appease Township Masses! Faulty Test Stats & Cash Won’t Stop CCPvirus Nor Will it Protect Food Producers & Shops!
#CoronaClown: Despite having months to learn from what other countries have gone through, Cyril seems intent on sticking to the African Way, as he tries to control the narrative and drip feed the black masses with unrealistic faulty test information, WMC inspired “relief” payouts to quell uprisings in townships, and to deny the inevitable, a catastrophe and his demise. SA-News reported over TWO months ago that asymptomatic COVID19 positive people were silently spreading the virus, now suddenly it is a scientific revelation? Cyril mentions food security, but not farm security? Like Zimbabwe, you can only throw so much cash at a problem until it becomes worthless, because it cannot be eaten and doesn’t reach those that need it most, because corrupt ANC politicians intercept and plunder the funds. However Cyril is forced to use the carrot because Bheki Cele’s increasing unpopularity from extreme childish lockdown restrictions have reduced Cyril’s options.
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ANC Doesn’t Know Which Province 11 People Who Tested Positive for #COVID19 Are From Yet Everyone Praises Emperor Ramaphosa & his Invisible Cloak!
With all the new powers and cash the State of Disaster has given Ramaphose, the term emperor is not misplaced and it is obvious that he and his ANC comrades are liking their new Totalitarian powers so much, they happily extended the lockdown for two more weeks. This new cloak of powers, is also like the emperor’s invisible cloak, as it does not hide the naked incompetence, ineptitude and blind greed that drives the ANC party. Yet still the ANC party prances around in its invisible cloak, pretending all is grand. because to do otherwise would be to admit they are not only completely out of their depth, but are roleplaying to cover it up.
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#WinterCometh COVID-19 aka CCPvirus Far More Widespread Than ANC Stats Claim & Could Require Longer or Second #Lockdown in Winter!
WILL CCP VIRUS KILL ANC VIRUS? While the West, with its liberal indulgence & open borders is currently being punished very hard for this “progressiveness”, as SA-News predicted a few weeks ago, China would be the best case scenario for the CCPvirus, because China is a technological yet totalitarian controlled society and the outside world can only guess at the true figure of infections & deaths in a country with 1.4 Billion people, which is about the same as the whole of Africa! As we predicted, the CCPvirus is likely about to wreak absolute havoc in Africa, and the very thin layer of ANC control is about to be exposed, revealing the fact that their influence over their people, is only as thin as the paper money they use to bribe and buy votes with grants.
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4 000 tuberkulose-pasiënte landwyd is verlore in die Noord-Kaapse departement van gesondheid se inligtingstelsel
Die inligting van meer as 4 000 tuberkulose-pasiënte uit 80 000 gevalle landwyd het in die Noord-Kaapse departement van gesondheid se inligtingstelsel “verlore” gegaan.
Andrew Louw, Noord-Kaapse DA-leier, sê Fufe Makatong, LUR vir gesondheid, moet dringend ’n aksieplan opstel om dié pasiënte op te spoor.
Die DA sê sy inligting kom uit die departement se eerste kwartaalverslag vir die 2018-’19-boekjaar.
“Daar is meer as 8 000 verlore pasiënte in Suid-Afrika en 4 189 van hulle is in die Noord-Kaap. Die Frances Baard-distrik, waarbinne Kimberley val, het 2 364 pasiënte, sê Louw.
“Dié pasiënte het óf hul behandeling onderbreek óf nooit daarmee begin nie óf hulle weet nie dat die ernstige siekte by hulle gediagnoseer is nie. Hulle stel daarom ook ander se lewens in gevaar.”
Volgens Louw is die tuberkulose-taakspanne se werksaamhede nie bestendig nie. Daar is ook nie ’n begroting vir ’n bewusmakingsveldtog nie.
“Personeel wo
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The Showdown at the UN: SA takes on the US for cheaper drugs
When the US went to bat for Big Pharma in the fight against this killer disease, South Africa wasn’t having any of it. Here’s what happened next.
Graveyard cough, white plague, consumption. A killer by any name, TB has stalked the human race for aeons, lurking in crowded tenements or following miners deep underground, hanging in the air of our hospitals.
Always there, yet rarely spoken.
Today, it kills more people than HIV and malaria combined, the World Health Organisation (WHO) reports. In South Africa, Statistics South Africa’s latest data shows TB remains the leading cause of non-violent deaths.
Yet it took the United Nations 73 years to call a meeting on TB — and only because a very excitable South African health minister agitated enough for it.
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Oxford University (UK) tested new TB vaccine on 1,400 South African babies which had caused the death of trial monkeys
An investigation by the British Medical Journal has exposed a horrifying vaccine scam that took place in the same place that many unethical vaccine stories come from – Africa. There, babies were used as guinea pigs to test out a vaccine after the monkeys it was tested on died.
According to the report, nearly 1,400 infants in South Africa were given an experimental vaccine for tuberculosis by academics from Oxford University that was linked to monkey fatalities in tests. In an informational paper issued to the parents of the babies who got the jab back in 2009, it is claimed that the vaccine was “shown to be safe and effective” despite the fact that five out of six monkeys in the trial became so ill that they had to be put down.
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