SAPS Literally Stealing Food from the Mouths of Children! When racist black South African Police Officers invade the house of a destitute white family, to confiscate their food, one cannot help but think of the forced starvations in USSR like the Holodomor and Lenin’s genocide. After the shocking incidents of abusive treatment of minorities by black Police officers at Ballito and Dwarskersbos, even more shocking incidents have happened in Middelburg, Mpumalanga, where three racist black Police officers invaded the private residence of a white family at night and confiscated their food, which had been donated to them shortly before. The food parcel had to be delivered under cover of darkness because the Police don’t allow food deliveries to white people and will arrest people for doing donating to whites! The hungry grandchildren in the family, 5 and 12 years old, had to watch helplessly as the three black Police officers carried their food away.
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Racist Black Police Officers Confiscate Food Parcels From White Families as More Incidents of Institutional Racist Abuse of Whites Come to Light in Lockdown SA!
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#HungerGames ANC Police Standing Guard to STOP Hungry People Getting Food! SA Government Using Hunger from COVID-19 Lockdown to Enforce its Centrist Totalitarian Regime!
“A police vehicle parked in front of the food centre and only left when they saw the centre was NOT distributing food”! WELCOME TO USSR2: The world must be proud of their multicultural rainbow nation, introduced by nelson mandela! The ANC government is literally preventing hungry people from being fed, in a Ukranian Holodomor style forced starvation policy, as reported by SA-News, in order to assert their Socialist centrist control over the masses, amidst the CoronoVirus pandemic! The ANC is literally using its Stasi police force to take sandwiches out of people’s mouths and is now busy with a deliberate plan to allow people who do not obey, to die of hunger. This ANC regime is a filthy and murderous dictatorship and we should no longer keep quiet about it. Your silence is complicity.
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Has ANC Power Trip Made Lockdown More Dangerous Than Covid19? Permits Prevent Emergency Food Parcels Being Delivered, Threatening Mass Starvation While Long Queues Increase Contagion!
Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely – These infamous words have come to define communism and are being proven to be true again in ANC South Africa. From a 3 kilometre queue where people stood shoulder to shoulder to massive crowds jammed together for food parcels, it seems the ANC power trip to control everything is in fact spreading the virus more! People cannot eat permits, regulations or policies yet a deranged ANC on a power trip is driving many families, both black and white, into starvation. Bureaucratic red tape created by a permit happy and regulation spewing ANC regime, trapped in a toxic mix of paranoia, racial hatred of minorities and tin pot power craving, is exacerbating the already existing hunger and threatening a mass famine in South Africa, because the corrupt ANC insists on controlling the distribution of food centrally, and in practice has stopped food being moved by many non governmental organizations (NGO’s) throughout the country, amidst the current COVID-19 lockdown which must be the hardest and most regulated lockdown in the world.
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SA Poverty Line – it costs R561 a month to consume just enough kilojules to prevent starvation – this while ANC cadres are wining and dining with taxpayers’ money
According to Statistics South Africa (SSA), we need R561 to buy food with just enough kilojules to avoid starvation. These households that earn less than the amount are considered as South Africa’s “food poverty line”, or the extreme poverty line. The amount of R810 is described as the bottom poverty line and you can buy..
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South Africa following Zimbabwe into ruin? – The Zimbabwe economy is in chaos and disease is breaking out all over the place. Like Mugabe, the SA politicians are sucking our country dry and it is heading towards being just another black failed state
In this video by ‘Loving Life’ we see that the parallel paths of South Africa and Zimbabwe are very similar. The only winners in this scenario are the politicians. The video looks at how Mugabe took over a very economically sound country in 1980 and brought it to its knees. The similarities of corruption, expropriation..
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The forgotten white people of South Africa that is hidden by the media
The recession is taking its toll in South Africa as thousands off whites are starving and this is being hidden by the media. Government is not supporting people and especially not white people many of whom are ending up unemployed as a result of the racist government labour laws like affirmative action and BEE. Many..
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Black “farmer” who Received a R15 MILLION Grant from ANC regime Leaves Thousands of Chickens to Starve and be Culled
Thousands of chickens will be culled, due to starvation and disease after the owner of a Southport farm in Kwazulu-Natal failed to feed them for weeks and abandoned the farm after selling off what movable assets were able to be sold. The SPCA, which is monitoring the situation twice a day, received a complaint last..
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