Soweto is 1,000 Times More Racist Than Orania! Yet Lesufi, The Afrikaans Hating Black Supremacist Threatens Orania’s Constitutional Right To Exist!

Twenty illegal schools in Gauteng closed down, black learners will now have to find a place for quality education elsewhere – We can only imagine where the ANC will relocate them now

#Blackprivilege: ANC wants Eskom to come to the aid of residents who, for long periods, have been struggling without electricity, because they refused to buy it. This is discrimination and totally unfair!

Justice is served! Irate mob castrates, beats ‘rapist’ to death – community are tired of crime and now takes law into own hands

4.6 Million (10%) of SA Blacks (Bantu) live in 7,000 100% race pure Bantu towns, NO Coloreds, Whites or Asians at all!