The ANC and the Gauteng High Court have said the ANC regime may use race based criteria when deciding which businesses receive emergency COVID-19 assistance. This from the same government who forcibly shut down these people’s businesses with the Lockdown, and who proudly proclaimed Corona Virus does not discriminate between races! Once again we see how the ANC regime is using the COVID-19 pandemic to put people out of business and onto welfare dependency, because that is the communist way…
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Gauteng High Court Say Racism is Legal! ANC Can Award Emergency COVID-19 Aid to BBBEE Businesses Only! Solidarity to Appeal to Constitutional Court…
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VIDEO: When Will Black South Africans Take Off Their BBBEE Nappy & Abolish Expropriation Without Compensation Too? “Freedom for Some is Freedom for None”
#FreedomDay When Will Black South Africans Take off Their BBBEE Nappy? When will black South Africans grow up and be free? In his usual racist Freedom Day rant, #RacistPhosa admitted just how far South Africa is from being a free country. In fact it begs the question: At what stage will black South Africans no longer be kept in a protected crib and artificially supported and sustained by racist ANC policies like BBBEE? No black person in SA can really feel sure that they actually achieved what they have by themselves.
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Transform or Starve! ANC Regime Misusing COVID19 Aid to Blackmail Whites to Give Businesses to Blacks! COVID19: Turning Capitalism into Socialism!
Leninism comes to SA: The COVID19 crisis is not only making Black South africans realise that the ANC are the african version of champagne socialists, i.e. despots who make false promises and will let their own people starve, but it is also exposing the ANC’s overt racism. The ANC openly says they won’t assist white small business owners with emergency or taxpayer funds unless they “transform enough”!
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ANC wants to amend 1998 Marriage Act to eliminate discrimination
The Marriage Act and other related laws may change which will apparently eliminate discrimination in marriage. The ANC’s Minister Motsoaledi has already begun discussions with the various generations and human rights activists. The law should provide for equality, non-discrimination, and human rights, so that marriage law is in line with the country’s Constitution. With the..
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Tighter measures put in place to accelerate transformation – whites now become target of ANC regime
The government announced through the Minister of Labor, Thulas Nxesi, that “tough” measures will now be put in place so that radical transformation in the workplace can take place faster. New legislation will be introduced to compel employees to transform otherwise they will be punished. Workers and activists will apparently ensure that transformation takes place,..
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Stats SA data confirms IRR survey which shows that whites in South Africa experience more racial discrimination than other groups
A new government survey somehow managed to show that more than 70% of people in SA are ‘satisfied with life’ and that 90% are proud to be South African, this despite the country crashing in almost al sectors with record unemployment and crime.
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Discrimination against whites continues – FeesMustFall activist’s public violence is left “unpunished” while Vicky Momberg, who used the “k-word”, is sentenced to two years in prison
FeesMustFall’s, Bongisnkosi Lhanyile is found guilty of public violence complaints and sentenced to three years’ house arrest and a R5000 fine. It seems as if discrimination against whites continues, because Vicky Momberg, who used the so-called “k-word”, is sentenced to two years in prison. Opinion polls say the left-wing FW de Klerk may be right..
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White South Africans very unhappy, and rightfully so, and now they are throwing their toys over Discovery Bank’s ‘racism’
Discovery CEO Adrian Gore announced that we’re getting a new bank in 2019. Not only will Discovery Bank be the world’s first and only behavioural bank, but it will also be branchless and give Black clients 10% equity. Gore explained:
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SAPS wants old police members to report for duty – But do the employment requirements apply to all or just whites again?
The South African Police Service is currently recruiting former police officers for services again. Are the employment conditions for all members or are there double standards in favor of the so-called previously disadvantaged members? National Police Spokesperson of the SAPS, Col. Athlenda Mathe explains the following, they welcome applications from former members with the rank..
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Black on black racism at Unisa
Black Unisa employees describe their working conditions under black officials as “poisonous”.
Hearings for the SA Human Rights Commission deals with racism, sexism and discrimination, but the white boss, Professor Peter Havenga, is their hero.
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What white privilege Mr. Maimane?
DA leader Mmusi Maimane seemed to have really opened a can of worms with his tactless remark on white privilege last week, using his own wife in the crudest manner imaginable as an example.
No wonder Times Live nominated him “Mamparra of the week” this morning.
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Witch hunt – SA Republic flag must be declared as hate speech
The Nelson Mandela Foundation is launching a campaign to declare any display of the old South African flag as a form of hate speech.
Eye Witness News started an online poll about how many South Africans support this idea.
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