As South Africa surpasses France, Germany, Turkey and Saudi Arabia in confirmed CCP-virus cases, attention is deliberately being diverted from all the cash floating around since the ANC withdrew 500 Billion from the Taxpayer, of which 20 Billion went to NDZ’s corrupt, bankrupt, fraud infested Municipalities! While Mkhize warns that the storm is about to hit and everything from schools re-opening to mourning over deaths, supposedly from Covid-19, are being utilised to hide what is happening to all the money, which equates to over R8,000 for every single man, women and child in SA!
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SA 13th Most COVID-19 Infected Country, But The Big Numbers are The Billions Sloshing Around in ANC’s Hands & Pockets!
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As Covid19 Starts Peaking in SA, ANC Cabinet Infighting Causes Delays, Confusion & Court Cases, Exposing ANC’s Inability to Govern!
As South Africa enters the top 20 in countries affected by the CCPvirus, panic seems to have spread in the Ramaphosa cabinet where serious differences have developed among members of the Cabinet, with regards to the handling of the pandemic response. This is further compounded by their lack of experience, knowledge and respect for procedural and constitutional regulations, resulting in 116 cases where the ANC government has been taken or threatened with court! The Covid-19 pandemic does not accept lies and sweeping things under the “racism” carpet, which ANC normally gets away with.
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Has ANC Power Trip Made Lockdown More Dangerous Than Covid19? Permits Prevent Emergency Food Parcels Being Delivered, Threatening Mass Starvation While Long Queues Increase Contagion!
Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely – These infamous words have come to define communism and are being proven to be true again in ANC South Africa. From a 3 kilometre queue where people stood shoulder to shoulder to massive crowds jammed together for food parcels, it seems the ANC power trip to control everything is in fact spreading the virus more! People cannot eat permits, regulations or policies yet a deranged ANC on a power trip is driving many families, both black and white, into starvation. Bureaucratic red tape created by a permit happy and regulation spewing ANC regime, trapped in a toxic mix of paranoia, racial hatred of minorities and tin pot power craving, is exacerbating the already existing hunger and threatening a mass famine in South Africa, because the corrupt ANC insists on controlling the distribution of food centrally, and in practice has stopped food being moved by many non governmental organizations (NGO’s) throughout the country, amidst the current COVID-19 lockdown which must be the hardest and most regulated lockdown in the world.
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R2.2 BILLION Stolen From Street Cleaner Budget! ANC Uses Government as Redistribution of Wealth Scam, But Leaders Steal Cash Meant For The Workers, Then Demand More Money!
Redistribution of Wealth is an altruistic term used to lure liberals from their cash, and this system has been turbocharged in SA. Unfortunately, they money very rarely filters down to those that need it, as the corrupt leaders and elites invariably intercept and steal the cash. In yet another example of this two decade long plunder, it has been revealed that an amount of R2,2 Billion is simply missing, and unaccounted for, that was allocated by the National Department of Co-operative Governance to a Community Works Program, headed by Minister Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, and operated by private contractors and tenderpreneurs.
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Another historical town in a mess:- Pietermaritzburg in sad state of decline (photo’s)
As we drove through the streets of Pietermaritzburg, I was immediately struck by the city’s majestically designed buildings. From the intricate designs and brickwork of each structure to the tall steeples that almost salute the clouds. Looking up, Pietermaritzburg is beautiful and an architectural photographer’s dream, but when I looked down, the beauty of the..
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What a shock, look here how much the municipal top management earn, and you are paying them:- The ‘Fat Cats’ of this country’s Municipalities
Senior municipal managers, those in charge of high ‘ranking’ areas, will indeed earn more than President Cyril Ramaphosa.
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