Retired CIA Spy died two weeks after admitting CIA involvement in arresting mandela, a “communsit toy” in South Africa

3rd Party International Factual Review of the AbomiNation that is South Africa – Aggressively Ending Apartheid Destroyed Black Independence

Former Facebook Employees Confess To Artificially Boosting Black Lives Matter and Suppressing Conservative News

Supremacist ANC threatens Malema again with Boeremag style oppression and suppression of political freedom.

White South Africans CAN’T Be Racist. Steve Biko said “one cannot be a racist unless he has the power to subjugate”.

Black Africans MUST give back the land THEY stole from Khoi-San and rename Homo-Naledi to Homo-San!

Are Local Elections Van Rooyen’s next Dirty Deed for Zuma? He’s in the thick of it again AND in charge of IEC

Mandela is Africa’s Biggest Sell Out. Are all Nobel Peace Prize winners Traitors who sold their people to the World Money Powers?

“These Are VERY VERY BAD People” – Trump. George Soros Funds nearly 200 Anti-Trump Organisations in his Evil campaign to destroy ALL nations.

Google plots With Hillary Clinton to Commit Regime Change in Syria, Destroying Al Jazeera’s Independence Claim

Proof Google Can and Will Manipulate Elections by up to 25% to favor their candidate (Clinton) without anyone knowing or leaving a paper trail!

1 + 1 = Mediocrity: The Race to the Bottom – The Worst Horror Movie Ever Because it is Real! Feat. University Cry Babies

20% of White People Have Genetic Resistance To HIV AIDS. NO OTHER Race Has This Natural Immunity

Facebook goes full Fascist in defence of Totalitarian Islam and the European / US Invasion by 3rd world migrants

Racist UNHCR. Why do white asylum seekers have to prove persecution yet non-whites are just accepted and given residence or citizenship?