Vote ANC: We have increased the crime rate, poverty, unemployment and corruption Welcomed the Guptas, gave them citizenship, and allowed state capture We allowed the Marikana, Esidimeni and VBS bank scandals to occur Our cadres assisted in messing up our schools, health and municipal services, the SABC, Eskom, Prasa, SAA, Armscor, Transnet and other SOE’s…
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ANC Achievements after 25 years of governing South-Africa
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It seems that the entire ANC’s top structure was involved in the statecapture – No wonder SA is experiencing financial difficulties and to top it all, they are covering for each other
Gwede Mantashe, who testified on behalf of the ANC before the Zondo commission, called on Barbara Hogan to withdraw her allegations that Jesse Duarte was involved in the state capture. He will later answer Hogan’s allegations that he abused his influence during the appointment of Siyabonga Gama at Transnet. It appears that the entire ANC’s..
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Cyril Ramaphosa trying to explain away his conduct for the past few months. Should we really believe you!
President Cyril Ramaphosa has once again rejected suggestions that China is a new coloniser and that his government has sold South Africa to the country by signing loan agreements for state-owned enterprises (SOEs).
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Transnet mediese fonds bankrot?
Volgens vertroulike inligting wat ontvang is, blyk dit dat Transnet se mediese fonds in finansiële moeilikheid is.
Lede van die fonds gaan klaarblyklik oorgeplaas word na ‘n ander mediese fonds, maar lede sal baie meer moet betaal vir mediese dekking.
Oud Spoorweg werkers word veral geraak aangesien dit vir hul bykans onbekostigbaar gaan wees om die nuwe premies te bekostig.
Die Transnet pensioenfonds was in die verlede gereeld die hoof onderwerp in die media en moes oud spoorweg werkers hulle uiteindelik tot die hof wend om beter behandeling te kry.
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Des Van Rooyen lost no time in the treasury
On December 9 2015, ANC backbencher Des van Rooyen was appointed finance minister. Four days later, after intense pressure, then-president Jacob Zuma rescinded his appointment, shifted him to the co-operative governance and traditional affairs department and appointed Pravin Gordhan to control the nation’s purse strings.
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Transnet:- CEO Gama, two other officials suspended
Transnet’s board has issued its chief executive, Siyabonga Gama, chief procurement officer Thamsanqa Jiyane and supply chain manager Lindiwe Mdletshe with precautionary suspension notices, the state-owned entity said on Thursday.
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Confirmation from Treasury – Eskom looting was an inside job
The noose is tightening around senior Eskom officials already implicated in looting with further evidence of the underhanded tactics used to benefit the infamous Gupta family, revealed on Sunday.
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Costly Head winds pummel the South African Airways
Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene has demanded an explanation from SAA for its contract with interim chief financial officer Robert Head that will see him pocketing more than R5‑million for six months’ work.
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Transnet pensioners dying in poverty
While the class action lawsuit filed by Transnet pensioners against the state is being drawn out year after year with legal processes, a large number of people are living in destitute circumstances and over the last 60 months, since the lawsuit commenced, nearly 21 000 pensioners and/or their spouses have passed away (that is on..
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New Interim Board Appointed At Transnet after Gordhan removed all remaining directors
The Department of Public Enterprises has confirmed that a new interim board has been appointed at Transnet.
In a statement issued on Monday night, Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan announced that he has removed all the remaining Transnet directors with immediate effect and that he’s appointed a new interim board, pending a full appointment, in consultation with Cabinet.
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Victory in constitutional court for Transnet pensioners
The FF Plus is pleased that today the Constitutional court ruled in favour of the Transnet pensioners seeing as the matter became a matter of faith for many of the approximately 40 000 impoverished pensioners who are suffering greatly.
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Total collapse of state-owned enterprises under Minister Brown
The Democratic Alliance’s Natasha Mazzone has, once again, slammed Minister of Public Enterprises, Lynne Brown. Eskom remains in the spotlight. The Democratic Alliance’s Shadow Minister of Public Enterprises Natasha Mazzone has become quite a political “big name” over the last few months. Her grilling of Lynne Brown during the Eskom inquiry gathered particular attention. Now,..
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Business Leadership South Africa suspends Eskom and Transnet
Business Leadership South Africa on Thursday booted out state-owned entities Eskom and Transnet for their involvement in corruption and state capture with immediate effect. The announcement comes as BLSA launched its #BusinessBelieves campaign in Cape Town, where it signed a “contract” with South Africa, pledging to do even more to create jobs and grow and..
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Business Leadership South Africa kicks out Eskom‚ Transnet
Business Leadership South Africa (BLSA) has suspended the membership of state entities Eskom and Transnet with immediate effect. The decision follows “extensive allegations of corrupt behaviour”‚ the business lobby group said. BLSA CEO Bonang Mohale said in a statement: “South Africans have been rightly disturbed in recent times at the numerous allegations of corrupt behaviour..
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Transnet mediese fonds bankrot?
Volgens vertroulike inligting wat ontvang is, blyk dit dat Transnet se mediese fonds in finansiële moeilikheid is. Lede van die fonds gaan klaarblyklik oorgeplaas word na ‘n ander mediese fonds, maar lede sal baie meer moet betaal vir mediese dekking. Oud Spoorweg werkers word veral geraak aangesien dit vir hul bykans onbekostigbaar gaan wees om..
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