South Africans had a good laugh when the president was stuck with commuters on Monday. However, he should experience life across the board on the same level than the rest of South Africa, including living under a corruption government…. Ramaphosa had a meeting with Nzimande in Cape Town on Tuesday “following his first-hand experience of..
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President Cyril Ramaphosa’s Delayed Train Ride on Monday Depicts What Exactly is Wrong With The Railway System And The Governing Party
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ANC Achievements after 25 years of governing South-Africa
Vote ANC: We have increased the crime rate, poverty, unemployment and corruption Welcomed the Guptas, gave them citizenship, and allowed state capture We allowed the Marikana, Esidimeni and VBS bank scandals to occur Our cadres assisted in messing up our schools, health and municipal services, the SABC, Eskom, Prasa, SAA, Armscor, Transnet and other SOE’s…
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Prasa head suddenly resigns after only 9 months and his resignation comes as a shock to the SA business sector
The Chief Executive Officer of Passenger Rail Agency of SA (Prasa), suddenly handed over his resignation to the Board, and his resignation apparently means his immediate retirement. Sibusiso Sithole’s resignation came just nine months after being appointed to the post, and the unexpected resignation raised many eyebrows in the business sector. The Board of Directors..
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This is what happens when applying BEE to appoint workers! Incompetent personnel working at Spoornet as well as failure to do maintenance and repairs are the cause of the fatal train crash
The truth is out. Communication problems between the train driver and Spoornet’s control officer caused the accident at Mountain View when two trains collided. The train driver apparently requested the wrong authorization repeatedly and wanted to know what the controller confirmed the wrong authorization. Spoornet’s language policy has not been complied with. Speed was obviously..
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Prasa buys 174 bakkies, minibuses at a cost of more than R57.6 million of taxpayers’ money… just to park them pointlessly, some of the vehicles already have scratches, and others don’t even start any more
A total of 174 brand-new vehicles, which were all bought more than a year ago at a cost of more than R57.6 million of taxpayers’ money, are gathering dust in the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) headquarters parking area in Hatfield, Pretoria. Two independent sources at the agency have confirmed that the vehicles..
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Chinese is the new black? – Billion-rand train factory to create hundreds of jobs in Gauteng for Chinese workers
President Cyril Ramaphosa has officially launched a new multibillion-rand train manufacturing factory at Dunnottar Park in Nigel, Gauteng, during the past week. Dunnottar Park train factory – the facts and figures The 72-hectare site at Dunnottar Park, which cost R1 billion, consists of a Supplier Park and Rail Training School, which will manufacture, assemble, test,..
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Will the NHI just be another state-owned enterprise?
A report by organisations collaborating under the umbrella of the People’s Health Movement South Africa was submitted to the UN Committee on Cultural, Economic and Social Rights (ICESER), interrogating, among other things the flaws and pitfalls of the country’s National Health Insurance (NHI) proposal.
“The international human rights system does not have the teeth of a legal process but it is quite powerful if the committee recommends, for example, stronger oversight over mental health services, or greater resources. So, we are interested in what their recommendations will be based on their interrogation of the report,” one of the authors, Professor Leslie London from the School of Public Health and Family Medicine at UCT says.
About a third of the health movement’s report focused on the National Health Insurance (NHI) proposal. Areas of concern flagged include the absence of any reference to preventative health; capacity and resourc
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Spooragentskap Prasa het alle spoor bedrywighede in Natal gestop alvorens veiligheid van personeel en passasiers nie gewaarborg kan word nie
Die spooragentskap Prasa het alle spoor bedrywighede in Natal gestaak na vandalisme en meer as R8 miljoen se skade by die Umlazi stasie deur meer as 1 000 oproermakers, terwyl vier voertuie in Durban aan die brand gesteek is.
Volgens plaaslike regering woordvoerders is daar ‘n element van misdaad, vandalisme, diefstal, trein kapings en aanranding van personeel in Natal.
Alvorens die veiligheid van personeel en passasiers nie gewaarborg kan word nie, sal daar geen spoor bedrywighede in Natal wees nie.
Deur: Die Vryburger
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John Steenhuisen: “ANC-regime turned the state capture into state collapse”
John Steenhuisen is perhaps one of the ANC’s biggest detractors. A firebrand in Parliament and an outspoken favourite in the DA, he’s no stranger to giving Mzansi’s ruling party the business. However, during a Cape Town press conference on Thursday, there was no wordplay – nor were there any trademark barbs. Indeed, the cigar handed..
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State-owned enterprises: Which one costs South African taxpayers the most money?
South African state-owned enterprises set the stage for a sad affair. The sordid tale of bottomless funding vanishing under the unexplainable guise of ‘irregular expenditure’ – the millions become indiscernible from the billions, spoken of as fictitious currency. But the money is very real, and it trickles into government coffers through the tax tear in..
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CCMA in last ditch effort to avert train operator strike
The dispute between the passenger rail agency (Prasa) and its workers union is heading to the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA).
Last week the train operator and union Untu declared a dispute after the agency refused to increase its 7.3 percent wage offer and rule out retrenchments.
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Prasa to fork out R1bn in backpay as it reinstates 700 dismissed workers
The cost to reinstate the 700 workers who were fired by the Passenger Rail of South Africa (Prasa) after a protected strike five years ago will amount to over R1-billion.
Two weeks ago‚ the Constitutional Court dismissed an appeal by Prasa which had sought to appeal against a Labour Appeal Court judgment last year ordering the reinstatement of the workers.
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Grand-scale corruption at PRASA covered up by treasury
For almost a year, National Treasury has kept the lid on almost 200 investigations into PRASA contracts which show that up to R2.5 billion was siphoned off in contracts which should never have been signed. The investigations, into contracts worth R10 million or more, were ordered by former Public Protector Thuli Madonsela following her 2015..
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Hawks failed to investigate Prasa tenders valued in excess of R9-Billion
The Hawks have failed for two years to investigate two Passenger Rail Agency of SA contracts valued in excess of R9-billion, according to court papers. This is despite Prasa board chairman Popo Molefe giving the Hawks help with the investigations. “The effect is that serious criminal liability is left unchecked, investigations may be compromised and..
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