On 14 August it is the Afrikaans Language’s birthday and it is commemorated as the birthday of Afrikaans because on this date of 14 August 1875 the Society of True Afrikaners (GRA) was founded in Paarl. Therefore, Afrikaans is 146 years old this year. During this period, Afrikaans was expanded to an academic and scientific language which, according to Prof Wannie Carstens, a well-known linguist, is one of five requirements for the survival of any language. well, until globalism arrived…
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Afrikaans was 146 Years Old on 14 August, Ironically also the Last Day for Comments on Second Draft of Stellenbosch University’s Language Policy
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Coloured Farmers Being Evicted Too! ANC has Turned SA into USSR with Ethnic Cleansing, Corruption, Cronyism, Elitism, Socialism, Cadre Deployment, Nepotism, etc!
First they came for the whites, but coloureds did nothing because they were not white, but now they are coming for the coloureds too! As we have predicted for years, colored people are now sitting with the same problem as white people in South Africa: they are not bantu. Ivan Cloete, a coloured man, was given 24 hours to move off the state farm Colenso, near Darling in the Western Cape, where he was previously placed by the Department of Rural Development. This is the third time Mr Cloete has been ordered to vacate a state farm, where he was placed by the ANC government and in all 3 cases Mr Cloete was being replaced by an African male or female!
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Third Duel of Barbers Showcases Barber’s Skills & Style, Lifts Industry Moral, But Also Gets Accused of Corruption & Match Fixing!
Nooitgedacht Wine Farm in Stellenbosch hosted the prestigious “Duel Of The Barbers” competition for which, not even a pandemic could stop contestants from taking part in the third “Duel Of The Barbers” showcase. With a total prize value of R230,000, this competition was one well worth competing in thanks to sponsors like WAHL, Fame, Superior Edge, Muk, Xsharp Hair and Beauty, Scissors On Main Paarl, etc. Unfortunately, the event is also leaving a bitter after-taste for some as one of the contestants, Graig Kok, accused a judge of being corrupt and the competition of match fixing in a social media post.
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N1 horror: Paarl teacher killed by large rock thrown at her car
Police in Paarl are on the hunt for the senseless crooks who threw a large rock at an N1 motorist in Paarl. Michele Pietersen died instantly on-impact. An utterly devastating development has reached us from the Western Cape on Thursday. Michele Pietersen, a teacher from Paarl, was killed when thugs threw a large rock at..
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Black Friday 2019 is Here! Up to 30% Off Storewide, Delivered Nationwide! Order Online Now!
Don’t miss out on all the wonderful 2019 Black Friday gift deals that we have on offer. Black Friday 2019 is a time of great specials and massive savings, making it the perfect time to treat yourself to something amazing or find the perfect gift that’s just right for friends, family and even colleagues. We have incredible Black Friday gifts for her and Black Friday gifts for him.
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FARM ATTACK:- 4 Farm Attacks in 6 Days in the Western Cape, South Africa
There have been four farm attacks reported in six days in the Western Cape of South Africa, specifically in the Boland, according to AfriForum. The civil rights organization AfriForum says it is aware of four farm attacks – in the Paarl, Stellenbosch and De Doorns areas – that were reported between 18 and 24 May..
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FARM ATTACK:- Prominent wine farm owner attacked by 4 suspects
A farm attack took place on 20 May 2019, in Paarl, Western Cape province. The owner of a prominent wine farm was ambushed and attacked by four suspects when he got home from locking up the restaurant on the farm. There were no serious injuries, jewelry was stolen, and there have been no arrests. There..
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Farm attack/robbery on Christmas eve gone bad “ for the attackers” – 2 robbers caught, 1 victim injured
On Christmas eve 21.15 hrs, a farm-family in the Rural area of Paarl, was having their x-mass gathering and enjoying the celebration of the birth of Christ. They had no idea, they were being watched by at least 2 culprits wearing balaclava, who were dropped of by a vehicle to do the robbery. The culprits..
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The Bonnievale farm murders update: Arrest made in connection with death of elderly couple
A 33-year-old man has been arrested in connection with the death of an eldery couple, who were found dead in a farm in Bonnievale this week.
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Disgusting is not a proper word! BLF Leader, Andile, Celebrates The Farm Murder of Elderly Couple Shot While Sleeping!
In a shocking tweet posted on Friday the 14th of December 2018, the national spokesperson for Black First Land First, Lindsay Maasdorp, celebrated the brutal murder of an elderly couple, who was shot and killed whilst sleeping in their beds, on their farm in the Western Cape.
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Wake up SA and the rest of the world, farm attacks are real indeed! – Elderly couple and daughter attacked during farm invasion in Paarl, they were tied down and had to live through a horrific 1.5 hour ordeal
A farm attack took place on Lustigan road, Paarl in the Western Cape on 10 December 2018. Five masked attackers with machetes and knives attacked three victims of whom two were elderly, assaulted them and tied them up. Several firearms were robbed during the attack. Drakenstein Farm watch reacted swiftly with several other security firms..
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Gelui Van Kerkklok Maak Bolanders Warm Onder Die Kraag
Inwoners van die Bolandse dorp, Paarl, het oor die afgelope ure mekaar behoorlik in die hare gevlieg oor een van die oudste tradisies in die dorp.
Die Paarlse Toringkerk dateer van 1875 en is die kerkgebou met die hoogste toring in die land. Onder die oud-leraars van die kerk tel ook die Taalstryder, SJ du Toit.
Die klok in die toring dui al vir die afgelope eeu elke halfuur die tyd van die dag aan en die klokgelui op ‘n Sondagoggend is een van die kenmerke van ‘n stil Bolandse dorpsoggend.
Nou nie meer nie. ‘n Jaar of drie gelede het ‘n jonggetroude paartjie ‘n huis naby die kerk betrek. En nou is die gelui van die klok vir hulle so ‘n stoornis dat hulle ‘n ou wet aangehaal het waarvolgens die decibelvlak van die klokgelui té hard is en geëis dat die gelui daarvan stopgesit word. Tensy daar ‘n plan mee gemaak kan word, mag die klok van die Toringkerk nie meer lui nie.
En daaroor is die dorpenaars nou hoog die h
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XTN Vye Fees / Fig Festival, Paarl, Uitkijk Farm
‘n Feestelike gedoente alles net oor vye! A festive and fun celebration of figs. Family fun, farm animals, fig picking, food stalls and food trucks, fig beer and estate wines and live music in safe surroundings.
Date:- 17 – 18 Maart 2018
Time:- From 10:00 until 18:00
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