Unbeknown to most people, the public has until 30th May 2015 (the end of this week) to comment on a bill that seeks to vest all agricultural land in the State as ‘custodian’ for the people of South Africa. The communist goal of vesting all land in the State so as to break the capitalist system will also..
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3 Days left to object to SACP/ANC taking custodianship of ALL Agricultural land in South Africa!
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Brazilian starts Petition to get European South Africans the Right to Return to Europe causing UK’s Express to be xenophobic!
The idea that white South Africans, who are facing unprecedented persecution in the country they built, could have the right to return to Europe is based in the already existing concept of indigenous rights and self determination. The white South African population currently faces ethnic cleansing and persecutions at the hands of the ANC government,..
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ANC’s Genocidal Social Engineering denies bursaries to non-African language teachers
This very week when the ANC regime claim they need to make Afrikaans schools dual medium, due to a lack of Afrikaans teachers, and the need to share resources, it turns out that the ANC have actually been manipulating the situation behind the scenes and been deliberately denying bursaries that would supply teachers where the..
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Helen Zille is gone, ANC is a murderous joke. Time for an Independent Cape NOW?
Helen Zille is gone. For many people in the Cape, Helen Zille represented stability, structure, a well organised movement and a leader they could not find anywhere else in South Africa. With her no longer at the forefront I believe the Western Cape is now vulnerable and the Democratic Alliance weaker than before. This could..
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China declares war on Muslims. Xenophobia the non-violent authoritarian way.
Before a Muslim community gets into Jihad mode, the first thing they do is call on all Muslims to repent from alcohol, pork and tobacco. It is this spark which begins the process rolling, as small groups of Muslims begin to push that agenda on Muslim communities by using peer-pressure. When this happens, it is..
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Naspers (News24) quietly implements two inhouse communistic changes. Influenced from China, it’s biggest market?
In two quietly implemented “housekeeping” restructuring moves, Naspers has exposed its desire for bigger central powers and control of all the news media to stifle freedom of speech… In classic Marxist fashion they also managed to turn them on its head and spin them to make it appear as if they were good and positive moves. Naspers (News24)..
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Death toll in “Xenophobia” revised down to only 4. Zuma and gang taken to court by Zimbabweans
THE South African government has been dragged to the country’s High Court following the deadly xenophobic attacks in recent weeks. The Black Business Forum Zimbabwe (BBFZ) and the Zimbabwe Exiles Forum (ZEF), which represent victims drawn from several African countries, filed the application that is set to be heard on Monday in Johannesburg. Among countries..
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Mandela’s Zombies skin Zimbabwean’s manhood alive and cut off his buttocks. #SouthAfricaMustFall
One of the first victims of anti mass immigration violence in South Africa was a Zimbabwean, who had has manhood skinned and buttocks cut off, the day AFTER he was left unconscious in a planned attacked by a gang of black South Africans. This second attack came when they discovered he was alive after returning..
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Who is Naspers / Media24, or rather, WHY is it? How “Black” is it? How far does the rabbit hole go?
Naspers is a good example of the increasingly blurred lines between the media & entertainment industry and the telecommunication industry which dominant media corporations deliberately exploit. It has national and international interests in digital media (pay-television, instant messaging platforms, and related technologies), print media (publishing, distribution and printing of newspapers, magazines and books), and private..
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Black Privilege and Cheapshot Statue Politics exposes how South Africa was designed to fail…
The ability for a few middle class individuals to use their black privilege and “stage” “protests” against the Rhodes statue, and succeed, clearly indicates the built in structural imbalance that exists in South Africa, that always has and always will threaten its very existence. The entire saga is akin to capitulation with terrorists. Mike Berger asks whether we are willing..
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Castro and Mandela: Delivered both their countries into Communist enslavement and destruction.
No one believed Fidel was a communist… No one believed Mandela was a communist… South Africa today is like taking the Cuban humanitarian disaster and dropping it into the middle of uncivilized Africa. You couldn’t concoct a worse recipe for perfect disaster even if you tried. The most active ingredient of this disastrous recipe is..
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Black man’s lies. Truth about the history of land ownership in Southern Africa and the Bantu Empire
The recent uproar in South Africa over the claims by ANC president Jacob Zuma that the 1913 Land Act dispossessed blacks is a blatant lie, and forms part of four core lies about South African history, a New Observer correspondent Yochanan has written. Submitted in the comment section of this newspaper, Yochanan’s remarks are so..
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11 Tactics Used by the Mainstream Media to Manufacture Consent for the Multinational Oligarchy
The mainstream media is aging and collapsing under the weight of its own hubris and arrogance. Now entirely formulaic in presentation and predictable in substance, the ‘major’ outlets of news, which are monopolized under only a small handful of corporations, serve the purpose of misleading the public on important issues and manufacturing consent for government..
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SABC hijacked – no longer public broadcaster, now serving the ANC not 12 nations
Criticism is growing over the unilateral “hijacking” of the SABC by the minister of communications, Faith Muthambi, who in a secretive change through a SABC Memorandum of Incorporation, has apparently stripped the SABC board of its powers, reducing the SABC board’s autonomy and reducing the board to a rubber stamp. “It’s not an exaggeration to..
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“ANC & SACP wants total control of Media” says Ton Vosloo, Chairman of Naspers, Africa’s largest Media company
ANC wants ‘total control’ of media to kill Freedom of Speech, says NASPERS Chairman. In a recent speech at the Cape Town Press Club, Ton Vosloo, the long standing outgoing Chairman of Naspers (Media24), Africa’s largest media organisation stated emphatically the threat that the ANC regime poses to freedom of speech. He first voiced this..
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