The Zondo Commission, which raises millions of rand from the state treasury, has now had to shift its focus to the Eastern Transvaal to hear evidence of corruption and state capture in state-owned entities. Corruption in many municipalities in the province, as well as mismanagement and maladministration, seems to have been addressed. At least 12..
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12 Municipalities in the Eastern Transvaal are under suspicion of mismanagement and corruption – R2 billion worth of wasteful expenditure incurred
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Money Robbed from VBS Mutual Bank: detailed account of how EFF leader Julius Malema’s lifestyle, business prospects and political aspirations were funded
ONE. The lifestyle, business prospects and political aspirations of EFF president Julius Malema were funded from the R16.1-million robbed from VBS Mutual Bank and paid out to Sgameka Projects, the company of the brother of EFF deputy president Floyd Shivambu, Brian. Malema’s share of the loot was R5.3-million and it was dumped into his slush..
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ANC regime is going to throw more money funded by taxpayers into the bottomless pit of Eskom, amounts are unknown
Amidst many promises and assurances before the general election, the lies have triumphed again, as Eskom seems to be getting more money from the government. Stubborn reports indicate that an Eskom delegation has visited the ANC’s president, Cyril Ramaphosa, and some of his cabinet members, and talks have been held in Genadendal. Unconfirmed reports state..
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Election cost taxpayers billions of rand, SA’s struggling economy has taken a step closer towards junk status
Apart from the fact that taxpayers had to foot the bill for the state’s expenses, the amount of which is unknown, but has amounted to millions. The recent election has pushed the struggling economy another step closer towards junk status with the tremendous expense of political parties. The ANC spent more than one billion in..
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ANC cannot govern or grow the economy of South-Africa, the 25 years of destruction proves this fact – Only a change in government can rectify the situation
During the Parliamentary debate on Fiscal Framework 2019/20: Over the last quarter of a century, the ANC has shown again and again that it cannot govern or grow the economy. Only a change in government can rectify the situation. Until that happens, all attempts to cut state expenditure, like the announcement about reducing the salaries..
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ANC-regime is blatantly misusing our money on its own election campaign, the Free State SOPA expenditure is going to cost the taxpayer more than R2 million
The Free State’s State of the Province Address (SOPA) will probably cost taxpayers more than R2 million. The greater part of the expense was not budgeted for nor planned and yet the money has already been squandered without the necessary approval. The extravagant expense becomes even more unacceptable and fruitless when one takes into account..
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South Africa is in shambles since ANC- regime is totally incompetent to work with money, spending more than R296 million of taxpayers money unnecessarily over the last five years
The Auditor General found that government has wasted at least R296 million at national, provincial and local government levels over the past five years. Unauthorized, irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditures incurred resulted in huge money losses the last years. There was a 121% increase in irregular expenditure, and a 68% increase in unauthorized expenses. About..
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Some ministerial homes vacant for eight year while millions of rand have been spent on their upkeep, funded by you the tax payer
Parliament has heard that some ministerial houses have remained empty for a long as eight years while millions of rand have been spent on their upkeep. This was revealed by top officials from the controversial department of public works in yet another appearance before the standing committee on public accounts (Scopa) on Wednesday‚ which for..
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