Irregular expenditure by ANC-parastatale entities increases to R61,3bn – only a stupid foreign investor will invest in SA

ANC president visits Russia for Russia-Africa meeting – Is it perhaps Russia’s first step to get African countries dragged under the Russian wing?

Dawie Roodt: “SA economy can be restored if Eskom privatizes”

Foreign investors sell R25bn worth of shares in SA

Power outages cost SA millions of rands a day and could mean an economic downfall

Why jobs for skilled foreigners? What about about jobs for skilled white South Africans? ANC-regime prioritising immigration reform to attract skilled foreigners

Ramaphosa plans to pay Eskom’s R440bn debt burden off but no one knows how

Ramaphosa signs Internet censorship bill into law – there will be a definite potential for abuse in terms of infringement of free speech

SABC head in deep trouble for wrongful broadcasts of Ramaphosa

ANC regime gets billed for R100m for 35,000 election posters – The taxpayer will probably now have to shake his pockets to pay the bill?

It’s time to man up, Cyril – Ramaphoria is dead and SA is in the toilet

South Africa chaos: Ramaphosa becoming defensive towards SA’s Banana Republic

Ramaphosa’s praises of dictator Mugabe is a slap in the face of millions of Zimbabwean residents who had to flee the country

Anti-mass immigration violence is raging in SA despite the ANC president’s declaration that action will be taken on offenders

Thank you SA for voting ANC – SA is broke thanks to the thieving done by ANC cadres in government