AfriForum today sent a letter to President Cyril Ramaphosa, Finance Minister Tito Mboweni and Minister of Health Zweli Mkhize warning the civil rights organization that the implementation of national health insurance (NHI) could eventually lead to the downgrading of the country’s credit rating to junk status . This comes after the credit rating agency Moody’s..
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Junk Status looms – Implementation of NHI will have disastrous consequences for SA economy
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South African Doctor Barred From Medical Practice For Advising That Abortion is The Killing of an Unborn Human!
Former Military Hospital doctor, Dr Jacques de Vos, has been charged by the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) for advising that abortion is the killing of an unborn human being. The complaint against Dr. De Vos and the denial of signing off his service is from the Military hospital and the HPCSA, who have entertained the complaint have taken a long time to hear it.
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Huge Disparity in Cost of Cancer Treatment – A year’s supply of cancer medicine cost less than R32,000 in India, but costs R882,000 in South Africa!
Despite having a good medical aid, Pinetown resident Hennie Botha, 52, is facing mounting debt of thousands of Rands because of the cost of his cancer treatment. He is not alone: the exorbitant cost of treatment for cancer in South Africa is way beyond the reach of most citizens.
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Joburg is a danger zone! Residents are exposed to dangerously high levels of uranium creating grave concern over the health impact of the mining industry on city-dwellers
Research conducted by North West University research professor Frank Winde in conjunction with scientists from Germany found high levels of uranium exposure in Johannesburg residents, according to a report in the Sunday Times. Hair samples collected from Johannesburg residents found that exposure to dangerous chemicals and substances was a major problem in certain areas, and..
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A study show that air pollution by Eskom and Sasol is killing South Africans
A new study on air pollution by Eskom, Sasol Synfuels, and Natref provided shocking evidence of the harmful effects caused by these organizations to the environment and to human health. The study was conducted by Dr. H. Andrew Gray of Gray Sky Solutions, an air pollution research consulting firm specializing in particulate matter (PM) and..
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eThekwini municipal workers strike: Councillor blasts city for creating a “humanitarian” crisis
The municipal workers’ strike in eThekwini has created dire living conditions in Durban, and according to Nicole Graham, the city needs presidential relief. The picture is not looking too pretty in the eThekwini municipality. After an unforgiving barrage of rain in April, operations in the city of Durban have been brought to a standstill yet..
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Tip-off leads to arrest of bogus doctor in Nigel –How many bogus doctors are actually operating in South-Africa and treating us?
The Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) said on Wednesday that a bogus doctor was arrested in Nigel in Gauteng following a tip-off.
HPCSA spokesperson Priscilla Sekhonyana said: “The Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) in collaboration with the South Africa Product Regulatory Authority and the Provincial Organised Crime Unit conducted an operation resulting in the arrest of a bogus practitioner.”
He was arrested on Tuesday.
“Mr Makoko Thomas Tshimbombo, a Congolese national was found practising as a medical practitioner (whilst not registered with the HPCSA) at the practice of Dr Albert Kolombwa, who is registered with Council.”
Sekhonyana said the operation was conducted as a result of an anonymous tip-off received from a member of the community.
HPCSA said the Inspectorate Office was advising practitioners registered with them to adhere to the ethical guidelines and ensure that they employed practitioners who were register
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New Research/Studies Confirms Cannabis Kills Brain Cancer, NOT Your Brain
Some might say it’s too good to be true. Does cannabis really fight brain cancer? Research of the past two decades suggests that it does.
Some might think that it’s too good to be true. Does cannabis really kill brain cancer cells? Clinical trials on humans are awaiting results, but recent research gives hope. Scientists have been testing THC as a natural tumor-killer for nearly two decades. Their findings will take you by surprise.
Cannabis and brain cancer
A group of Spanish researchers has been searching for cannabis-based cancer treatments for nearly two decades. The team is from the Complutense University of Madrid. Thus far, some of their experiments have been nothing short of miraculous.
The team, led by Professors Guillermo Velasco and Manuel Guzman, are testing cannabinoid treatment’s ability to kill glioma cells. Gliomas make up 80% of all malignant brain cancers. In fact, it’s one of the most aggressive forms of cancer ou
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This very popular birth control shot is out of stock for the second year running. Read why
Women who have been forced to go without their usual birth control shot are now facing the consequences of months-long shortages. For many women in Rustenburg’s Bojanala Platinum District, Kgaladi Mphahlele is the first person they see after an abortion.
And one of the things they speak about is how to avoid seeing each other again.
Mphahlele works for the international humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders’ (MSF) and manages their termination of pregnancy programme in North West. There, he counsels women who have had abortions about ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the future by using contraception.
But for most of last year, Mphahlele couldn’t give women much of anything to avoid falling pregnant again — there were no contraceptives in the five clinics he manages.
Under South African law, a person can terminate a pregnancy for whatever reason for up to 12 weeks. A woman can also request an abortion between 13 and 20 weeks o
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Dedicated cannabis expo at Sun Exhibits at GrandWest in Cape Town this April
The Cannabis Expo, a trade and consumer exhibition dedicated to the cannabis industry, is set be held at Sun Exhibits at GrandWest in Cape Town from 4 to 7 April.
Headlined by multinational healthcare group, Go Life International, the Cape Town event follows the official launch of The Cannabis Expo in Pretoria last year.
According to the organisers, this is the largest exhibition of its kind on the African continent, and due to a number of reasons – including SA’s liberal laws, geographic climate, population demographics, and the wide array of cultures – the country is “expected to become one of the largest cannabis industry marketplaces in the world”.
The Cannabis Expo Cape Town includes an exhibitor hall, networking and entertainment spaces. It also features as a convention stage and workshop hosting local and international experts from across the industry every half-hour throughout the expo.
With a variety of cannabis-related products and services
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Billions are lost due to Doctors, hospitals and medical aid members collude to commit fraud
The Special Investigating Unit says it is actively targeting fraudsters in the private healthcare sector.
Fraud, waste and abuse is costing the private healthcare system more than R22-billion, and if you submit false claims, you could face more than just being terminated from your scheme, the Council for Medical Schemes warned at its summit on fraud this week.
The event comes after deputy president David Mabuza announced at the Presidential Health Summit that the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) would be honing in on the healthcare sector.
“We want independent investigations that are turned around quickly and submit and identify findings appropriately,” Mabuza said at the October gathering.
The CMS estimates that fraud, abuse or waste accounts for about 15% of the R160-billion in claims that medical aids pay out annually.
The head of the SIU, advocate Andy Mothibi, said the body is working with the National Prosecuting Authority to help ensure tha
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WGO waarsku oor ’n volgende griep epidemie –Sal SA-regering gereed wees om so ’n krisis die hoof te bied as mens die huidige gesondheidskrisis van die land in ag neem?
Die Wêreld Gesondheid Organisasie (WGO) van die Verenigde Nasies het ’n allesomvattende wêreld plan opgestel om ’n volgende griep epidemie te voorkom.
Die plan word beskou as die mees omvattende aksie wat ten doel het om die wêreld voor te berei vir die volgende griep pandemie.
Volgens die WGO is dit nie ’n kwessie van of so ’n griep pandemie sal uitbreek nie, die vraag is net wanneer gaan die gebeur.
Dit is die waarskuwing wat die WGO se Direkteur-Generaal, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in ’n verklaring gesê het.
“Die wêreld moet gereed wees om so ’n krisis die hoof te bied” het hy gesê en bygevoeg dat die koste van so ’n pandemie veel groter is as die medikasie wat gebruik kan word om dit te verhoed.
Dr. Tedros wys daarop dat nuwe griep virusse afkomstig van diere, die gevaar inhou dat mense die virus wêreldwyd kan versprei.
Kenners het intussen daarop gewys dat die gevaar al groter word met die weerstand wat opgebou word t
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Our borders are being flooded so the question is, are foreigners really entitled to free healthcare in South Africa?
Directives recently issued by the national and Gauteng health departments requiring foreign nationals to pay in full for healthcare at public facilities weren’t only a threat to public health, they may have been downright illegal.
Walk into a public hospital, and you may be asked to fill out a form stating just how much you earn. That’s because many services in the public sector are billed for on a sliding scale based on a means test: You pay what you can for the treatment you need. At least in theory.
In mid-January, a national health department circular reportedly instructed clinics and hospitals to begin billing foreign nationals the full rate for public health services. Low-income refugees, the memo said, would be the sole exception and would be means tested, Business Day reported.
Only Gauteng passed these instructions onto its clinics and hospitals, specifying that all non-South Africans other than documented refugees should be charged full fees for
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More ‘money wasted’ and there are lots of concerns over incomplete Free State drug treatment centre
The Portfolio Committee on Social Development wants to have a meeting with the National Treasury and the Department of Public Works as to why a drug treatment centre in the Free State has not been completed.
In a statement the committee said the facility has been under construction for three years without any progress. This was despite funds having been allocated and made available to the province annually, as a conditional grant.
“This delay impacts negatively on the agreement of having at least one drug treatment centre in every province,” committee chairperson, Zoleka Capa said.
The committee received a shocking report from the Central Drug Authority (CDA) on how the use of drugs is escalating in communities, something which leads to crime and violence in communities.
“This has increased the committee’s belief in the fact that these drug treatment facilities in all provinces should be prioritised in order to deal with this scourge. The committee
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Here’s a view on what the 2019 budget means for healthcare consumers
National Health Insurance (NHI) is critical to creating a quality functioning healthcare system for all South Africans and it is good to see that Finance Minister Tito Mboweni’s Budget Speech covered areas such as increased funding for certain diseases and improved service delivery in the public sector.
Healthcare in South Africa can only work if the public and private sectors work in partnership – not one at the expense of the other. That is according to Damian McHugh, head of marketing at Momentum’s health solutions.
“By strengthening public health delivery, and with the private sector making sure that it is working towards a healthier South African healthcare sector by looking for opportunities to work with public entities, we can improve and safeguard the health of all South Africans,” says McHugh.
Mboweni unveiled several changes intended to improve the public health system and address funding for initiatives like the NHI.
Flat lining m
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