No need to stick the turkey on the braai, everyone. Eskom spokesperson Khulu Phasiwe has confirmed the lights will stay on during Christmas. Continue reading…
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South Africa is physically bankrupt and the country’s soccer association still carries the weight of bribery allegations since the 2010 World Cup series. However, they still think that they have a chance to host the Africa Soccer Cup tournament in 2019. Cameroon, was denied the right to host the tournament due to delays in their.. Continue reading…
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Hy dra die indrukwekkende name, “Prince Ishwar Ramlutchman Mabheka Zulu”en het selfs ’n mooi gebaar betoon teenoor Koning Goodwill Zwelithini op Erfenis dag iewers in Durban.
Die Valke het egter nou begin met ’n ondersoek na die bewerings dat hy sowat R95 miljoen ontvang het wat bedoel is vir boorgate wat gesink moes word in Natal waar ernstige droogte toestande geheers het.
Die boorgate moes in en om Dundee gesink word om water te voorsien aan die mense van die gebied.
Ishwar Ramlutchman (42), wat klaarblyklik ’n uitgeslape bedrieër is maar deur die Koning aangewys is as hoof van die iziNyos regiment, het onlangs nuus gemaak op die voorblaaie van die media, waaroor liefs nie verder uitgewei word nie.
Die “prins” wat dikwels verkeerdelik as die seun van die Zoeloe koning aanvaar word, noem homself ook die seun van die Koning.
Hy word nou ondersoek en staar vervolging in die gesig vir korrupsie, bedrog, en omkopery.
More than R400 000 of illicit VBS Mutual Bank funds was used by Brian Shivambu, brother of Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF’s) deputy president Floyd, as a deposit to purchase a R2.7-million townhouse in Fourways, Johannesburg. Continue reading…
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There’s a lot to take in with this story below of what could potentially become a massive crisis for the South African fiscus and taxpayer. In a telltale sign, suppliers to SAA are slashing their payment periods from 21 days to 7 days amid fears of a total collapse in the airline’s finances. This alone.. Continue reading…
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The DA proposed five amendments to the Adjustments Appropriation Bill [B35-2018] to support senior citizens, improve road maintenance and improve rail transport. The political party specifically proposed an increase in the appropriation of Department of Social Development [Vote No. 17] of R1.2 billion to provide the 3.5 million beneficiaries of the old age grant with.. Continue reading…
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According to the Tobacco Institute of SA (Tisa), the country loses approximately R8 billion annually due to the increase in the sale of illegal cigarettes. Sales from July 2018 increased from 33.4% to 41.8% in October 2018. According to the chairman of Tisa, Francois van der Merwe, the cigarettes are manufactured locally, but no indication.. Continue reading…
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Former president Jacob Zuma is still required to honour monthly payments for his home loan at VBS Mutual Bank, Netwerk24 reported. The scandal-ridden VBS Mutual Bank, which was liquidated on November 13, granted Zuma an R8.5m bond which he could not afford, and it was at least nine months before any documents were signed to.. Continue reading…
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When Takalani Tshikalange set up a non-profit organisation in rural Limpopo in 2012 to help people with HIV she hoped to make a real difference. But despite her best intentions, Denzhe Primary Care failed to take off. The organisation lay dormant for four years. Then, out of the blue, Tshikalange received an SMS alert from.. Continue reading…
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The South African National Defence Force is not happy with Malema’s private army. Julius Malema, the Commander in Chief of the EFF, may have gone too far with the party’s infamous “military command structure”. Continue reading…
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The Auditor General found that government has wasted at least R296 million at national, provincial and local government levels over the past five years. Unauthorized, irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditures incurred resulted in huge money losses the last years. There was a 121% increase in irregular expenditure, and a 68% increase in unauthorized expenses. About.. Continue reading…
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Eskom chairman Phakamani Hadebe says the power provider is under extremely high financial pressure. According to him, Eskom’s debt will continue indefinitely for the next few years, with the possibility that it may increase from R400 billion to R550 billion. The chairman is also not afraid to admit that the dramatic rise in the foreseeable.. Continue reading…
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“AfriForum has not won the merits – they have won technicalities.” – Julius Malema. Julius Malema, firebrand leader of the EFF (Economic Freedom Fighters), has hit out at his party’s legal team for the recent court losses to AfriForum. Continue reading…
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