When it comes to nuclear, there is no such thing as leaving things to chance or not having ample room, and money, to cover all the bases. It became clear the ANC regime has no clue what this means as the NECSA board resigned, amidst information that NECSA is totally bankrupt. As the rats jump ship, will we ever find out what THEY did with all the money? Or is Gwede simply not up to the job of budgeting for his department, having been warned June last year?
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Why Africans Should Never Have Nuclear! Bomb Goes Off Under Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe As Bankrupt NECSA Board Suddenly Resigns!
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Medical funds are becoming increasingly unreasonable – People will now have to pay more for towards their medical aid premium, this while state hospitals are plunged into chaos
Although it has become a common practice for medical schemes to adjust their rates upwards every year, there are concerns that they will increase significantly for 2020. Medical costs in South Africa have skyrocketed while the state hospitals are in chaos and no one can dare to be admitted. The problems of those who do..
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National Health Insurance Plan of ANC regime – this is what you need to know!
The government is going to stop private medical aids! The government is going to force people to become part of the state’s National Health Insurance (NHI) Fund – people have no choice. This means an ANC official is now going to decide who your doctor is and what hospital families can go to, even if..
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Huge Disparity in Cost of Cancer Treatment – A year’s supply of cancer medicine cost less than R32,000 in India, but costs R882,000 in South Africa!
Despite having a good medical aid, Pinetown resident Hennie Botha, 52, is facing mounting debt of thousands of Rands because of the cost of his cancer treatment. He is not alone: the exorbitant cost of treatment for cancer in South Africa is way beyond the reach of most citizens.
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Registered illegal aliens from other countries will have access to all medical services under the NHI, which will be financed by South Africa’s hard-working taxpayers
The government’s plan to steamroller the National Health Insurance (NHI) through Parliament and to have it promulgated as legislation will cost South Africa dearly. Last month, the FF Plus warned in Parliament that adopting the NHI as legislation and enforcing it will cause experienced medical professionals to leave the country. The Minister of Health, Dr..
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State hospitals in SA frequently makes news headlines and not because of good medical care! – Addington hospital in flames, 84 patients had to be evacuated while elevators were out of order
An unexplained fire in Durban’s Addington hospital resulted in 84 patients being evacuated. Elevators have been out of order in hospital for 18 months. The Addington Hospital in Durban had to act quickly to remove patients from the seventh floor after a fire occurred. About 84 patients, 25 of whom were newly born babies, had..
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Tip-off leads to arrest of bogus doctor in Nigel –How many bogus doctors are actually operating in South-Africa and treating us?
The Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) said on Wednesday that a bogus doctor was arrested in Nigel in Gauteng following a tip-off.
HPCSA spokesperson Priscilla Sekhonyana said: “The Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) in collaboration with the South Africa Product Regulatory Authority and the Provincial Organised Crime Unit conducted an operation resulting in the arrest of a bogus practitioner.”
He was arrested on Tuesday.
“Mr Makoko Thomas Tshimbombo, a Congolese national was found practising as a medical practitioner (whilst not registered with the HPCSA) at the practice of Dr Albert Kolombwa, who is registered with Council.”
Sekhonyana said the operation was conducted as a result of an anonymous tip-off received from a member of the community.
HPCSA said the Inspectorate Office was advising practitioners registered with them to adhere to the ethical guidelines and ensure that they employed practitioners who were register
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Ill baby denied healthcare at state hospitals, as a result of very arrogant medical employees the infant died – death could have been prevented if medical team chose to do their job properly
A Pietermaritzburg woman’s impassioned plea for nurses at two city hospitals to help her very ill infant fell on deaf ears and hours later the five-month-old baby died.
After his mother was turned away from two state hospitals — Grey’s and Northdale — baby Brody Lee Bezuidenhout could not hold on any longer and died.
The grieving family told The Witness on Monday that had he been attended to urgently they believe Brody Lee would still be alive today.
The five-month-old baby died at Edendale Hospital in the early hours of Sunday morning after his family were allegedly earlier turned away by nurses at Grey’s and Northdale Hospitals.
A series of tests later revealed that baby Brody Lee had contracted bacterial meningitis. His bereaved aunt, Janine Kemp, said the infant woke up crying on Saturday night. The mother noticed that the baby was running a very high fever and could not calm down.
When he continued to cry, they knew something was wrong and
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Algemene Bestuurder van die Raad van Mediese skemas word geskors daarna aan die lig gekom het dat hy raad mislei het rondom besluite geneem ten gunste van seker organisasies
Algemene Bestuurder van die Raad van Mediese skemas word geskors daarna aan die lig gekom het dat hy raad mislei het rondom besluite geneem ten gunste van seker organisasies
Die Raad van Mediese Skemas het hul Algemene Bestuurder, Stehen Mmatli geskors.
Hy word daarvan beskuldig dat hy die Raad doelbewus mislei het rondom besluite wat geneem is ten gunste van sekere organisasies.
Hy is glo finansieel vergoed vir die “gunste” wat hy aan die partye betoon het en dui op die korrupsie wat tans die nuusblaaie se voorblad oorheers.
“’N Fluitjieblaaier het beweer dat Mmatli die reguleerder van die mediese skemasbedryf doelbewus mislei het om besluite ten gunste van sekere organisasies te neem. Hy het na bewering finansieel in ruil gebring. Die erns van die bewerings het sy opskorting as ‘n voorsorgmaatreël geregverdig om die reguleerder in staat te stel om doen die ondersoek sonder enige inmenging, “het die CMS in ‘n verklaring gesê.
“Die Raad vir M
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Netcare intends to retrench more than 500 staff in an effort to limit spending due to poor economic conditions in SA – Many families will be affected due to the ANC regime’s negligence in managing the country efficiently
The hospital group, Netcare, is planning to retrench more than 500 employees in an effort to limit spending due to economic downturn. Netcare’s Ramasela Mokonyama confirmed that retrenchments will be made and that notices are being sent to staff passing them information on the intended action. Personnel dealing with patients are not affected, but retrenchment..
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Doctors get a lifeline as government considers shortening internships from two years to one
Shortening doctors’ internships from two years to one is being mooted to alleviate the strain in the training of doctors.
Health department spokesperson Popo Maja said: “What we know is that one of the health stakeholders did entertain the idea of internship training being reviewed. But it is too early for us to say anything about it.”
Two-year internships help medical students translate their theoretical knowledge into practice under the supervision of experienced doctors after their studies. One-year community service helps provide health care to under-served areas.
South African Medical Association (Sama) chairperson Dr Angelique Coetzee said there was currently a bottleneck, with too few internships to accommodate medical students graduating in SA and abroad, especially in Cuba.
“Where does one place that large amount of people coming in, plus these who you have already?” Coetzee said. “There is a big bottleneck at this stage, so if you can bring down
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Government will create about 5,000 new jobs in the health sector, wonder if medical professionals will all come from Cuba?
The state is about to create 5,000 jobs in the health sector. It follows Cyril Ramaphosa’s health indaba around the crises in the country’s health services. According to Aaron Motsoaledi, it is at present all they can afford even though more staff are needed. New beds and linen will also be purchased. Medical experts believe..
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Suid-Afrikaners is woes kwaad oor die Discovery-groep se swart aandeelhouer planne en wil van fondse verander, hoe maklik is dit egter om jou mediese fonds te verander?
Baie Suid-Afrikaners is so warm onder die kraag oor die Discovery-groep se planne om aan swart deposante ’n 10%-belang in sy nuwe bank te gee dat hulle dreig om Discovery se mediese fonds te verlaat.
Die sangers Bobby van Jaarsveld en Steve Hofmeyr is deel van dié groep ontevredenes.
Mense wat dit oorweeg, moet hulle deeglik vergewis van die vereistes van die Wet op Mediese Skemas sodat hulle nie sonder dekking in ’n krisis gelaat word nie.
Eerstens geld ’n wagtydperk vir enige nuwe lid van ’n mediese fonds. Hoe lank dié wagtydperk is, hang af van hoe lank jy lid van jou vorige fonds was – langer of korter as twee jaar ononderbroke.
As jy langer as twee jaar lid was, geld ’n wagtydperk van drie maande, maar net as daar nie meer as 90 dae verloop tussen die lidmaatskap van die twee fondse nie.
In die drie-maande-wagtydperk moet jy die volle premie betaal, maar net eise ten opsigte van voorgeskrewe minimum voordele (VMW) en lewensbedreigende
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Spectramed and Resolution Health merge to form Health Squared Medical Scheme
Spectramed Medical Scheme and Resolution Health Medical Scheme (Resolution Health) have merged to form Health Squared Medical Scheme, as from 1 January 2019.
Independent auditors confirmed that 93% of members voted for the merger, and the schemes have extensively engaged with the Council for Medical Schemes (CMS) and, with their involvement, the merger process is now subject to final approval by the CMS and Competition Commission.
Health Squared will be administered by Agility Health, which is currently the managed care provider and administrator for both Spectramed and Resolution Health.
The launch of Health Squared forms part of an overall strategy to protect the interests of members while strengthening the service offering in the context of future developments in the South African healthcare landscape.
Free Medical-Aid, Hospital and Funeral Plan and Insurance Quotes at www.MedSure.co.za
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Ageing health infrastructure in South-Africa must receive urgent attention
Deputy President David Mabuza has announced that government will prioritise the upgrading and maintenance of health infrastructure in an effort to deal with the challenge of ageing and dilapidated infrastructure in public health facilities.
Mabuza made the remark while highlighting the outcomes of the two-day Presidential Health Summit held in Boksburg.
During the summit, Mabuza said, it was agreed that in the context of fiscal constraints, provinces will be expected to prioritise their financial resource allocations in a manner that ensures that the delivery of health care is not compromised.
“More importantly, this summit pointed out that we need to develop a sustainable financing model for our health system. We will commence with this task immediately.
“National Treasury will be seized with this task to ensure that this model is finalised within a short space of time.
“As we lay a solid foundation for the implementation of the NHI, government wi
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