THE CURVE OF MADNESS: The CCP virus has been totally overblown compared to other illnesses, according to the government’s own advisors. Many of the country’s best scientists, including some who serve in the Health Minister Mkhize’s advisory committee, say the lockdown serves no purpose anymore and that the ANC government is not listening to their advice anymore. TB which has largely been sidelined for COVID-19, claimed the lives of 63,000 people in 2018, so the lockdown “cure” is almost certainly worse than the virus itself they say.
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Go To Lockdown Level 1 Now Say ANC Government’s Own Ministerial Advisors, But ANC LOVES The Power & Money Too Much To Listen!
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ANC Doesn’t Know Which Province 11 People Who Tested Positive for #COVID19 Are From Yet Everyone Praises Emperor Ramaphosa & his Invisible Cloak!
With all the new powers and cash the State of Disaster has given Ramaphose, the term emperor is not misplaced and it is obvious that he and his ANC comrades are liking their new Totalitarian powers so much, they happily extended the lockdown for two more weeks. This new cloak of powers, is also like the emperor’s invisible cloak, as it does not hide the naked incompetence, ineptitude and blind greed that drives the ANC party. Yet still the ANC party prances around in its invisible cloak, pretending all is grand. because to do otherwise would be to admit they are not only completely out of their depth, but are roleplaying to cover it up.
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National Health Insurance will cost more than R350 billion:- Solidarity
“VAT will effectively have to be doubled,” says Solidarity. The Solidarity Research Institute has released a report detailing the enormous amount of funding necessary to effectively implement the National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme.
The numbers far exceed those previously calculated by the Health Minister, Aaron Motsoaledi. What’s more worrying is the heavy impact this will have on South African taxpayers.
According to Solidarity researcher, Morné Malan, funding required by the NHI is closer to R357 billion with a deficit of approximately R210 billion.
NHI: How does it affect the taxpayer?
Malan outlined the exorbitant fees which would need to be carried by the South African taxpayer. According to his research, value-added tax (VAT) would effectively double in order to carry the weight of NHI.
Commenting on the burden taxpayers will be forced to carry, Malan said:
“It is very difficult to determine from where the additional mon
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New fears about medical aid law changes may cause ‘doctor drain’
A key issue of the proposed Medical Schemes Amendment Bill is the impact on doctors, resulting from a proposed uniform tariff for healthcare services.
Concerns have been raised about the proposed Medical Schemes Amendment Bill, one of many health-related bills which have been going through various motions in Parliament.
Recently, the cabinet approved the Bill to regulate medical schemes, and it will now be published and made available for public comment.
Among the concerns raised is the impact of a proposed uniform tariff for healthcare services, leading to a possible exodus of doctors and other healthcare professionals to countries where they can get “full value” for their services by charging tariffs they see as reasonable.
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Motsoaledi has ‘zero authority’ to help ailing hospitals
Cape Town – Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi says he has “zero authority” to improve the functioning of troubled state hospitals, which are all managed by provincial governments.
Motsoaledi told the portfolio committee on health on Thursday that a two-year ministerial task team report highlighted 19 key problems at hospitals in six provinces around the country.
The task team spent two years visiting the 25 hospitals, most of which were struggling with staffing issues, budget problems, high-level vacancies and poor service conditions.
The minister said all 19 findings fell broadly into four categories, none of which were in his control.
“My conclusion is that a minister in health has a huge responsibility, but zero authority where it matters the most,” he lamented.
“Such authority is with the MECs of both finance and health, their premiers and executive councils.”
The areas in which these hospitals are falling short include human resources, procurement
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Hospices close doors nationwide after funding cuts: Dying of the light
Hospice isn’t just a place to die but funding cuts – and that perception – could be killing our chances of a kinder death as refuges close. The morning sun cuts through half-open blinds and filters into a deserted ward at HospiceWits, the Soweto branch.
Outside, the August wind chases dust around the property.
The rays illuminate a room with five single beds. Bright orange curtains — once drawn to give patients and their families privacy — are roughly knotted or draped over the rails around each bed.
Against the wall above a small porcelain basin, a frozen clock reads 12:40.
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It’s been like that for more than a year.
“We had to retrench more than 20 people,” she says
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“Fake Food is Fake News” – Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi
Eight months after it began, South Africa’s listeriosis outbreak – the largest the world had ever seen – is officially over. But the nation’s alleged spate of “fake food”? Well, that may have been more hype than fact, Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi revealed at a Pretoria press conference on Monday.
The foodborne bacteria, which can thrive in cold meats and unpasteurised dairy products, had claimed at least 218 lives as of July, according to the National Institute for Communicable Diseases statistics (NICD). The NICD eventually discovered the bug at 158 factories, all but nine of which were visited by health inspectors. Ultimately, more than 12,000 tons of food were recalled and destroyed, Motsoaledi said.
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Aaron Motsoaledi – The outbreak of listeriosis is over
Grocery stores have been given the green light to once again stock processed meat on shelves and pack them in lunch boxes. This comes almost six months after polony and other ready-to-eat processed meats were declared no-go areas by the Department of Health.
“A team of World Health Organisation (WHO) international and local experts [have] agreed that because no cases of listeriosis due to the outbreak strain have been identified since the first week of June 2018 and that over the last two months the incidence rate of laboratory-confirmed listeriosis cases has dropped to pre-outbreak levels, the outbreak of listeriosis is over,” said Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi.
While processed meats were officially given the clear at a media briefing on Monday, Motsoaledi warned the public that listeria is still a reality.
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You might ask the following question regarding the NHI:- Will I be able to opt out of the NHI?
In June, the health minister released the long-awaited National Health Insurance Bill. What does it mean to you and your medical aid? We tell you.
1. Will you be able to say “thanks, but no thanks”?
If the National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill is passed in its current form, the NHI will be compulsory, regardless of whether you also belong to a private medical aid. So, opting out won’t be possible. The Bill says the NHI, which will be like a big, state-funded medical scheme, will be a free service, but it doesn’t tell us what benefits will be covered, how the scheme will be paid for or how much it will cost.
2. When will the NHI start, and, will it actually happen?
The NHI Bill says the scheme will be implemented in three phases — we’re currently in the second phase (2017 – 2022), during which NHI legislation has to be developed and the NHI fund has to be established. During the last phase, from 2022 – 2026, Cabinet
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Medical Schemes Act & NHI:- Motsoaledi outlines changes
Two of the proposed amendments to the Medical Schemes Act will do away with co-payments, and abolish the practice of using brokers within the medical schemes environment.
Health Minister, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, said co-payments mean that the scheme pays a portion of the bill that a provider – be it hospital or private doctor – charges to a patient. The rest of the funds are supposed to be paid by the patient from their own pocket.
“The amendment means that every cent charged to the patient must be settled fully by the scheme and the patient should not be burdened with having to pay. There are people who will scream that this amendment is outrageous and calculated to destroy medical schemes and leave beneficiaries with nothing. I want to assure you that this was well thought out,” he said.
According to data at the department’s disposal, medical schemes are holding close to R60bn in unused reserves. While there is a statutory requirement that me
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National Health Insurance could see mass emigration of SA doctors
With doctors already a scarce resource in South Africa, the proposed National Health Insurance (NHI) legislation could see a large number of medical professionals skip the country. Health Minister, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi presented the controversial bill last week, along with the Medical Schemes Amendment Bill which, if implemented, could see a huge shakeup in both..
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Is Dr Aaron Motsoaledi fiddling while healthcare is burning?
Despite the Life Esidimeni tragedy, non-existent oncology services in some provinces, striking healthcare workers and a damning quality standards report before parliament, Health Minister, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi seems to be labouring under the delusion that the South African public healthcare system is not collapsing.
Speaking at a media briefing, the minister said he was not aware of any scientific methods used to measure the veracity of the claims made about the breakdown of the health system.
“I am not here to challenge that because I do not know the yardstick that was used to arrive at a conclusion of collapse. Surely healthcare systems are measured on some form of scientific yardstick to arrive at any conclusion.”
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Cosatu urges Ramaphosa to sack Motsoaledi – While you at it sack the rest of the incompetent ministers as well!
Cosatu has called on President Cyril Ramaphosa to sack health minister Aaron Motsoaledi, arguing that he is directly responsible for the continued deterioration of the healthcare system in the country.
“People are losing their lives on a daily basis and this has reached crisis levels. What has disappointed Cosatu the most is Minister Motsoaledi’s denialism and scapegoating.”
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Dr Aaron Motsoaledi calls for the arrest of violent hospital protesters
Health Minister, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, has condemned violence and disorder perpetrated by staff members at the Charlotte Maxeke Academic Hospital in Johannesburg, protesting against the non-payment of performance bonuses, saying the attack on the sick and vulnerable is unacceptable, and called for the arrest of perpetrators.
“Every decent human being knows who comes to hospitals. These are sick, very sick, vulnerable members of society. They are not part of these labour issues,” Motsoaledi said.
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According to some media reports, staff members were demanding payment of bonuses and increases dating back to 2016. During a protest, patients were forced out of the hospital, damaging equipment
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Motsoaledi has ‘zero authority’ to help ailing hospitals
Cape Town – Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi says he has “zero authority” to improve the functioning of troubled state hospitals, which are all managed by provincial governments. Motsoaledi told the portfolio committee on health on Thursday that a two-year ministerial task team report highlighted 19 key problems at hospitals in six provinces around the country…
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