COLONISATION; NOT JUST A EUROPEAN THING: BLACKS STOLE LAND AND ENSLAVED BLACKS TOO! One of the most hotly contested issues in contemporary South Africa is the issue of the land. It is one of most central boiling points in a volatile nation that threatens to tip over, under immense pressure from disenfranchised black populaces, under..
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Africans and Chinese too are guilty of massive Colonisation and unspeakable Crimes against Humanity
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Mandela, Killer of Nations: Atheist, Marxist, Terrorist, New World Order poster boy, Black Pope, Communist Mass Murderer, Abortionist, Role-player…
This Saturday the mass media world worships the mandela creation again, so we look at all the people who worked together to sell the lie to the masses and to build the atheist’s Black Pope, the New World Order’s “poster boy” and “democracy’s” dummy, to smuggle communism in via the back door. His worst crime (which is..
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“Liberal Privilege” won’t save white liberals from being stabbed almost 40 times by black strangers for a phone.
The False Narrative: Democratic Political Operative Slashed To Death By Black Assailant on Washington Metro The question that needs to be asked is whether this black criminal would have spared Kevin, apologised and helped him to his feet had he realised he was a white democrat / traitor who sold out his own people? Here’s..
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Naspers (News24) quietly implements two inhouse communistic changes. Influenced from China, it’s biggest market?
In two quietly implemented “housekeeping” restructuring moves, Naspers has exposed its desire for bigger central powers and control of all the news media to stifle freedom of speech… In classic Marxist fashion they also managed to turn them on its head and spin them to make it appear as if they were good and positive moves. Naspers (News24)..
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Black Privilege and Cheapshot Statue Politics exposes how South Africa was designed to fail…
The ability for a few middle class individuals to use their black privilege and “stage” “protests” against the Rhodes statue, and succeed, clearly indicates the built in structural imbalance that exists in South Africa, that always has and always will threaten its very existence. The entire saga is akin to capitulation with terrorists. Mike Berger asks whether we are willing..
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Broadband Internet in South Africa WORST in Africa, Middle East and Europe (EMEA)
In yet another indictment of the inept, corrupt, racist ANC regime in South Africa, a Report on the State of the Internet Globally has revealed that South Africa’s Broadband internet is actually in DECLINE, at a time when it should be a growth industry. Akamai has released its Q4 2014 State of the Internet report,..
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Black man’s lies. Truth about the history of land ownership in Southern Africa and the Bantu Empire
The recent uproar in South Africa over the claims by ANC president Jacob Zuma that the 1913 Land Act dispossessed blacks is a blatant lie, and forms part of four core lies about South African history, a New Observer correspondent Yochanan has written. Submitted in the comment section of this newspaper, Yochanan’s remarks are so..
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SA Matric results “an illusion, a fraud and poor indicator of state of education”
South Africa’s matric results have been described as an illusion, a fraud, and a poor indication of the state of South Africa’s education system Don’t be fooled by South Africa’s matric results South Africa’s matric results are a poor indication of the state of South Africa’s education system, and have previously been described as an..
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We demand a secret No Confidence vote, Dissolution of Parliament and a General Election!
Johannesburg – Agang SA on Thursday filed papers in the Constitutional Court asking that a motion of no confidence in President Jacob Zuma be voted on by way of secret ballot, the party said. The party also asked the court to declare Baleka Mbete unfit to be Speaker after she did not allow motion of..
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Blood, blood, rivers of blood, lakes of blood, oceans of blood: Africa
Our recent trip to several countries in southern Africa was my second. My first was in 1984, before apartheid ended and the revolutionary pot was boiling. We were under armed guard every minute. Africa, the second-largest continent had a population of 221,000,000 in 1950 and is now estimated at 1.1 billion. That substantial increase is..
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SA Government admits failure by evacuating Rhinos OUT of National Reserve!
After many years of ceaseless slaughter and genocide of the Rhino population in South Africa, due to the “open” borders between South Africa, Mozambique and Zimbabwe, as well as the inability successfully manage conservation, the South African ANC government has admitted failure and announced an initiative to evacuate the endangered animals OUT of what is..
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South Africa – Banana Republic or, absurdly, even worse?
The time has come for South African of all hues to submit themselves to serious introspection and look within themselves for what has gone wrong and what is wrong with South Africa. The blame is not solely seated with career politicians and demagogues that make empty promises in order to feather their own nests –..
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