South African Human Rights Compliance To ICC Rome Statute Tested With Bashir Visit…

EXPOSED! Zulu vs Xhosa infighting in ANC and Zuma’s childhood Marxism teacher predicts SA regime change or subdivision & IMF bailout

Brazilian starts Petition to get European South Africans the Right to Return to Europe causing UK’s Express to be xenophobic!

Exposed: Proof South Africa is a major Human Trafficking Destination & Transit country where SA passports are easy!

China declares war on Muslims. Xenophobia the non-violent authoritarian way.

Death toll in “Xenophobia” revised down to only 4. Zuma and gang taken to court by Zimbabweans

Mandela’s Zombies skin Zimbabwean’s manhood alive and cut off his buttocks. #SouthAfricaMustFall

Despite “Xenophobia” and “Apartness” Africans risk their lives to get INTO South Africa

The new Black Slave Trade: human trafficking in refugees and asylum seekers is big business!

Xenophobia: Multiculturism FAILS in South Africa too! Finally the Rainbow Nation is exposed as a lie. Wake Up!

The 4 black lies about land in South Africa. Bantu (black Africans) DO NOT have default right to land.

Is this the future for whites in South Africa? The Kalash people have already suffered White Genocide. Still think it is a fallacy or not possible?

Are Bantu African languages inadequate for Modern Society or do the just prefer Totalitarian States and genocide?

Black man’s lies. Truth about the history of land ownership in Southern Africa and the Bantu Empire

Was the The White Giant of Africa GOOD for Black South Africans? German statistics seem to say so.