#ExposeThemToHarm: South Africans are experiencing the dark side of socialism, as a Ventersburg woman, who was diagnosed with a cardiac arrest condition, had her ECG tests thrown away and was sent sent home with only some headache tablets, by a Virginia, Free State district hospital doctor! She died at home that same night and is the third heart attack patient at this hospital to die like this! The slow but malicious genocide through deliberate negligence by the socialist ANC carries on unnoticed, uncontested and unreported! South Africa used to have the best healthcare in the world, so there is no denying that it is deliberate!
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Slow Genocide: ANC Regime’s Deliberate & Malicious Negligence Keeps Killing us! Heart Attack Patient Sent Home with Paracetamol!
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10 Babies die at Tembisa Hospital, Gauteng due to outbreak of antibiotic resistant bacteria – deaths could have been avoided if there was sustainable hygiene and sufficient staff
The SA Human Rights Commission says the Tembisa Hospital in Gauteng urgently needs more staff after another 10 babies have died in the institution. The babies born in the hospital have died in recent weeks, and although numerous reasons have been stated, the hospital is held responsible for the death of all the babies. The..
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A patient in the Helen Joseph hospital in Johannesburg, Anna-Marie Buys who is in her late seventies and suffers from lung and brain cancer, sustained serious neck injuries on Saturday around 01: 45 when a black female patient climbed on top of her and started to saw her neck with a plastic knife.
The incident was also witnessed by another fellow patient. Anna-Marie is also paralyzed in the left side of her body due to a stroke she suffered. Anna-Marie’s husband went to visit her in the hospital on Saturday and saw a piece of gauze on her neck. The gauze later came off and then her husband saw the deep wounds. He immediately called his daughter Debbie and her husband to come to the hospital.
The hospital told them that Anna-Marie was injured when a fellow patient wanted to pray for her. However another patient said that she saw how a fellow patient went to sit on top of Anna-Marie, held her mouth closed with her hand and started to cut her neck with a plastic kn
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Pelonomi Hospital – 7 newborn babies die in 8 days in neonatal unit
Seven babies died in the neonatal unit of Pelonomi Hospital in Bloemfontein within eight days.
Mondli Mvambi, the spokesperson for the Free State Department of Health, confirmed the death of these newborn babies between December 2 and 10.
Mvambi says the sudden rise in mortality in the neonatal unit is been investigated.
“We found the department had taken neonatal babies with an average weight of 600 g on average last month.”
The lower the weight at birth, the higher the risk of illness and death, he says.
“We find that our community is less and less concerned about the rules and procedures regarding antenatal care.”
He says generalization is dangerous.
“However, there is an increasing number of young mothers in the province giving birth to stillborn babies and most of these cases come to Pelonomi.”
We find that our community is less and less aware of the rules and procedures regarding antenatal care.
Those statistics make Pelonomi look bad,
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Patients suffer while NEHAWU members trashed Pietersburg hospital during illegal picketing, demanding performance bonuses
NEHAWU members thrashed the Maternity Wards and kitchen of Pietersburg Hospital while they were illegally picketing at the hospital.
Nurses who were assisting women to give birth had to run for cover fearing the picketers who were on a destructive mode. Patient food for tonight scattered all over the place. They are demanding that the department top up the R43 million that it has payed workers as performance bonuses.
Why must patients suffer?
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National Health Insurance: Medical specialists and doctors threaten to flee overseas
The new National Health Insurance (NHI) that the ANC-regime wants to implement is facing fierce opposition from doctors and medical professionals in the Free State. These medics are currently threatening to go overseas, meanwhile, the Free State DA has also been involved in a fight with Montsent Tsiu, the MEC of Health in the province. The parties involved confirm that the NHI is going to become an unaffordable system that is doomed even before it is implemented.
The doctors support the principle of health care for all but reckon that the NHI is not a feasible system. It is believed that if doctors are first harmed by being prohibited from opening private practices and patients are forced upon them whom they must pay attention within 24 hours, they will simply walk.
According to reports from Network 24, Marietta Pittaway, DA MPW, accused Tsiu of sitting in the Free State Legislature for “prematurely” informing parliament that the Free State provincial government
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Newborn baby died because ambulance service from Kimberley Hospital takes six hours to arrive
A newborn baby from Kimberley died because the ambulance apparently took six hours to reach her home, which is only 15 minutes from the hospital. Desiree Abrahams, 32, of Beaconsfield began contracting Saturday morning at 8am and immediately called the ambulance service of Kimberley Hospital. Jamie Gatyene, Abraham’s girlfriend and neighbor, was with her in..
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Thousands of operations canceled in Gauteng hospitals due to defective infrastructure or lack of basic medical supplies
Gauteng Department of Health reported nearly 2,036 canceled operations in Charlotte Maxeke Hospital in 2018. A total of 1,979 surgeries were postponed at Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital last year.
According to Gauteng Health MEC spokesperson Kwara Kekana, operations are canceled or delayed due to various reasons such as an overcrowded high-care unit, patient problems, inadequate infrastructure or a shortage of basic medical supplies. However, they now want to take strict measures to prevent the cancellation of non-emergency operations at the Charlotte Maxeke and Chris Hani Baragwanath hospitals in Johannesburg.
The Department of Health wants to implement systems to improve the outcome of patients’ health and in-hospital experiences. “We intend to implement electronic communication systems for scheduling, reminding and canceling hospital operations to prevent these problems from arising again. We also want to carefully evaluate patients at important clinics befo
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Misappropriation of R5.8 bil, Afriforum to lay charges – NHI violates constitution
During a media conference held on 18 November 2019, AfriForum launched a comprehensive report on why the implementation of National Health Insurance (NHI) in South Africa will be unconstitutional. The report further explains why the impact study on which the NHI is based, is totally inadequate which means that the Bill should be set aside…
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Implementering van NGV gaan rampspoedige gevolge inhou vir SA ekonomie en selfs oorsaak wees vir gradering tot rommelstatus
AfriForum het vandag in ’n brief aan president Cyril Ramaphosa, minister van finansies Tito Mboweni en minister van gesondheid Zweli Mkhize gestuur waarin die burgerregteorganisasie waarsku dat die inwerkingstelling van nasionale gesondheidsversekering (NGV) uiteindelik tot die afgradering van die land se kredietgradering tot rommelstatus kan lei.
Dít volg nadat die kredietgraderingsagentskap Moody’s Suid-Afrika se kredietgradering onlangs van ’n stabiele na ’n negatiewe vooruitsig afgegradeer het. Die rede vir dié afgradering is volgens Moody’s somber groeivooruitsigte en groeiende openbare skuld. In sy brief voer AfriForum aan dat onbekostigbare, ideologiese beleide soos die NGV daartoe gaan lei dat Suid-Afrika na rommelstatus afgegradeer sal word, aangesien die land dit eenvoudig nie kan befonds nie.
“Om met die inwerkingstelling van die NGV voort te stu, sal nie net rampspoedig vir die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie wees nie; dit sal ook staatskuld op
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R6bn needed to renovate Gauteng hospitals – National Health Plan may be on ice
It will cost the state more than R6 billion to complete 32 hospitals’ safety rating. The decline and deterioration of hospitals is particularly seen in electrical installations, fire protection equipment, elevator regulations and storage facilities. The condition can be attributed to contractors who do not deliver quality work and poor maintenance programs. There is concern..
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FF Plus intervenes at Steve Biko Hospital after patient’s emergency cry when he was left without food and water for ten days
The FF Plus intervened at Steve Biko Hospital in Pretoria after a patient called for help from the FF Plus in desperation. Last Friday, ironically, during a session of Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Health, the FF Plus heard firsthand about a patient’s shocking experience at this hospital. The patient (whose name is withheld) was broken..
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Only 44 inspectors to cover 4184 hospitals and clinics in South Africa – the reason why many hospitals are in such a state of disrepair and why there is little to no service delivery
The Office of Health Standards Compliance has admitted that it does not have enough inspectors to inspect the approximately 4184 hospitals and clinics in South Africa due to a lack of money and other resources. The FF Plus was shocked to learn that, according to the Office’s announcement, there are only 44 inspectors who have..
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184 staff members of the Gauteng Health Services own private businesses and trade with government departments
It has been revealed that 184 staff members of the Gauteng Health Services own private businesses that trade with government departments including the Health Department. These services include medical supplies, food, publications, funerals and even emergency services. Unconfirmed reports state that staff are sometimes in the “good position” to decide for themselves that the Health..
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The doctors of the future! Not a single student from 5 universities, including UCT and Wits, passed their surgery exam
The Colleges of Medicine of South Africa (CMSA) says it is hoping that an investigation aimed at establishing why so many students failed the recent Fellowship of the College of Surgeons (FCS) exams will be wrapped up before the end of the year. The CMSA started the investigation after only 15 of the 46 candidates..
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