The ANC regime has finally realized that Eskom is unable to provide sufficient, and sustainable, electricity to consumers. The news that the government has agreed that municipalities may start their own power supply is a complete turnaround in policy and is also contrary to the AMC-SACP alliance’s communist approach to control everything for everyone. There..
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Eskom cannot deliver sufficient and sustainable power, ANC regime now approves alternative options
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Eskom drops electricity price bombshell – Consumers will pay ‘50% more’ for electricity if Eskom beats Nersa in court
The power utility is challenging tariff increases approved by the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) for 2019 to 2022. If Eskom gets its way, consumers will pay 50% more for electricity. Eskom contends that approving increases by 9.41% for 2019-2020, 8.10% for 2020-2021 and 5.22% for 2021-2022 instead of the requested 16% was..
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Cash strapped Eskom wants another R27bn from consumers – Could this be the reason why SA is experiencing #Rollingblackouts? To manipulate us into giving them what they want?
In its latest application to the energy regulator, the power utility is claiming this as an underrecovery for 2018/19, meaning tariffs may rise by 16.6% next year Eskom, which last week again saw a collapse of its power network that led to nationwide load shedding, wants consumers to cough up a further R27 billion for..
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Eskom to cut 60% of Soweto households’ power supply – Seems like #blackprivilege don’t apply in black residential areas at the expense of honest payers
Eskom has awakened from its 25 years of corruption and has now suddenly decided to cut off Soweto’s illegal electricity consumers’ supply. According to the latest report, Eskom has indicated that it will disconnect power from at least 60% of the 200,000 Soweto households with prepaid meters. The reason is, according to Eskom, due to..
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Livestock actions banned in Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Limpopo following outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease – consumers can prepare themselves for some hefty price increases for meat products
TAU SA is shocked after the announcement that livestock auctions in Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Gauteng and North West have been suspended until further notification by the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development. This announcement follows after the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in the Molemole district of Limpopo. “This is a big blow to the..
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Economist says consumers are facing a bit of pressure things could get tougher in SA
JOHANNESBURG – While the latest retail trade figures show a slight increase in consumer confidence, there were fears that pressure on consumers’ income may still decrease sales. Statistics South Africa released a report on Wednesday, showing an increase in retail sales which boded well for economic growth. The main contributors to the increase were clothing,..
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Motorists are going to have to buckle up once more since petrol are about to cost R17-per-litre in June
Being a motorist in Mzansi is a ghastly pursuit. The petrol price looks set to rise again in June, marking a fourth consecutive increase since March. It’s not news any of us wants to hear. Although petrol prices forecast for next month won’t rise as steeply as they did throughout Autumn, the per-litre costs could..
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R20 a litre for petrol is possible before the end of 2019 – indicating the difficulties ANC-regime has in finding any solutions to reduce the shock of escalating prices on SA’s businesses and consumers
The spike in the fuel price on Wednesday and growing unrest in oil-producing Venezuela have done little to assuage fears that the petrol price is set to continue its upward trajectory for most of this year. However, economists believe the oil price is unlikely to rise much above $80 a barrel in 2019, and that..
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Eskom lying through its teeth- phase 6 load shedding applied on Thursday – Eskom not a power provider, but rather a power interrupter!
Consumers say Eskom is not a power provider, but rather a power interrupter. Although the power interrupter, namely Eskom, proclaims one lie story after another, it is very clear to consumers that Phase 6 was applied on Thursday. In parts of Pretoria, there were not less than four power outages on Thursday, and there are..
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Eskom’s request to increase electricity granted after poor administrators of SA-regime succumb to unrealistically high demands – annual revenue of the state entity will now increase by R784bn
The bankrupt power provider of South Africa, who has already stolen billions of rand from the taxpayers’ pockets, once again got its way. The poor administrators of our beloved SA have succumbed and allowed heavy increases to hit consumers in the next three years. The ANC government, under the leadership of the Energy Regulator of..
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Thanks to the ruling ANC regime, SA’s economy outlook is getting worse with Eskom already plunging the country deeper into debt
In an exclusive interview conducted by Die Vryburger with a well-known political analyst, it seems that 2019 is not a year of good prospects. The anonymous expert says the projections are getting darker with Eskom, who is already plunging the country into debt with loadshedding. In addition to the enormous R2 billion it cost daily..
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Mediese selfbetalings styg met skokkende 13,4%
Die brood het gekrimp, maar ons betaal nou meer daarvoor.
Só het ’n ekonoom die verhoging van meer as 13% in selfbetalings deur mediesefondslede die afgelope jaar beskryf.
Verbruikers wat elke jaar swaar trek aan die premies vir hul mediese fondse het boonop nog verlede jaar R29,7 miljard uit hul eie sak opgedok.
Dit is 13,4%, of ’n hele R2,5 miljard, meer as die vorige jaar, toon die jongste jaarverslag van die Raad op Mediese Skemas (RMS).
Boonop word dié syfer onderskat omdat dit net bereken word op die rekeninge wat lede indien waarvoor hulle self betaal het.
Die selfbetalings is die bedrae waarvoor geëis is wat fondse nie betaal nie.
“Dit kan ’n onderskatting wees van die werklike bedrag wat self betaal word omdat lede nie altyd hul eise aan hul fondse stuur wanneer hul voordele opgedroog het nie,” het die RMS in die verslag gesê.
Johann van Tonder, ’n ekonoom en navorser vir Momentum, het gesê mediese inflasie meet nie die styging in bybetali
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Kundiges in gesondheidsbedryf krap kop oor toename in hospitalisasie
Kundiges in die gesondheidsbedryf het op die jaarlikse konferensie van die Hospitaalvereniging van Suid-Afrika (Hasa) in Kaapstad hewig van mekaar verskil oor wat die redes vir ‘n skerp toename in die koste van mediese skemas is.
Matthew Prior, hoof van gesondheidsbeleid van Life Healtcare, sê ’n toename in benutting van gesondheidsdienste word die afgelope jare as die hoofoorsaak beskou vir hoë mediese inflasie. Hy sê die premieverhogings wat mediese skemas van hul lede eis, is die werklike maatstaf van mediese inflasie vir verbruikers.
Prior het die debat gelei oor die redes vir die toename in die benutting.
Navorsing deur Medscheme, die administrateur van mediese skemas, toon daar is ’n verband tussen ’n toename in hospitaalbeddens en die skerp styging in hospitalisasie wat verlede jaar ervaar is, sê dr. Jenni Noble, hoofbestuurder van Medscheme.
Die mededingingsowerhede se paneel wat die markondersoek na die gesondheidsbedryf doen, het in 2016
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Syndicates and devious health professionals may target National Health Insurance
Criminal networks are targeting your medical aid rands but could you be part of the problem too?
Criminal syndicates and unscrupulous doctors may be defrauding the private health sector of millions as experts warn that medical schemes may reach a breaking point.
“The health care sector is being targeted by criminal syndicates and even devious practitioners. It is a direct threat to the financial viability of medical schemes in the country, including any National Health Insurance initiative we attempt,” says medical advisor on healthcare forensics at medical aid administrator and risk management service, Medscheme Gregory Pratt. Pratt was speaking at the Board of Healthcare Funders Southern African Conference this week in Cape Town.
“The affordability of medical schemes in the country will soon reach a tipping point.”
In 2013 alone, Discovery Health recovered R300 million in fraudulent claims alone – a number that in 2014 CEO Jonathan Broomberg told
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Price of Eskom electricity expected to double by 2021
Buckling under the strain of seemingly insurmountable debt, Eskom looks set to implement massive electricity tariff hikes aimed at staving off a complete financial and structural collapse. South Africans are inevitably left to foot the exorbitant bill, caused by gross mismanagement, and nepotism, leading to R19 billion in irregular expenditure, coupled with a long list..
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