R20 billion made available for student housing – Johannesburg residential units in city center, taken over by illegal immigrants targeted for recovery and renovation

SA’s trade unions are the biggest single reason why land is on the verge of ruin and can at any time reach junk status

It’s no secret that high-ranking politicians get a fair few salary perks, and life is good for Ramaphosa, Maimane and Malema: Here’s what you need to know.

Nedbank scraps debt of R14 million to so-called disadvantaged pensioners but cannot confirm whether white people will also be accommodated

Ramaphosa administration is set to splash out R750 million on renovating minister’s homes and other government buildings at a time when the country’s tax-collection revenue is on the decline

What on earth is wrong with the youth of today:- Mobile classrooms burnt in protest over delayed repairs at Joburg school, the same same school where they burned the mobile classroom

VBS Bank’s ghost walks in Venda – king of Venda, also had money invested at the bankrupt VBS Mutual Bank, and now he has to repay R17 million

It is starting to ‘rain blood’ with all the attacks the past week – (5) Kirkwood farm manager killed

Motorists can expect a petrol price hike in May, according to the latest data from the Central Energy Fund.

The ‘coin’ of Cyril and Emmerson has the same side no matter how you flip it: Mnangagwa reveals catch to “white farmer compensation”

Donnybrook area:- A group of trouble-causers threatens farmer for employing non-South Africans and that they should leave the farm, isn’t this just another method of expropriation without compensation?

Destruction of South Africa, 25 Years of destruction proves the ANC cannot govern or grow the economy: Protests, looting, arson, killings and the list is growing day by day

Shocking news for you, yes YOU that are paying your taxes:- Former South African president Jacob Zuma is slammed for wasting more taxpayer money recording an album including his trademark song Bring Me My Machine Gun

Juju Mal-emmer:- ‘No-one is going to destroy any white farm, no white person is going to be killed or beaten up under the EFF govt – ‘Liar, Liar, pants on fire’ (video)

Who Controls the Media and ‘Opposition’ Parties in South Africa? May we introduce to you the Jewish Billionaire who runs the show