South Africa’s matric class of 2019 has achieved impressive results, but may struggle to find work as the country faces constrained employment in 2020. John Botha, chief operation officer at Global Business Solutions, said that this is highlighted by the country’s current growth level. Using a labour elasticity formula he noted that for each 1%..
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Matric class of 2019 will struggle to find jobs – SA Youth unemployment rate rose to 58.2 percent in the third quarter of 2019
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Sex education taken too far in SA? Stats SA reports that well over a thousand girls under 14 years old gave birth last year!
Well over a thousand pre-teen and early-teen girls gave birth in South Africa last year, Statistics South Africa reported on Thursday. In the 14 months between January 2018 and February 2019, the agency said, 1,287 births were recorded to mothers between the ages of 10 and 14, based on data drawn from the department of..
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SA Poverty Line – it costs R561 a month to consume just enough kilojules to prevent starvation – this while ANC cadres are wining and dining with taxpayers’ money
According to Statistics South Africa (SSA), we need R561 to buy food with just enough kilojules to avoid starvation. These households that earn less than the amount are considered as South Africa’s “food poverty line”, or the extreme poverty line. The amount of R810 is described as the bottom poverty line and you can buy..
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Black African population is in the majority and constitutes approximately 81% of the total SA population -Population increases by 900 000 from 2018 and has risen to 58.8 million
The South African population has risen to 58.8 million from 2018’s 57. 9 million, figures released by Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) Statistician General Risenga Maluleke have revealed. The statistics are contained in the 2019 mid-year population estimates report released on Monday. Of the 58.8 million, 51% are female while 49% are male. Maluleke said births..
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Unemployment rates rise to 27.6% and remain one of SA’s biggest challenges
Statistics South Africa announces that unemployment rose by 0.5 percentage points to 27.6% in the first quarter of this year. The figures confirm economists’ presumption that economic growth in the first quarter was negative and unemployment remains one of SA’s biggest challenges. The SA economy started on a bitter note this year with unemployment rising..
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Unemployment in SA is currently 27.6% – but the ANC regime tells voters how the figure is going to fall, they just have to vote for the party
The South African economy started at a very bitter note this year with unemployment rising to 27.6%. This was 27.1% in the fourth quarter of 2018, but the ANC regime told voters how the figure was going to fall, they just had to vote for the party. Extensive unemployment has risen to the highest level..
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A change in birth options: What’s behind SA’s skyrocketing C-section rates?
Almost one in four babies born at public hospitals come into the world via c-section but is it costing some women their lives?
For decades, Caesarean sections were a last resort for mothers and babies in distress. If you had access to this kind of procedure, you could count yourself among the world’s lucky.
At the dawn of the 21st century, rates of the procedure in almost all African regions save for the continent’s north dragged along at less than 5%, recently published research in The Lancetshows. Meanwhile, the continent was home to more than half of the 13 countries responsible for the majority of the world’s maternal deaths, World Health Organisation (WHO) data from the year 2000 shows.
At the same time, C-section rates in much of Asia and Eastern Europe hovered around 7%.
Almost 30-million babies will come into the world this year by Caesarean if 2015 figures are anything to go by — nearly double the number of infants delivered in this way alm
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The Showdown at the UN: SA takes on the US for cheaper drugs
When the US went to bat for Big Pharma in the fight against this killer disease, South Africa wasn’t having any of it. Here’s what happened next.
Graveyard cough, white plague, consumption. A killer by any name, TB has stalked the human race for aeons, lurking in crowded tenements or following miners deep underground, hanging in the air of our hospitals.
Always there, yet rarely spoken.
Today, it kills more people than HIV and malaria combined, the World Health Organisation (WHO) reports. In South Africa, Statistics South Africa’s latest data shows TB remains the leading cause of non-violent deaths.
Yet it took the United Nations 73 years to call a meeting on TB — and only because a very excitable South African health minister agitated enough for it.
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Hospices close doors nationwide after funding cuts: Dying of the light
Hospice isn’t just a place to die but funding cuts – and that perception – could be killing our chances of a kinder death as refuges close. The morning sun cuts through half-open blinds and filters into a deserted ward at HospiceWits, the Soweto branch.
Outside, the August wind chases dust around the property.
The rays illuminate a room with five single beds. Bright orange curtains — once drawn to give patients and their families privacy — are roughly knotted or draped over the rails around each bed.
Against the wall above a small porcelain basin, a frozen clock reads 12:40.
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It’s been like that for more than a year.
“We had to retrench more than 20 people,” she says
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SASSA News:- ‘Double social grants for six months’ – can this be possible?
The social development department has made an extraordinary proposal to the inter-ministerial committee set up to find solutions to boost the economy: double social grants payments for six months.
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It is shocking to know that according to Stats SA, more than 120 000 school pupils gave birth last year
The department of education says these figures are shocking, especially regarding how young the pupils are According to Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), more than 120 000 school pupils gave birth last year. As stated in the Recorded Live Births 2017 report released by Stats SA, there are 3 261 girls between the ages of..
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South African Medical Association takes issue with Competition Commission findings
The South African Medical Association (Sama) believes that the Competition Commission Health Market Inquiry (HMI) provisional report is faulty in its findings, particularly that doctors increase demand for unnecessary services.
In a statement, the association says that in light of the fact that the investigation took almost four years to complete and runs to hundreds of pages, it is, on first review, somewhat disappointed in the overall analysis of the private healthcare sector.
Doctor-induced moral hazard
Sama is particularly concerned about the allegations that doctors increase demand of unnecessary services, including increased admissions to hospitals, says chairperson, Dr Mzukisi Grootboom.
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Poverty in SA a ‘direct baby’ of apartheid – Zuma
Poverty is a direct baby of apartheid and not the making of the ANC-led government, said President Jacob Zuma in Parliament on Thursday. Zuma was responding to questions when he was confronted by statistics about the gradual increase in poverty levels in the country. In August this year, Statistics South Africa released the Poverty Trends..
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