The state’s salary bill is consuming money that the country needs to keep going, with regular increases while unions are demanding larger portions. Yet the private sector and white people of the country are regularly scapegoated for the country’s problems. Everyone knows this and the government recognizes it and makes promises to act. Yet nothing..
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State’s salary bill milking state coffers dry, yet Jan Van Riebeeck and whites are regularly chosen as scapegoats for ANC regime failures
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SA taxpayers to fund over R76 million for politicians who did not return to parliament after this year’s national election
Government will spend over R76 million of taxpayer’s money on ‘loss-of-office gratuities’ for politicians who did not return to parliament after this year’s national election. The Sunday Times reports that this figure is set to continue rising in the coming weeks as payments are still being processed. The gratuities will be paid to former ministers..
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State-owned Denel has cash flow problems and can only pay workers a portion of their salaries
Denel said that they could only pay employees 85% of their salaries for the work done in the month of June. Group Chief Executive Officer, Danie du Toit said in a statement, “The management of Denel is working tirelessly to ensure that delayed portions of salaries will be reimbursed to employees as soon as possible.”..
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Amcu’s latest claims absurd – monthly salary remuneration and fringe benefits amount to a total of R30 000 for workers
The Amcu trade union demands a R17,000 a month compensation for platinum mine workers, and negotiations will be difficult to deal with regarding the rage that the claims has caused amongst mining houses. The Stilwater mine currently pays miners R12,500 a month and and this has already affected the mine’s profitability, negatively . The claimants..
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It’s no secret that high-ranking politicians get a fair few salary perks, and life is good for Ramaphosa, Maimane and Malema: Here’s what you need to know.
You’ve got 16 days before election day comes round. It’s both a chance to make your voice heard in the most critical elections since 1994, and to have a day off if you’re bosses are kind enough. Cyril Ramaphosa, Mmusi Maimane and Julius Malema – who lead the ANC, DA and EFF respectively – may..
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ANC-regime is failing needy children – Kempton Park child welfare closes its doors following a salary dispute, over 2000 children in the community are being affected by the suspension – ANC officials get’s to drive luxury cars and have houses revamped on state’s cost
Over 2000 children in the community are affected by the suspension of the services and the number is exclusive of the families the society assists. Staff at Child Welfare Kempton Park downed tools on January 28 due to financial challenges, Kempton Express reports. A notice at the society’s premises reads: “Dear clients kindly note that..
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Municipal managers, which include a lot of technical bankrupt municipalities, now earn R3.9 million a year for doing nothing actually
Municipal managers’ new salary structures have just come into force with the announcement that they will now “earn” R3.9 million a year. The second in command then gets about R3 million a year. In many cases, work is outsourced by several private companies, while officials do little work but still receive astronomical salaries. The huge..
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This is the reason why SABC is bankrupt and taxpayers likely to pay more towards TV-licenses in future- Top 3 executives earn packages of more than R12m
Minister of communication Nomvula Mokonyane revealed on Thursday that the total cost to company of the top three executives at the SABC was R12.1-million. The chief executive officer earns a remuneration package of R 5.1-million‚ the chief operations officer earns R4-million and the chief financial officer earns R3-million. These packages‚ however‚ were “significantly less than..
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Fired Transnet boss will still be paid R3 million for doing nothing
Recently fired Transnet CEO Siyabonga Gama will still receive his salary for the next six months despite not having to report for duty. This was confirmed by Transnet board member Edward Kieswetter during an interview with eNCA’s Shahan Ramkissoon. Kieswetter confirmed that although Gama’s contract had effectively been terminated on Monday, the former CEO would..
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No wonder the state broadcaster’s debt collection agencies are so busy these past few weeks – SABC is in big trouble and have a shortfall of R1 billion to pay salaries
The possibility exists that the SABC will have to retrench several hundred workers as part of its restructuring process. The proposed retrenchment of thousands of employees is to cut the R3,1 billion salary account of this sinking state entity. There is a big concern from the liberal press that the SABC will not survive this..
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All aboard the money flight – SAA executive consultants paid R16 million salaries
Embattled national carrier, South African Airways (SAA), has admitted to paying R16 million in executive consultancy fees. This includes R10 million for three personnel working on a six-month contract. Problems keep boarding SAA on a flight destined for collapse. This year alone, the airline received over R15 billion in government bail-outs. It’s been argued that..
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Premier of North West still feeds on taxpayers’ money after resignation and suspension
The ANC in the North West has decided that Supra Mahumapelo will remain a member of the provincial legislature and will continue drawing a salary funded by taxpayers.
He resigned as premier two weeks ago following widespread accusations of corruption and maladministration that led to violent protests across the province.
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A ‘comfortable’ life awaits Zuma if he steps down as president
Should Jacob Zuma heed calls for him to step aside as president of the country‚ he will be entitled to his salary and most of the perks he enjoyed in office – for the rest of his life.
He would be paid his annual R2‚989‚845 salary after stepping down‚ be provided with security and an official vehicle‚ an office and a secretary and be entitled to free domestic flights on the national airline.
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