The much vaunted ANC government Covid-19 testing capacity has crashed, as an enormous backlog in CCP-virus tests has developed at the National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS), resulting in a waiting period of between 10-12 days for a test to be concluded, which makes testing pointless, as the genetic material of the virus breaks down after 72 hours! In contrast, private laboratories, which do just over half the CCP-virus tests in the country, just take a day to complete such a test.
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12 Day Delay in ANC Government Covid19 Tests! Despite 3 Months Warning & Totalitarian Powers Plus Billions at its Disposal, ANC Totally Failing Fight Against CCP-Virus!
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VIDEO: High Court Judge Denies Lifeline to Hair Industry Dying From Lockdown, Putting a Million Households at Risk!
The Hair Industry is in a legal battle to be classed as essential during Lockdown, but got a big no on the first round after four hours in High Court! As if in one voice the Hair Industry have been making the statement: “We are essential”, but the Western Cape High Court Judge Lee Bozalek seems to think differently.
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ANC Regime Blames & Punishes Citizens Because it Can’t Cope with CCP-Virus Peak! ANC Used Fantasy Modelling to Scare us into Lockdown & Grab More Powers!
Cigarettes & Alcohol are tools for Covid Guilt: As the COVID-19 epicentre moves to South America, we now know that the potential risks and impact, once the CCP-virus reaches its peak in South Africa, will not be the 351,000 deaths that ANC modelers claimed, yet despite that, we were still held hostage at home? It is clear the single biggest driver behind the ANC’s draconian reaction, apart from its lust for power and money, is its fear that the virus will expose ANC’s failure and inadequacies. The ANC’s health system was not coping before COVID19, so how on earth could it cope with a pandemic? Already Bloemfontein is running out of burial plots! So the ANC’s default reaction, as far left socialists always do, is distract, delay and destroy, until the original problem, i.e. their failure, is lost in the confusion and they can blame everything and everyone else but themselves. The entire health system, army and police are on COVID19, everything else, that ANC was failing in, has conveniently been set aside. You now have to feel guilty that you are not doing your part to fight CCP virus when you have a cigarette or a drink! Xi would be proud!
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ANC Knows Better Than Scientists? ANC Ignores CEO of SAMRC Prof. Glenda Gray & Prof. Shabir Madhi, an Infectious Disease Expert at WITS!
The ANC seems determined to manipulate South Africa’s COVID19 response in a way that it can profit and gain maximum benefit from it, totally ignoring scientific advice, which it asks for, simply to appear inclusive, but then in reality just dismisses it. After ANC’s Minister of Health, Zweli Mkhize unwisely slammed SAMRC CEO, Professor Glenda Gray’s response to the ANC’s lockdown measures, where she labelled the ANC government’s Risk-Adjusted Strategy as “unscientific”, yet another Professor has come forward echoing her claim of unscientific practices and giving a hard hitting condemnation and exposure of the draconian lockdown measures and of the so called CCPvirus “Command Council” led by NDZ!
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Go To Lockdown Level 1 Now Say ANC Government’s Own Ministerial Advisors, But ANC LOVES The Power & Money Too Much To Listen!
THE CURVE OF MADNESS: The CCP virus has been totally overblown compared to other illnesses, according to the government’s own advisors. Many of the country’s best scientists, including some who serve in the Health Minister Mkhize’s advisory committee, say the lockdown serves no purpose anymore and that the ANC government is not listening to their advice anymore. TB which has largely been sidelined for COVID-19, claimed the lives of 63,000 people in 2018, so the lockdown “cure” is almost certainly worse than the virus itself they say.
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Its Too Early to Tell if Lockdown Saved Lives but ANC & FakeNews24 Run With it Anyway to Justify Their Record Profits and Extreme Powers!
If there is one thing ALL governments, especially Socialist regimes are good at, it is making you think you owe them something and should be grateful to them. Socialist regimes can only achieve this with complicit mainstream media and yesterday was fear mongering and fake news day over at News24, where they posted two articles that look intentional to hype up fear, before Ramaphosa’s speech, to try to get people to support and be grateful for the ANC and its indefinite lockdown. This should be no surprise as NASPERS, the owners of News24 have made record profits from us being stuck at home using the internet, in SA and in China, where NASPERS are also financially dependent on the Chinese Communist Party’s favour, with more than half of their 130 Billion dollar company valuation based in China!
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Update: Two COVID19 Positive Doctors Who Were Arrested & Locked in TB Hospital Released! Were Not Seen by a Doctor & Had to Take Own Temperatures!
The ANC regime in Limpopo emptied a dilapidated TB hospital in Nylstoom to house COVID-19 positive people, but the first 3 people locked up there never even saw a doctor, were given dirty rooms and had to take their own temperatures! Dr Claire Olivier, Dr Taryn Williams and Elmarie van Emmenis (64) were all suddenly released from the ANC Gulag on Wednesday morning less than a week after being locked up there!
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VIDEO: Two SA Doctors with Asymptomatic COVID19 Not Allowed to Self Quarantine, Arrested & Forced Into Tuberculosis Hospital by Police!
#COVID19SouthAfrica State Sponsored #COVID19 kidnappings have begun in SA where the ANC are exerting their extra totalitarian powers afforded to them by the State of Disaster & Lockdown. Like happened in communist China, two white female doctors who tested positive for COVID19 but were asymptomatic, have been arrested, after a court order was obtained, at their house and forced into quarantine at a Limpopo multi-drug resistant tuberculosis hospital.
The guidelines say that if you’re positive but are asymptomatic or have mild disease, you can be quarantined at home which is what they were doing. However Vavi and other political leaders who are also COVID19 positive have not been treated this way? They had previously been refused COVID19 testing as they had no travel history and were also forced to work without sufficient protective medical clothing.
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