The trade union Solidarity today announced that the South African Police Service (SAPS), found the Head of Basic Police Development, Major-General Sandra Malebe-Thema guilty of racism. According to Anton van der Bijl, Head of Legal Service at Solidarity, Malebe-Thema made herself guilty of racist and humiliating remarks towards various training personnel during an event at..
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Let this be a lesson for South Africa, that racism isn’t colour blind – Head of basic police development, Major General Sandra Malebe-Thema found guilty of racism
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Is SA bankrupt or just corrupt? – The Department of Health budget does not allow hundreds of graduates to be placed for community service
It is unclear whether South Africa is bankrupt and whether the corruption is increasing so much that hundreds of graduates sit at home after the country’s Department of Health’s budget does not seem to cater for placement in public facilities.
Graduates are required to continue to work for a year “just to please the state” after graduating.
The community service, of which more than 1,400 are medical graduates, is paid by the state, but it appears that there is no budget or money available, and now they are at home waiting for answers.
Some of the medical staff are paid by the US Presidential Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (Pepfar) and the rest by the ANC’s ineffective government.
The government’s mandatory community service for graduate medical students aims to help combat the huge HIV problem while the masses continue to promote Aids with immorality.
Read the original article in Afrikaans on Die Vryburger
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ANC regime se ondersoek na privaat gesondheidsorg kos die belastingbetalers reeds miljoene Rand
Die verkwisting van geld duur net voort en wek die indruk dat sulke ondersoeke ’n nuwe vorm van korrupsie is waar sekere mense hulleself verryk.
Die Kompetisie Kommissie se ondersoek rondom Gesondheidsorg se ondersoek het die staat R196 miljoen gekos.
Die vyf paneel lede is as volg vergoed: dr Cees Van Gent van Nederland het R11,7 miljoen ontvang, dr Ntuthuko Bhengu R9,7 miljoen, dr. Lungiswa Nkonki R6 miljoen en prof Sharon Fonn R3,3 miljoen.
Die voorsittende regter Ngcobo het R5, 9 miljoen in die sak gesteek.
Die res van die reuse bedrag is opgeslurp deur operasionele- , regs-, data-, sekuriteit- en media koste.
Die verslag sal glo in Maart 2019 gepubliseer word.
Deur: Die Vryburger
Hierdie berig weerspieël nie noodwendig die mening van SAUK-nuus nie.
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Khoisan king to ‘declare’ that SA belongs to them alone
Chief Khoisan SA has given government a list of demands, but it appears his patience may now have reached its New Year limit. Despite the Presidency updating the Khoisan who have been camping on the lawns of the Union Buildings on progress made to meet their demands, Chief Khoisan SA will allegedly declare independence and..
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Major new road rules proposed for South Africa in a bid to cut down high death rate on roads
In a bid to cut down on the high death rate on South African roads, traffic authorities are planning a number of radical new regulations. According to a report by the Sunday Times, the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) has a proposed a complete overhaul of South Africa’s current testing and driving rules. Some of..
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Farm attack/robbery on Christmas eve gone bad “ for the attackers” – 2 robbers caught, 1 victim injured
On Christmas eve 21.15 hrs, a farm-family in the Rural area of Paarl, was having their x-mass gathering and enjoying the celebration of the birth of Christ. They had no idea, they were being watched by at least 2 culprits wearing balaclava, who were dropped of by a vehicle to do the robbery. The culprits..
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Tekort aan menslike bronne kelder ANC-regime se Gesondheidsplan
In ‘n verslag van die SA Health Review blyk dit dat die tekort aan menslike hulpbronne die ANC se droom van universele gesondheid dekking kelder. Die verslag toon dat veral die landelike areas ernstige tekorte het aan mediese beamptes.
Syfers toon dat soveel as 106,000 poste reeds in 2010 vakant was vir 14 kliniese gesondheidsprofessies.
Waar en hoe die staat die poste gaan vul is ‘n raaisel en die vermoede bestaan dat gekwalifiseerdes vanuit die buiteland ingevoer sal word om te verseker dat die blankes van Suid-Afrika nie aangestel word nie.
Deur: Die Vryburger
Hierdie berig weerspieël nie noodwendig die mening van SAUK-nuus nie.
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Verkeerde diagnose by Steve Biko- akademiese hospitaal ontaard in lewensgevaarlike kanker wat vrou se hele gesig skend
’n Pretoriase vrou is in skok nadat haar “koorsblaar” in ’n lewensgevaarlike kanker ontaard het wat al groot dele van haar gesig geskend het.
Clara van Heerden (52), van Hermanstad in Pretoria-Wes, beskuldig die dokters van die Steve Biko- akademiese hospitaal dat hulle haar al sedert 2016 verkeerd gediagnoseer het.
Sy sê die dokters daar het aanhoudend gesê sy het ’n infeksie. Hulle het verskeie reekse antibiotika voorgeskryf, maar nooit ’n biopsie gedoen nie.
“Niks het gehelp nie,” sê sy. “Dit was die heeltyd net seer.”
En elke keer was die “koorsblaar” groter.
Sy sê sy is al sedert verlede jaar op ’n waglys om ’n biopsie te kry.
Sowat ’n maand gelede het sy dit met die finansiële hulp van ander in die private sektor laat doen.
Dr. Fritz Hoogendijk, ’n private kaak- en mondchirurg, het twee weke gelede vir haar die uitslag van die biopsie gegee: Sy het nog al die tyd kanker en nie ’n koorsblaar nie.
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Cyber criminals is costing SA millions and brands South Africa as a crime paradise among villains
On-line shopping is convenient, especially during the Christmas season when the shops are flooded with people and the villains also want to have the share by either in stealing from shoppers in the store or in online. South Africa is currently branded as one of the world’s best places for internet fraud by the crackers…
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Crimes committed against the elderly should be seen as crimes committed against the whole community 87-Year-old Woman Assaulted During House Robbery, New Brighton
Crimes committed against the elderly should be seen as crimes committed against the whole community” as said by Motherwell Cluster Commander, Major General Dawie Rabie following the severe assault of a paralysed 87-year-old woman during a house robbery at her Rula Street home in New Brighton yesterday. Yesterday, 04 December 2018, at about 12:00 the..
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What a joke so brace yourself:- Hlaudi Motsoeneng will run for president in 2019
He’s up to his old tricks once more. Hlaudi Motsoeneng is giving it the business, outlining his plans to to lead South Africa in 2019.
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Exclusive auction – Anger as Durban car auction reserved for township blacks only
Durban – ETHEKWINI Municipality’s attempts to improve the spending power of Africans – under the age of 35 – by excluding Indians and coloureds from an official car auction drew widespread criticism this week.
The event was officially dubbed a radical economic transformation (RET) auction. It involved the selling off of various used municipal vehicles from the city fleet site and was advertised in a newspaper which stipulated that it would only allow the participation of young people from townships as well as military veterans.
The event stemmed from a promise made during a conference on RET earlier this year, where the eThekwini Municipality said it would – through business associations – accelerate interventions to achieve “economic emancipation and equality” for previously marginalised businesses.
As a result, only those registered on the National Military Veterans’ database, and those under the age of 35 who lived in townships or communities under
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Bedrieër steel R95 miljoen wat bedoel was vir die sink van boorgate in droogte geteisterde gebied in Natal
Hy dra die indrukwekkende name, “Prince Ishwar Ramlutchman Mabheka Zulu”en het selfs ’n mooi gebaar betoon teenoor Koning Goodwill Zwelithini op Erfenis dag iewers in Durban.
Die Valke het egter nou begin met ’n ondersoek na die bewerings dat hy sowat R95 miljoen ontvang het wat bedoel is vir boorgate wat gesink moes word in Natal waar ernstige droogte toestande geheers het.
Die boorgate moes in en om Dundee gesink word om water te voorsien aan die mense van die gebied.
Ishwar Ramlutchman (42), wat klaarblyklik ’n uitgeslape bedrieër is maar deur die Koning aangewys is as hoof van die iziNyos regiment, het onlangs nuus gemaak op die voorblaaie van die media, waaroor liefs nie verder uitgewei word nie.
Die “prins” wat dikwels verkeerdelik as die seun van die Zoeloe koning aanvaar word, noem homself ook die seun van die Koning.
Hy word nou ondersoek en staar vervolging in die gesig vir korrupsie, bedrog, en omkopery.
Deur: Die Vryburger
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Met sowat 7 miljoen mense wat HIV-positief is,is SA die grootste HIV draer in wêreld
Met sowat 7 miljoen mense wat HIV-positief is, word dit die land met die hoogste aantal besmettings ter wêreld beskou.
In die afgelope week het politieke leiers, geneeshere en wetenskaplikes almal hulle mening gege oor die geweldige krisis, en is dit beklemtoon dat die stryd nie laat vaar kan word teen die gevaarlike virus nie.
Met di hoë syfer van tuberkulose in die land, wat nie voldoende aandag kry ni, word HIV besmette mense se agteruitgang soveel vinniger wanneer hull ook di tuberkulose moet bestry.
Regerings departemente in al die provinsies is gevra om meer te doen ter bestryding van die HIV besmetting, maar daar is ook diegene wat reken die kultuur en gedrag van mense moet verander alvorens die krisis afgeweer sal word.
Deur: Die Vryburger
Hierdie berig weerspieël nie noodwendig die mening van SAUK-nuus nie.
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South Africa’s infrastructure built by whites over three centuries is now being destroyed by ANC politicians – Mayor of Stutterheim suspended after violent protests occurred in the town during which the municipal building and a clinic were burned down
The mayor of Stutterheim, one Pateka Qaba, was suspended by his party after violent protests in the town during which the municipal building and a clinic were destroyed by arson attacks. Why is it allowed that some of the political parties in South-Africa are being allowed the mismanage municipality councils and ruin a perfect town…
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