SARS have found their bite: It’s reported that Commissioner Edward Kieswetter will be chasing top ANC and Bosasa officials, but can he be trusted because Jacob Zuma is on his radar

Shocking news for you, yes YOU that are paying your taxes:- Former South African president Jacob Zuma is slammed for wasting more taxpayer money recording an album including his trademark song Bring Me My Machine Gun

Just something to think about with regards to SA taxes that will leave you shocked!

SARS intensifying revenue collection efforts and bring to book tax dodgers – Seems like the cash strapped ANC is in dire need of money?

While National Treasury and SARS scramble for money, a new focus has been placed on the revenue service’s plans to tax SA expats working abroad , who could face having 45% of their earnings over R1 million fed back to government

Sin taxes are increasing – South Africans are going to have to pay more for cigarettes

Former president Jacob Zuma and his corrupt, incompetent ANC comrades are to blame for the recent VAT increase and it can’t be reversed due to numerous factors that includes Free Education

Parliament confirms that there will be no VAT reduction for three years

Here’s how government is going to force motorists to pay up for the E-Tolls

Tom Moyane: the devil incarnate! – described himself as the best Sars commissioner in the democratic era even though his mismanagement lead to revenue shortfalls and the country being hit with a VAT increase this year

IS THIS COINCIDENCE? – Mmamathe Makhekhe-Mokhuane makes a fool of herself twice in two days, regarding alleged corruption and mismanagement at Sars

WATCH | Online Incompetence – E-filing system worst example of Affirmative Action BEE

Chaos at Sars IT, the overhaul will cost R1bn to fix, but it is now on hold!

Consumers are warned of second increase in VAT to make up for shortfalls that were stolen by ANC-politicians

Treasury News:- Sars shortfall to blame for VAT hike, so we are paying for their incompetency!