SA-News predicts a Trump win for the same reasons as BRexit won. Independence Day 2.0

No black person is a rightful owner of the land on the European Continent so it must be returned

World Supremacist George Soros is betting $500 Million that White People are the Stupidest People on Earth!

EU CRUMBLES – Austria Warns It Will LEAVE EU If Turkey Wins Controversial Brussels Bid

Uprising: Brexit Triggers Domino Effect Across Europe

BRexit – A Victory for Poor and Normal People, has exposed the rich Elitists and Supremacists, even in SA.

David Cameron Resigns As Britain Contemplates its Freedom And Independence while hyenas and vultures on markets scramble

Cheerio – Brits Tell Supremacist EU, Political Elites, Banksters, Economists, Mass Media and Establishment to fob off.

14-man Ireland beat “transformed” Springboks in historic victory over South Africa

1 + 1 = Mediocrity: The Race to the Bottom – The Worst Horror Movie Ever Because it is Real! Feat. University Cry Babies

20% of White People Have Genetic Resistance To HIV AIDS. NO OTHER Race Has This Natural Immunity

Big Business and MultiNationals ARE THE ENEMY, Driving Mass Immigration, Multiculturalism, Destruction of Sovereign Borders etc.

Importing “refugees” and Giving them Citizenship or Residency is MASSIVE ELECTION FRAUD, Human Trafficking, Treason and Genocide!

BRICS Launch a “Propaganda Coalition” to counter Western Mass Media Propaganda Coalition, the home of Consumerism, Materialism and Advertising

Immigration, Rape, MultiCulturalism, Pedophilia by Muslims & Blacks, are World War 3 Weapons launched by USA, UK & EU to Destroy ALL countries!