The president of the Commercial Farmers Union of Zimbabwe (CFU), Peter van Zyl, has warned South Africa not to repeat mistakes made by his country in implementing its land reform. He says politicians should not use the land question to score political points. The CFU is a grouping of Zimbabwean white farmers, many of whom..
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A warning to SA government from Zimbabwe: Do not use land question to score political points!
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Liar liar, pants on fire! – Ramaphosa blames apartheid and state capture for ailing economy
President Cyril Ramaphosa says state capture, corruption and the legacy of apartheid are to blame for the country’s poor economic performance. Ramaphosa was speaking at the opening of the government’s two day Jobs Summit on Thursday. “Our economic performance has also been undermined by state capture and corruption in both public institutions. Of late, we..
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South Africa’s unemployment crisis: 69 000 jobs lost in four months
Stats SA revealed that employment in the non-agricultural formal sector dropped from 9 817 000 in March 2018 to 9 748 000 in June 2018. South Africa’s unemployment crisis continues to worsen as reports reveal thousands of jobs lost during the second financial quarter. Statistics SA released its latest Quarterly Employment Statistics (QES) bulletin on..
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South Africa is currently on the verge of an economic collapse, with our corrupt government can one expect differently?
Economists warn that South Africa is on the brink of an economic crisis. The recession, unemployment, the rand’s decline in value as well as international developments are factors that make the red lights flash. The rating agency Fitch stated on Tuesday, September 25, that the so-called stimulus package of Cyril Ramaphosa does not really bring..
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Ramaphosa launched the “YES” initiative today to win over youth
JOHANNESBURG – President Cyril Ramaphosa says the Youth Employment Service (YES) will have a positive effect on youth unemployment in the country.
Ramaphosa launched the initiative earlier on Tuesday; a partnership between government, business, labour and civil society
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South-Africa has the highest unemployment rate of all countries in the world
SA has the highest unemployment of ALL countries in the world.
Sad to say but the high tax Southern African Countries have very high unemployment rates. maybe high taxes do not help job creation but rather Job destruction.
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ANC regime is the reason why South African citizens live in poverty
Two equal evils, poverty and inequality lie at the root of South Africa’s economic problems. Both should be treated equally. If the focus is only on inequality, it will create an economy where everyone is equally poor, except the elite which holds power, said adv. Anton Alberts, chairman of the FF Plus. Adv. Alberts said..
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Nearly 50% of Northern Cape without jobs
The Northern Cape has the highest expanded unemployment rate in the country with almost half the Province’s population unemployed. According to the latest statistics released by Stats SA, the expanded unemployment rate (which includes the unemployed as well as those available for work who did not look for work) in the Province has jumped to..
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Unemployment in SA rising amongst youth due to poor economic growth
The unemployment rate of 53% among South Africans between the ages of 15 and 24 shows that young people are the worst hit by poor economic growth, according to a report from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The OECD released its latest report on South Africa this week. According to statistics from..
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Zuma states that poverty in South Africa began when land was taken away
President Jacob Zuma believes the question of land in South Africa must be resolved within the realm of the country’s laws and constitution. Zuma tackled the controversial issue in a speech at a Youth Day celebration in Hammarsdale, near Durban, yesterday. “The land question is very much related to the economy,” he said. “The day..
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Department of Public Works can not be used to solve country’s unemployment problem
The government can not use the Public Works Department to solve the country’s unemployment problem. The country needs a smaller and more competent department to do its job more effectively, says Dr. Corné Mulder, chief whip of the FF Plus. Dr. Mulder said today with the department’s budget debate there is no way in which..
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3rd Party International Factual Review of the AbomiNation that is South Africa – Aggressively Ending Apartheid Destroyed Black Independence
Finally a podcast of a 3rd Party International Factual Review of the Abomination that is South Africa – Aggressively Ending Apartheid Destroyed The First Possible Successful Black Country and completely undermined Black Independence and Nationalism (the secret agenda behind anti apartheid movement). The mere mention of South Africa in a discussion provokes deep images of..
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