The ANC’s Jacob Zuma is in a big financial crisis with his multi-million Rand loan he received from bankrupt VBS Mutual Bank and now has to pay back the money. Along with that, there are the million Rand court costs to be paid while more court cases are being filed in an effort to be..
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Pay back the money Zuma! – Nkandla in VBS liquidators’ vision – cough up R7m or lose Nkandla
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Zuma found guilty to a charge of defamation and must pay R500,000 to former minister Derek Hanekom
Jacob Zuma, the ANC’s former president, who was busy with corruption during his reign, was found guilty in court of naming his former minister, Derek Hanekom. Zuma allegedly said on the social network that Hanekom was an old spy of the enemy, which led to a court case in which Hanekom claimed R500,000 against Zuma…
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VIDEO: Jacob Zuma Still Can’t Count! Is Zuma Deliberately Fumbling To Avoid Questions at Zondo Commission?
A new Jacob Zuma fumbling video has gone viral of him battling his number one enemy – numbers! It is an embarrassing yet well known fact that numbers are former president Jacob Zuma’s number one enemy. A video of the politician fumbling over digits at the State Capture Inquiry has gone viral.
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The ANC’s R80 million failure – 13 ‘unused’ Prasa trains, manufactured by the Spanish company under the hammer, because it’s too big for SA rail specifications
Thirteen locomotives ordered by Prasa from Spanish manufacturer Vossloh Espana will be auctioned to the highest bidder in early September without any of the locomotives being used by Prasa. Already in 2015, the locomotives were found to be too large for South African rail specifications. More than R80 million has been channeled to Maria Gomes,..
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President in absentia: More than 30! That’s how many times Zuma failed to answer questions at state capture inquiry
How many times did former president Jacob Zuma respond to questions at the state capture inquiry with “I don’t know”, “I don’t remember” or “I’m not sure”? We counted. During his testimony from Monday to Wednesday last week, he denied knowing the answers to 36 questions. Last week, the former president dominated news headlines when..
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ANC stalwarts reacted to Zuma’s haunting week at the State Capture Inquiry: “He’s a spineless thug”
Former president Jacob Zuma may have dug his own grave with his antics at the State Capture Inquiry. His own brotherhood of ANC cadres has turned against him after he made startling allegations about some of them. In what turned out to be one of the most dramatic weeks of deputy chief justice Raymond Zondo’s..
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WATCH | Zuma mocks his critics on Twitter ahead of state capture appearance singing “Zuma must fall, Zuma must Fall!”
A video clip of former president Jacob Zuma dancing and mocking his critics was posted on social networking site Twitter on Sunday afternoon. Dressed in a black suit and white shirt, a laughing Zuma is seen dancing while singing: “Zuma must fall! Zuma must fall!” The tweet was posted around lunchtime on Sunday, the day..
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Former President Zuma and the three monkeys – hear nothing, see nothing and say nothing!
The statues of the three monkeys materialized as the Zondo commission dragged on. The one monkey closes his ears, the other his eyes and the other his mouth. Now Zuma comes and says, “I can’t remember, I can’t say anything, I wasn’t there” This is Jacob Zuma’s answer to his questions. He now attempts to..
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Zuma testifies to Zondo commission and says he is a victim of international organizations that have targeted him for years and made him appear to be corrupt
The announcement that Jacob Zuma testified before the Zondo commission gave him a round of applause, but intellectuals believe that the man is going to “duck and dive” without making any significant confession. Although there were seats for about 200 people and special arrangements were made to accommodate the former ANC president, over 5,000 supporters..
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“Zuma still controls the ANC” – Natasha Mazzone blitzes Ramaphosa – Good luck coming back from Mazzone’s speech!
It’s arguable that the best thing about Cyril Ramaphosa’s SONA speech is the debate that followed it: He’s been blasted for using Thursday’s address to “fantasise”, while many South Africans face a harsh reality. However, politicians across the house have united to try and stir the president from his dreams – including Natasha Mazzone. The..
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Zuma has to pay more than R16 million for years of court cases sponsored by taxpayers’ money
The courts reportedly last week dismissed Jacob Zuma’s plea for leave to appeal against a finding that he can’t use state funds to pay for his defence costs. Former President Jacob Zuma has reportedly lost his latest court bid and would have to pay more than R16 million spent over 14 years on litigation. The..
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ARMS DEAL COMMISSION FAILED TO DO ITS JOB – Corruption Watch wants the court to review and set aside the findings of the inquiry that was appointed by former president Jacob Zuma
The court application by Corruption Watch and Right2know comes after Judge Willie Seriti, who headed the commission exonerated politicians of wrongdoing-when he released his report in 2016. Corruption Watch has argued in the Gauteng High Court in Pretoria that the arms deal commission failed to do its job. The anti-corruption organisation wants the court to..
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Former SA President, Zuma has been charged with corruption linked to a multi-billion dollar arms deal – However, he denies any wrongdoing
Why was there an arms deal? – Newly democratic South Africa decided its military needed to be overhauled – and five years after coming into power following the end of white minority rule, the African National Congress (ANC) government signed contracts totally 30bn rand ($5bn; £3bn in 1999). The deal involved companies from Germany, Italy,..
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Corruption on corruption, R3.9 billion missing – PIC managing government workers’ savings cannot determine where funds are
The never-ending spate of corruption incidents in South Africa are being disclosed one after another. The Public Investment Corporation (PIC), which is Africa’s largest resource manager, apparently found no trace of documents to indicate how and why an amount of R4bn was invested in the obscure oil company affiliated with the ANC and Jacob Zuma…
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Zuma is appoints new legal team in desperate attempt to escape prosecution for alleged corruption
Former president Zuma has appointed a new legal team to defend his case in desperate attempts to escape prosecution for alleged corruption. However, experts believe that Zuma’s new team of legal representatives will struggle to get him acquitted, and will also fail to meet Zuma’s desire to end the trial against him. The corruption case..
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