The iconic historical image of art and books being burnt in streets has been a portent of war throughout the centuries when sensitised rabid crowds destroy… In South Africa more people die than during the Iraq war. Just because the enemy is not wearing uniforms nor are the victims fighting back, does not mean it..
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Civil War In South Africa! When works of art are burnt in the streets, the communists want war…
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Who Needs ICC as SA Communist Party Smug Over Last Nail in Coffin of Freedom As Leader of Thembu Nation Goes to Jail…
Should the leader of the AmaThembu Nation appeal to ICC? If you are part of the brainwashed masses, this report will either be totally irrelevant to you, or it will make you think justice has been served… If however you are aware and sensitive to the evil that is communism, which has murdered over..
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Deliberate Destruction of ALL Nations. Is SA Deliberately Being Pushed to Junk Status? Global Marxism Demands It.
Deliberate Destruction of ALL Nations. Is SA Deliberately Being Pushed to Junk Status? The Global Marxist Trend Seems Indicate It. World War 3 is about hijacked governments versus citizens! The latest unexplained, illogical, destructive, apparently selfish and self centred decision by ANC and Zuma to replace the Finance Minister has, yet again got everyone..
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Orania visit exposes SA Media anti white racism, prejudice and proliferation of Afrikaner Genocide fueled by African Self Doubt
Why is it so difficult for Africans to understand the simple concepts of Live and let Live, Freedom of Association, Freedom of Speech, Self Determination, Accountability, etc. ? On Thursday, 8 October, Andrew Kenny visited Orania for the first time. He stayed there for four days, attending a Libertarian Conference. Orania was such a revelation..
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ENGLISH is The Language of The Oppressor. Pukke Is Only Afrikaans Campus Left, Where Must We Go?
Marie Venter*, a fourth year student at the Pukke campus approached The Daily Vox to tell the positive side of Pukke: There has been a lot of negative press about the Pukke campus when it comes to issues of transformation. I have chosen to speak out, as a white Afrikaner student, to share my side..
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“5,000 Zimbabweans flee to South Africa every day”. SA needs refugee camps NOT “unity”.
Zim ECONOMIST Eddie Cross has claimed that the tightening economic situation in Zimbabwe has triggered a mass exodus of Zimbabweans into South Africa. In an article titled The deepening crisis in Zimbabwe, Cross has estimated that up to 5 000 people a day are now crossing the country’s southern border into South Africa, a number..
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“Gat kruiping ANC’s Rubbish Education is training Racist and Sexist BARBARIANS” – Jansen, FreeSate Uni
Professor Jonathan Jansen has told state educationalists that they have all become complacent with “this rubbish we call education”. Outspoken academic Professor Jonathan Jansen says it is pointless introducing Mandarin in South African schools, when they cannot teach local languages. The vice-chancellor and rector of the University of the Free State pulled no punches during a..
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ANC Regime slams USA, UK and EU as it blindly follows China into a collectivist totalitarian future.
If there was any remaining doubt about the direction of South Africa’s foreign policy, let it be laid to rest. The African National Congress’s top brass has spoken, unequivocally laying out a virulently anti-western, pro-Chinese vision for the future of international relations. This might be the time to start learning Mandarin. In its bluntest words..
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Arch Communist Nzimande calls for Marxist EFF to be Killed Off. Democracy now irrelevent in Totalitarian South Africa
The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party says it is not shocked at the call by the General Secretary of the South African Communist Party (SACP)‚ Blade Nzimande‚ for the EFF to be killed off. The SACP did not receive a single vote in last years General Election yet it hold the key to power in..
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SACP, the largest Communist Party, has never won a single vote. Will they now come out and step off ANC shoulders?
Not only is the South African Communist Party the second oldest in the World, it is also the largest. Yet in all half a century they have NEVER recieved a single vote at the ballot box. Once again we see proof that democracy is communism by the back door. Mike Smith deconstructs their recent congress..
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Angolans resent Imperial China Colonising their country, causing Angola to increase police force to suppress dissent.
When a halving of oil prices left a gaping hole in Angola’s finances this year, it became clear sub-Saharan Africa’s third largest economy needed help fast – and President Jose Eduardo dos Santos knew exactly where to turn. But the multi-billion dollar loans he signed with China last month have angered Angolans who say they..
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“Liberal Privilege” won’t save white liberals from being stabbed almost 40 times by black strangers for a phone.
The False Narrative: Democratic Political Operative Slashed To Death By Black Assailant on Washington Metro The question that needs to be asked is whether this black criminal would have spared Kevin, apologised and helped him to his feet had he realised he was a white democrat / traitor who sold out his own people? Here’s..
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Banksters Blackmail Greece a week before Referendum. Will Greeks kick out their IMF and ECB slavemasters?
Greece crisis deepens as banks close for a week after IMF and ECB banksters freeze the 5 year liquidity lifeline, a week before the referendum. A blatant attempt to coerce and force Greeks to accept their bailout conditions Greece’s government says banks will stay closed until after snap referendum, while stock exchange shut on Monday and..
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South Africa tells ICC, Courts and West to get stuffed! Yet another Zuma lie as ANC protects mass murderers
JOHANNESBURG, June 15 (Reuters) – From the moment Omar al-Bashir touched down in South Africa, Pretoria was going to be tested with a choice: arrest the Sudanese president for alleged war crimes and face fury from the rest of the continent, or grant him safe passage home and take flak from the West. South Africa’s..
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Blacks had FREE university under Apartheid, whites had to pay. Apartheid Black education was much better than now.
Black South Africans that were educated and trained under the apartheid education system are doing well today. Nelson Mandela himself became a lawyer under the Apartheid system. The black education system under apartheid realized that whites and blacks are different culturally and religiously. The system gave the blacks an education department and a chance to..
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