BRexit – A Victory for Poor and Normal People, has exposed the rich Elitists and Supremacists, even in SA.

U.S. Embassy Warns of ‘near-term’ ISIS attacks against Americans in South Africa

European Union and Pope MURDER another 700 migrants in Med as Dutch handout €10,000 bribes to migrants for “shopping” in Netherlands

Will Zuma end like Qaddafi who was killed in a Western driven false color revolution that wants to give Malema the power?

Lest We Forget: Today, 33 years ago, NELSON MANDELA MURDERED 17 Innocents. He admitted approving the Church Street bomb in his autobiography.

Is Obama Deliberately Sponsoring Terrorism and Human Trafficking in 3rd World Countries with Suitcases of Benefits Cash to Fund “Refugees”?

3rd Party International Factual Review of the AbomiNation that is South Africa – Aggressively Ending Apartheid Destroyed Black Independence

Former Facebook Employees Confess To Artificially Boosting Black Lives Matter and Suppressing Conservative News

Mandela is Africa’s Biggest Sell Out. Are all Nobel Peace Prize winners Traitors who sold their people to the World Money Powers?

“These Are VERY VERY BAD People” – Trump. George Soros Funds nearly 200 Anti-Trump Organisations in his Evil campaign to destroy ALL nations.

Google plots With Hillary Clinton to Commit Regime Change in Syria, Destroying Al Jazeera’s Independence Claim

Proof Google Can and Will Manipulate Elections by up to 25% to favor their candidate (Clinton) without anyone knowing or leaving a paper trail!

“Open Borders” & “Refugees Welcome” Destroying both Zimbabwe and South Africa just as it destroys European countries.

1 + 1 = Mediocrity: The Race to the Bottom – The Worst Horror Movie Ever Because it is Real! Feat. University Cry Babies

Evil “Establishment” against Trump exposed as Apple’s Tim Cook, Google’s Larry Page & Eric Schmidt, Napster’s Sean Parker, Tesla’s Elon Musk, etc.