The number – and size – of insurance claims filed with state-owned political risk insurer Sasria (the South African Special Risks Insurance Association) show just how much violent protests are costing South Africa. In 2007, after nearly four years of economic growth of over 5%, Sasria received 540 claims worth R14 million for damage as..
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ANC-regime needs to take notice – The cost of violent protests has spiked 100 fold in a decade
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Bloodhounds are sucking SA motorists dry so that the ANC can benefit – total fuel tax comes to R5.73 now while little of the levy is intended for the right purpose due to corruption and mismanagement
A newly released report shows that South Africa’s motorists are being “sucked dry” with heavy levies while little of its intended for the right purpose. Ten years ago, the total tax on fuel was R1.77 and now it has become R5.73 per liter. Financial experts point out that the government is abusing the fuel levy..
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Chief Justice’s office rack up a whopping travel bill of R114m in merely one year and now questions arise of how this could even be possible
The Office of the Chief Justice (OCJ) spent a large amount of money on travel in the 2017/18 financial year. In recent months Judges Matter and journalist Niren Tolsi have been raising troubling questions about the management of the Office of the Chief Justice. This high travel bill reinforces their concerns. We sent questions to..
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Election cost taxpayers billions of rand, SA’s struggling economy has taken a step closer towards junk status
Apart from the fact that taxpayers had to foot the bill for the state’s expenses, the amount of which is unknown, but has amounted to millions. The recent election has pushed the struggling economy another step closer towards junk status with the tremendous expense of political parties. The ANC spent more than one billion in..
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Millions of Rands of taxpayers money are exploited on State’s funeral burials for so called struggle hero’s to please ancestral spirits while thousands of citizens are living in poverty
At the rate that ANC’s “stalwarts” are now dying, local governments and the state will be spending a lot of money for burials and funerals. Every ANC member now dying is considered a “struggle hero” and “deserves” a state funeral. African funerals are accompanied by generous refreshments and the traditional rituals that must be completed..
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R27 million of taxpayers money missing in thin air and now KZN’s traditional councils can’t explain how and where it went
KwaZulu-Natal’s traditional authorities have failed to account for more than R11-million in levies collected by the province’s amakhosi from their subjects during the past financial year.
They were also unable to account for more than R15-million in property under their control, according to the 2017-2018 annual report of the Traditional Levies and Trust Account.
The report was submitted to the KwaZulu-Natal legislature this week by the MEC for co-operative governance and traditional affairs, Nomusa Dube-Ncube.
Co-operative governance MEC Nomusa Dube-Ncube said the audit was disappointing. (Mandla Mkhize)
Poor accounting systems and a strike by the secretaries of the province’s tribal councils resulted in the auditor general’s office issuing a qualified audit outcome against the entity.
The more than 350 secretaries, who receive a government stipend of R1 600 a month, want the department to pay them R12 000 instead, which the co-operative gover
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South Africa is in shambles since ANC- regime is totally incompetent to work with money, spending more than R296 million of taxpayers money unnecessarily over the last five years
The Auditor General found that government has wasted at least R296 million at national, provincial and local government levels over the past five years. Unauthorized, irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditures incurred resulted in huge money losses the last years. There was a 121% increase in irregular expenditure, and a 68% increase in unauthorized expenses. About..
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Some ministerial homes vacant for eight year while millions of rand have been spent on their upkeep, funded by you the tax payer
Parliament has heard that some ministerial houses have remained empty for a long as eight years while millions of rand have been spent on their upkeep. This was revealed by top officials from the controversial department of public works in yet another appearance before the standing committee on public accounts (Scopa) on Wednesday‚ which for..
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Bankrupt Mangaung Metro does not have money for service delivery, but can spend a whopping R4.5 million during a festival
Despite assurances that the bankrupt Mangaung Metro did not give money to the Macufe Festival, Netwerk24 has reliably learned that R4.5 million has been paid to the organizers. Executive Mayor Olly Mlamleli apparently requested a R4,5 million check for payment to C-Squared. C-Squared organizes the Mangaung Arts and Cultural Festival, which has just been held..
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Living the luxurious life funded by taxpayers- Ministers’ spouses take their free ride to international destinations
Cabinet ministers have racked up a R7.6m bill on luxury travel for their wives, husbands, children and other relatives to international destinations such as New York and Paris on taxpayer-funded official trips. This has been revealed in answers to a series of written questions by DA MPs to each of the 35 cabinet ministers in..
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SABC nearing bankruptcy yet executives pocket R45 million in paychecks
In times of dire financial distress, the spotlight falls on the SABC’s exorbitant executive salaries. The South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) is struggling to stay afloat, yet executives are still being paid millions. Usually, when a company is struggling to make ends meet, salaries are often the first expenses closely examined and adjusted accordingly. But..
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‘Private healthcare not affordable, even for people who are supposedly rich’
The findings of the Competition Commission’s Health Market Inquiry released today reveal what Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi says he already knew – that private healthcare has become so exorbitantly expensive, even those on medical aid can’t afford it.
Moreover, the commission found – during its more than four-year-long investigation – that the market was characterised by high and rising costs of healthcare and medical scheme cover, disempowered and uninformed consumers, and a general absence of value-based purchasing.
“That private healthcare has become costlier and costlier has been proven today, some of us knew it long ago back in 2009 that private healthcare no longer affordable, even for people who are supposedly rich who are on medical aid can’t afford it,” Motsoaledi said at the briefing held in Sandton to announce the release of the much anticipated provisional report.
According to the inquiry’s chairperson, former Chief Justice, Sa
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112 Municipalities won’t have enough money to cover their expenses
The majority of municipalities which won’t have enough money to cover their expenses are in Limpopo, followed by the Northern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal.
It’s emerged more than 40% of municipalities don’t have the money to carry out service delivery plans for the current financial year.
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