Suspended South African Revenue Service (Sars) commissioner Tom Moyane has filed an over 700-page application at the Constitutional Court asking the court to urgently hear his matter to have President Cyril Ramaphosa’s decisions in appointing the Nugent commission and the disciplinary inquiry into his conduct as being in violation of the Constitution.
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Tom Moyane seeks ConCourt intervention as his time runs out
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SARS financial position is in a state of total chaos due to corruption, now the entity is seeking tax evaders to restore the disastrous situation
SARS intends to find 300 000 companies for non-submission of their tax returns. More than 500 000 new companies were registered in the past financial year, of which the vast majority did not submit returns. With this effort, SARS aims to promote its income. Experts say it’s going to be an uphill battle for SARS..
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SARS does not have the ability to recover 40% of R143 billion in outstanding tax, can you trust any of the country’s government systems?
It appears that the South African Revenue Service (SARS) does not have the ability to recover 40% of R143 billion in outstanding tax. SARS is involved in disputes or debts that are outstanding for more than four years. SARS said it is going to concentrate on the 60% that they may be able to recover…
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Treasury News:- Sars shortfall to blame for VAT hike, so we are paying for their incompetency!
Treasury would not have needed to increase value added tax (VAT) by one percentage point to 15% in April if not for the revenue shortfall at the South African Revenue Services (SARS), deputy director general at national treasury Ismail Momoniat told the Nugent commission of inquiry on Wednesday.
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Tax claims for your Medical Expenses
Putting in a claim for your medical expenses can be tricky when filing your tax returns.
I’d like to know if one can claim for medical expenses:
1. If medical aid doesn’t cover for the expenses paid; and
2. What if medical aid is exhausted and I pay out of my pocket, can I claim for that as well?
Piet Nel from the SA Institute of Tax Professionals responds:
The issue is whether or not it is qualifying medical expenses as defined in section 6B for purposes of the medical rebate.
We accept that, if the individual was a member of a medical scheme, it may not have been covered in full. This may be because this is something which is elective and not usually covered by the medical schemes or because it exceeded the value of the amount covered by the scheme.
It may also not qualify as a “relevant health service” in terms of the definition in the Medical Schemes Act, 1998. The Income Tax Act, however, doesn’t refer to this.
The section
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Taxpayers reluctant to submit return – Can you blame them?
The South African Revenue Service (SARS) is apparently badly affected by a silent protest by taxpayers who no longer wish to submit returns and therefore probably no or less tax are therefore paid.
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Gerrie Nel, Trevor Manuel, Vusi Pikoli are State witnesses in SARS ‘rogue unit’ case
The list of witnesses the State will be drawing on in their case against a trio of ex-SARS officials is throwing up names well known during the trial of former police commissioner Jackie Selebi as well as beleaguered SARS executives Tom Moyane and Jonas Makwakwa.
Former SARS officials Ivan Pillay, Johann van Loggerenberg, and Andries Janse van Rensburg briefly appeared in the Pretoria Magistrate’s Court on Monday where they were charged with the illegal interception of communications and corruption relating to the installation of cameras installed at the offices National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) which became known as Project Sunday Evenings
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President Cyril Ramaphosa’s blistering letter suspending South African Revenue Service (SARS) boss showed an attempt by the state to salvage the integrity of SARS
President Cyril Ramaphosa’s blistering letter suspending South African Revenue Service (SARS) boss Tom Moyane showed an attempt by the state to salvage the integrity of the key institution that has been plagued by poor governance.
While graft scandals engulfed the public service, SARS had over the last decade emerged as the last bulwark against corruption, as it maintained a reputation of efficiency and impartiality
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Tackling illicit trade a quick fix for Treasury’s cash shortfall
Fawu has marched to the Sars HQ to call for a clampdown on illegal TRADE.
Billions of rand can easily be brought into over-stretched-state coffers if illicit trade is addressed with urgency.
South Africans were shocked in October when then finance minister Malusi Gigaba informed the nation in his mid-term Budget speech that a drastic decline in economic growth, coupled with “a sharp deterioration” in tax collections, had led to a tax revenue shortfall of R50.8billion – the largest under-collection since the 2009 recession.
Since then, Gigaba has announced a 1% VAT increase – the first in our democratic era – to try to address the shortfall, before Nhlanhla Nene replaced him as the person holding the purse strings.
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SARS double standards, cash flow manipulation
As previously reported, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) only applies rules as it suits them.
Any late income tax payments will be levied with a hefty fine but if SARS money has to be refunded to the general public, the return is referred for audit and when it is done, the amount due will be repaid without any interest.
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Who maintains the ANC regime’s coffers by paying taxes?
The law firm Webber Wentzel analyzed the tenth issue of the South African Revenue Service (SARS) tax statistics. From the conclusions it appears that 37% of the tax collected in 2016/17 came from individual taxpayers. Of the 20 million registered taxpayers, only 6.3 million payers submitted tax assessments, as those who earn less than R350..
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SARS desperate – goes after taxpayer who owes R0.49
SARS is getting desperate after suffering huge shortfalls, and is now auditing a large portion of taxpayers who need to receive refunds. This is according to the Rapport newspaper, which spoke to tax practitioners about changes at the revenue service. According to the newspaper, more salary earners are subjected to audits – while SARS takes..
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Sars’ brand diminished by unskilled staff
For every step in the right direction, Sars manages to tumble down two. The Tax Ombud is slowly gaining ground in assisting taxpayers in resolving their tax differences with Sars. Unfortunately, these “tax differences” are frequently of Sars’ making, and as Sars slips further behind in the revenue target, so can we expect an exponential..
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State machinery employed for nefarious political purposes
Cyril Ramaphosa, responding to rumours about his private life, on Sunday spoke of the manner in which state machinery is employed for a particular political agenda that is in favour of those who prefer a specific candidate to replace Jacob Zuma as the president of the ruling party. But is the Constitution not there to..
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SARS feeds Guptas and ANC
A Parliamentary Question from the FF Plus regarding complaints received from the taxpayer (SARS) since the tax ombudsman came into existence indicates that everything is not well in SARS and that this service can become less and less trusted in dispute with Taxpayers themselves. Adv. Anton Alberts, the FF Plus parliamentary spokesman for finance, asked..
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