Here is a list of resources to be used in doing your own independent research, away from mainstream media’s overbearing pro Big Pharma narrative. Anyone who wants to learn more about if or why vaccines are not safe nor effective, check out these doctors and documentaries! It’s about time the biggest fraud in the history of pharmacology gets exposed so that there can be open discussion and informed consent.
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List of Vaccine Resources to do your own Independent Research to promote #OpenDebate and #InformedConsent!
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#COVIDMANIA, a Politicized Flu, Weaponized by Greedy Powermongers into a Great Reset Which Will Kill More Than Covid19 Itself!
NUMBERS DON’T LIE: Despite all the hype and Covid-19 mania peddled by mainstream media and money grabbing politicians, far more people will, and are still contracting and dying from HIV/AIDS, Cancer, Tuberculosis, Malaria, etc. Shockingly, figures have revealed that lockdown will indeed take more lives than it saves! Truth is the ANC and other globalist liberal governments see Covid-19 as an opportunity not only to line their pockets, but also to hammer through ideological political social engineering projects in the so called Great Reset. For all their claims about saving lives, that really is the last thing on their minds, Socialism is, which is why Covid has been nicknamed #CCPvirus…
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Huge Disparity in Cost of Cancer Treatment – A year’s supply of cancer medicine cost less than R32,000 in India, but costs R882,000 in South Africa!
Despite having a good medical aid, Pinetown resident Hennie Botha, 52, is facing mounting debt of thousands of Rands because of the cost of his cancer treatment. He is not alone: the exorbitant cost of treatment for cancer in South Africa is way beyond the reach of most citizens.
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Nearly 2 million will lose private healthcare if tax reform happens
The government’s plan to ditch medical aid tax credits will have a disastrous effect on already cash-strapped South Africans and force nearly 2 million people onto the over-stretched state health system.
If the tax credit is removed, 22% of medical aid users will not be able to afford cover, Stellenbosch economics consultancy Econex warned in a report published on Friday – 1.9 million of the 8 million medical aid members, including children, will have to drop out of the private healthcare system.
In a national health insurance policy document released in July, Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi said he wanted to remove the tax credit to users, which amounts to R20-billion a year.
Medical aid schemes’ members get a tax reduction of R3,636 a year – or R303 a month. Motsoaledi said then that “the tax credit … we believe, is unfair”.
Economist Paula Armstrong, author of the Econex analysis, said the rebate was intended to “alleviate some pressure on the state [
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New gene editing technique could treat ALS and Huntington’s.
A team of researchers from the University of California San Diego School of Medicine have developed a new RNA-oriented gene editing technique which could treat hereditary diseases such as ALS and Huntington’s.
The team used a method called RNA-targeting CAS9 (RCas9) to track RNA in live cells and correct “molecular mistakes” which lead to diseases.
The new technique eliminated over 95% of the RNA markers linked to a type of ALS and Huntington’s disease.
Professor of cellular and molecular medicine Gen Yeo said that while this study provides evidence the technique works in a laboratory, there is still a long way to go before it can be tested on patients.
“Before this could be tested in humans, we would need to test it in animal models, determine potential toxicities, and evaluate long-term exposure,” he said.
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Blood pressure medicine recalled due to cancer risk – but the regulator took three weeks to act
A drug to treat high blood pressure for almost 12‚500 South Africans is being recalled after the active ingredient was shown to be contaminated by a potentially cancer-causing chemical.
The recall‚ however‚ comes almost three weeks after the drug was removed from shelves in Europe‚ the UK and the USA because the Chinese manufactured active ingredient was contaminated. The regulator‚ South African Health Products Authority (SAHPRA)‚ did not answer TimesLIVE queries about why it took so long to recall it here.
The drugs being removed from pharmacy shelves are Dynaval Co 80/12‚5mg‚ Dynaval Co 160/12‚5mg and Dynaval Co 160/25mg. They are manufactured by Cape Town-based Pharma Dynamics.
Dynaval is used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure‚ or is given to patients who have had recent heart attacks.
But SAHPRA has warned patients that it is far more dangerous to stop taking blood pressure medicine and risk having a stroke than it is t
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Anger over medicines supply scheme
It is crucial for the Rev Isaac Harley to take his medication daily – it’s a matter of life and death really.
As a diabetic with a hypertensive comorbidity, he depends on his tablets and insulin to maintain his insulin levels and to manage his high blood pressure.
But it’s been one problem after the next, he told The Sunday Independent, since his medical aid recommended he use its pharmacy’s direct service to deliver his chronic medication to his address instead of claiming from a local pharmacy in his neighbourhood, Elsies River in Cape Town.
“On more than one occasion I’ve had to call to find out what had happened to my medicine.
“During one stint I had no medicines for two weeks because of delivery delays and I didn’t have funds so I had to borrow medication from my mother, who is also diabetic, and money from friends to get the other medication privately,” the 48-year-old said.
In a battle spanning several years, the Independent Community
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Shortage of National cancer drug may last until October
A deadly national cancer drug shortage is approaching its third month and patients may have to go without until October – if they can make it.
In February, Nic Basson was diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme, a fast-growing malignant brain tumour, which is located in his brain’s language centre and affects his ability to communicate.
He was prescribed the steroid betanoid to help control inflammation associated with the tumor. But in April, his local pharmacy told his wife, Debra, that it could no longer fill his prescription, sending Debra on a frantic country-wide search for the drug – to no avail.
She explains: “Within 24 hours without betanoid my husband had lost his ability to speak.”
She continues, softly: “He also has memory loss, so even when he can find words, he forgets what he was going to say. He is essentially trapped in his own mind.”
Betanoid is not just used to treat brain tumours, the medicine is also prescribed to patients b
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What’s driving up our healthcare costs?
Discovery Health CEO explains why South Africans are paying higher medical aid premiums than ever before. Access to quality healthcare at an affordable price is a critical priority for every family, and in society at large. South Africans lucky enough to afford private healthcare have rapid and convenient access to some of the best quality..
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Nearly 2 million will lose private healthcare if tax reform happens
The government’s plan to ditch medical aid tax credits will have a disastrous effect on already cash-strapped South Africans and force nearly 2 million people onto the over-stretched state health system. If the tax credit is removed, 22% of medical aid users will not be able to afford cover, Stellenbosch economics consultancy Econex warned in..
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New gene editing technique could treat ALS and Huntington’s.
A team of researchers from the University of California San Diego School of Medicine have developed a new RNA-oriented gene editing technique which could treat hereditary diseases such as ALS and Huntington’s. The team used a method called RNA-targeting CAS9 (RCas9) to track RNA in live cells and correct “molecular mistakes” which lead to diseases…
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Anger over medicines supply scheme
It is crucial for the Rev Isaac Harley to take his medication daily – it’s a matter of life and death really. As a diabetic with a hypertensive comorbidity, he depends on his tablets and insulin to maintain his insulin levels and to manage his high blood pressure. But it’s been one problem after the..
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Shortage of National cancer drug may last until October
A deadly national cancer drug shortage is approaching its third month and patients may have to go without until October – if they can make it. In February, Nic Basson was diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme, a fast-growing malignant brain tumour, which is located in his brain’s language centre and affects his ability to communicate. He..
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