List of Vaccine Resources to do your own Independent Research to promote #OpenDebate and #InformedConsent!

#COVIDMANIA, a Politicized Flu, Weaponized by Greedy Powermongers into a Great Reset Which Will Kill More Than Covid19 Itself!

Huge Disparity in Cost of Cancer Treatment – A year’s supply of cancer medicine cost less than R32,000 in India, but costs R882,000 in South Africa!

Nearly 2 million will lose private healthcare if tax reform happens

New gene editing technique could treat ALS and Huntington’s.

Blood pressure medicine recalled due to cancer risk – but the regulator took three weeks to act

Anger over medicines supply scheme

Shortage of National cancer drug may last until October

What’s driving up our healthcare costs?

Nearly 2 million will lose private healthcare if tax reform happens

New gene editing technique could treat ALS and Huntington’s.

Anger over medicines supply scheme

Shortage of National cancer drug may last until October