A new “struggle song” in Afrikaans has been released on all major music platforms
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New Afrikaner Boer Struggle Song released: “Net Ons Riviere Loop Vry”
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Black Friday 2019 is Here! Up to 30% Off Storewide, Delivered Nationwide! Order Online Now!
Don’t miss out on all the wonderful 2019 Black Friday gift deals that we have on offer. Black Friday 2019 is a time of great specials and massive savings, making it the perfect time to treat yourself to something amazing or find the perfect gift that’s just right for friends, family and even colleagues. We have incredible Black Friday gifts for her and Black Friday gifts for him.
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A well known Afrikaans singer dies in car accident – Eastern Cape
Afrikaans singer Jacques De Coning dies in a car accident 24 minutes ago Thinus Ferreira share this Jacques De Coning (Photo: Facebook). Afrikaans singer Jacques De Coning died in a car accident on Sunday morning in the Eastern Cape. Netwerk24 first reported the singer’s death on Sunday afternoon, citing a car accident on the R72..
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(4) – Steve Hofmeyr drives over DStv decoder, destroys dish, and offers R10k to supporter who does the same, supporters are ‘braaing’ their DStv decoders – #DSTVBRAAIDAG (video’s)
Afrikaans singer Steve Hofmeyr, who destroyed his DStv decoder and satellite dish in an attempt to boycott MultiChoice, has urged his supporters to do the same. This comes after MultiChoice in a statement to Channel24 said that it would “in future not carry content that includes Steve Hofmeyr on any of its platforms”. The statement..
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NMF (Nelson Mandela Foundation) and AfriForum in court to argue on banning of the old South African flag now it all lies in the hands of the Equality Court (pic & video)
On 29 and 30 April, the Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF) and the lobby group, AfriForum were in court to argue on whether the declaration that gratuitous displays of the old South African flag constitute hate speech. The NMF, supported by the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) and Johannesburg Pride, took the issue to court..
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Afrikaans in trouble, or should we rather say poor Steve because another wheel comes off ‘AFRIKAANS IS GROOT’ as Toyota, Media24 walk out, this is so childish off them (with tweet clips)
Calls were made for major sponsors, including the car manufacturer, to pull out of the festival as it is being headlined by controversial musician Steve Hofmeyr. Media24, which owns big national titles and sponsors of Afrikaans is Groot, YOU, Huisgenoot, Beeld and Netwerk24, has announced it’s also pulling out of the festival. Toyota South Africa..
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The ‘killing’ of our Afrikaans singers that speaks out for the Whites:- Vaal Casino cancels Steve Hofmeyr’s ‘Afrikaans in die Vaal’ concert
This follows MTN withdrawing sponsorship from the ‘Afrikaans is Groot’ festival due to the singer’s inclusion in the line-up. Emerald Resort and Casino in Vanderbijlpark has announced that it has decided to cancel the upcoming “Afrikaans in die Vaal” concert featuring controversial singer-songwriter and activist Steve Hofmeyr, alongside Afrikaans singer Refentse. The casino said it..
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Kaapstad: Danéa: Gratis Opelug Konsert @ V&A Waterfront:
Moderne “country”, jeugdig, lewendige “goed-voel” musiek en in tred met vandag se voorkeure!
Datum:- 17 Maart 2018
Tyd:- 18:00 tot 19:00
Adres:- At Amphitheater, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, Western Cape
Quay Four V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, Western Cape
Toegang:- Gratis
Cape Town based singer – song writer Danéa along side her band performers modern country and up beat feel good music.
“I believe music can bring us all together, it’s a universal language we all understand”
She also performed on Mandela Day in association with Smile 90.4 Fm for charity and various well know festivals in South-Africa.
Luister hier na een van haar musiekvideo’s:-
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Die Madeliefie Makietie is terug op Strandfontein
Die gewilde Madeliefie Makietie-fees, wat verlede jaar vir die eerste keer op Strandfontein aangebied is, keer vanjaar terug na die Juweeldorpie.
Datum van fees:- 26 & 27 Oktober 2018
Feesgangers kan uitsien na sewe van ons land se top kunstenaars wat vanjaar gaan optrede. Die kunstenaars is as volg;
Steve Hofmeyr,
Jo Black,
Karlien van Jaarsveld
en Lee Scott.
Die kunstenaars is vanjaar op die hoofverhoog te sien. Van Jo Black, wat jou met sy manlike stem en romantiese liedjies sal betower tot Karlien van Jaarsveld wat sing vir liefde – natuurlik om die Namakwa-Weskus-streek se makietie te geniet.
Duisende besoekers het die Juweeldorpie besoek tydens verlede jaar se fees, wat gelei het tot die reuse suksesverhaal. Strandfontein vorm die kern van die fees, met die hoofverhoog wat in die Perdeskoen-amfiteater geleë is met ’n pragtige uitsig oor
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Verona Goslett se talent ‘ontmasker’ met eerste enkelsnit
Kom ons ontmasker. Kom ons word sterker. Haal af jou masker, kyk wat skuil daar agter. Gee jouself vlerke, jy weet jy’t geen perke. Haal af jou masker. Wys wat skuil daar agter… is lirieke uit Verona Goslett se debuut-enkelsnit waarmee sy nie net haar siel ontbloot nie, maar ook haar ongelooflike sangtalent met die wêreld deel.
Verona, met haar strelende stem, het beslis geen bekendstelling nodig in vermaakkringe nie. Dié kleindorpiemeisie van Meyerton het oor die afgelope paar jaar nie net naam gemaak as realiteitsprogramster, radio-omroeper en televisieaanbieder nie, maar ook as joernalis, vervaardiger en sanger.
Haar eerste Afrikaanse enkelsnit, Maskers, is pas vrygestel en het reeds die publiek gaande. Die snit, wat deur haar en Hugo Ludik geskryf is, het ’n folk-pop-aanslag met betekenisvolle lirieke en ’n meesleurende wysie wat die luisteraar vir lank sal bybly.
“Dit gaan oor die maskers wat jy dra in jou lewe. Die mee
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