Coerced Political Correctness Wins Dutch Election, Scatters Cucked Voters in All PC Directions

EU style Supremacy comes to Southern Africa. Do Africans even care about their own identity, languages or culture?

Why the ANC Regime cannot read or intercept your WhatsApp messages

Between Heaven and Hell – The True Story of Whites in Southern Africa. Heads up USA/Europe!

Trump said Africa should be recolonised, now Germany announces “Marshall Plan” to rescue Africa

SA-News predicts a Trump win for the same reasons as BRexit won. Independence Day 2.0

No black person is a rightful owner of the land on the European Continent so it must be returned

WAR DRUMS ARE BEATING ……. Russia Beefs Up Its Military Might On Europe’s Border, West Responds With Biggest Show Of Force Since The Cold War

World Supremacist George Soros is betting $500 Million that White People are the Stupidest People on Earth!

The Genocidal Revolving Doors between Big Business, Big Military and Big Government

World Supremacists Gather at United Nations to plot Final Solution for Global Domination and destruction of all nations, all cultures, all religions, all races into one!

European Leaders Discuss Plan For European Army

German Schools Brainwash White Girls To Be Single Mothers With Black ‘Baby Simulators’

Playing Monopoly In Europe

A GLIMPSE INTO HISTORY: Rudolf Hess – The Secret Royal Conspiracy Behind The Murder Of A Man Seeking A Peace Deal