DNA Genetics Prove Race is a Biological Reality and NOT a Climactic, Geological or Social Construct!

DNA Evidence Debunks the “Out-of-Africa” theory as liberal political correctness gone genocidal.

German Nurse Kicked Out of Home of 16 Years To Make Way For “Refugees” in Marxist War on Borders

USA Invades Europe With Refugees? Whistleblower claims USA & CIA is Paying Human Traffickers in Europe to Create Refugee Crisis

“Democracy” = Communism. New UK Labour party leader, a hard line Communist, claims “Democracy” will save them.

Ireland Exposed the Primitive Reasons Given Why Black People get Asylum and not White Africans

Banksters Blackmail Greece a week before Referendum. Will Greeks kick out their IMF and ECB slavemasters?

I’m Black, and I want To Leave South Africa Too.

Africa and Asia Breeding Mankind into Extinction within 100 Years! Top Scientist says it is Unstoppable…

Petition to Make The Cape a Federal Homeland State for Afrikaner Khoi-San, Coloured and European people

South African Human Rights Compliance To ICC Rome Statute Tested With Bashir Visit…

Martin Bosma: “Netherlands, look at the plight of the Afrikaners: the same fate awaits you”