Queen Salivates over Britain’s Ill Gotten Gold Reserves. All those Wars and Murders Reduced To: “Very interesting, isn’t it?”

I’m Black, and I want To Leave South Africa Too.

Documents released by Britain prove Israeli involvement in Idi Amin’s Ugandan coup which led to Genocide of 500,000 including Indians and whites.

Petition to Make The Cape a Federal Homeland State for Afrikaner Khoi-San, Coloured and European people

EXPOSED! Zulu vs Xhosa infighting in ANC and Zuma’s childhood Marxism teacher predicts SA regime change or subdivision & IMF bailout

Brazilian starts Petition to get European South Africans the Right to Return to Europe causing UK’s Express to be xenophobic!

South Africa’s old white soldiers helped Nigeria beat Boko Haram where NO government, not even USA or UK, will.

Black Privilege and Cheapshot Statue Politics exposes how South Africa was designed to fail…

Black man’s lies. Truth about the history of land ownership in Southern Africa and the Bantu Empire

Bank of America echoes Malema’s Nationalization sentiment while Credit Suisse says investors “concerned” on BEE but Eskom big concern.

ANC regime officially classed as an Apartheid State due to Black Apartheid Laws. We hereby charge the ANC with the crime of Apartheid!

11 Tactics Used by the Mainstream Media to Manufacture Consent for the Multinational Oligarchy

Blood, blood, rivers of blood, lakes of blood, oceans of blood: Africa

BBC Poll says Multiculturalism in Britain is a Failure!