Farm Attackers Kill White Guard but Not Black Guard! Takes Two Weeks for Story to Come To Light!

Over 1,000 Rhinos Poached Every Year as SA Government Struggles to Implement it’s Own Ban or Find a Solution

SA Navy Sleeping or Bribed? 6 Chinese Trawlers caught disappearing off radar in Sardine Run off Transkei coast

Is China behind Farm Murders in SA too? “Heroes”, trained by China, who “killed whites like flies”. Is China STILL conducting a war against whites in Africa?

Cattle truck deliberately targeted and crashed by Bantu mob to slaughter cattle for meat.

Dr. G. Stanton from Genocide Watch re-confirms Farm Murders are hate crimes.

2014 Black majority on White minority murders in SA

Cyril Ramaphosa gets over $2.6-million Dollars for 3 Impala at game auction!

Chinese involved in ALL aspects, ALL levels and ALL countries in Ivory Trafficking and Poaching