So many farmers are being murdered that some of these murders are not reported in the mainstream media initially and only came out 2 weeks after it happened. The agricultural union Agri SA and the mainstream clearly failed to create awareness surrounding these murders or even just get it in the media in some cases. There have been 7 farm murders since the beginning of October 2020 in the Free State. Andries Loots was already murdered on 25 October on a pig farm between Welkom and Virginia, but the black farm guard he was on patrol with was not killed, however his murder only came out in a report on Netwerk24 on 10 November. Likewise, Kippie Wessels (52), who farmed his whole life in Vanstadensrus, was murdered in Zastron on 30 October, 2 weeks after leaving his farm. A media report only appeared on 10 November, behind Netwerk24’s paywall, which means the Police spokesperson probably never even put out a statement.
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Farm Attackers Kill White Guard but Not Black Guard! Takes Two Weeks for Story to Come To Light!
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Over 1,000 Rhinos Poached Every Year as SA Government Struggles to Implement it’s Own Ban or Find a Solution
TRADE OF RHINO HORN, GOING FORWARD. The recent Constitutional Court dismissal of the Department of Environment’s appeal to keep the ban to trade in rhino horn in place, has become a very controversial subject. The South African government is struggling with a rhino poaching crisis and their attempt to achieve a solution has only seemed to worsen the crisis.
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SA Navy Sleeping or Bribed? 6 Chinese Trawlers caught disappearing off radar in Sardine Run off Transkei coast
Has the SA Navy been Bribed or are they asleep? 6 Chinese Trawlers caught disappearing off radar in Sardine Run off Transkei coast by member of public with cellphone and R50 App. Can someone explain to me why, as an armchair warrior with a cellphone and a cheap android application I can identify at..
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Is China behind Farm Murders in SA too? “Heroes”, trained by China, who “killed whites like flies”. Is China STILL conducting a war against whites in Africa?
China Is Africa’s New Colonial Overlord, Said Famed Primate Researcher Jane Goodall Back In 2008. Everday the Asian Tiger’s spots are becoming clearer and clearer and reach way back into the continents history. A look at the start of anti-colonial (anti-white or anti-west) sentiment and farm murders in Zimbabwe is certainly a blueprint for what..
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Cattle truck deliberately targeted and crashed by Bantu mob to slaughter cattle for meat.
An horrific incident which recently took place on the N1 highway in the Grasmere area has instilled concern in FleetWatch that trucks are becoming targets by some sectors of society for ‘free shopping’ writes Patrick O’Leary. It is well known that when a truck carrying goods ‘falls over’, everyone in the immediate vicinity rushes to..
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Dr. G. Stanton from Genocide Watch re-confirms Farm Murders are hate crimes.
Dr Gregory Stanton, President of Genocide Watch, addresses a meeting at TAU SA’s building on the threat of a genocide in South Africa Here some of the facts of his address: – The farm murders are not normal murders, he says, they are hate murders. – The brutality of these murders point to genocide. The..
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2014 Black majority on White minority murders in SA
2014 Black majority on White minority murders in SA Ethnic minority: noun – a group of people with a particular race or nationality living in a country or area where most people are from a different race or nationality. White South Africans are an ethnic minority in South Africa. They are being murdered at an..
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Cyril Ramaphosa gets over $2.6-million Dollars for 3 Impala at game auction!
When South Africa’s deputy president bid on a two million dollar buffalo in 2012, he was criticized for being extravagant in a country suffering from widespread poverty. Two years later, Cyril Ramaphosa is more active than ever in the game breeding industry, raking in over $2.6-million dollars for three of his white-flanked impala sold at..
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Chinese involved in ALL aspects, ALL levels and ALL countries in Ivory Trafficking and Poaching
Chinese ivory traffickers now established in all African countries – Out Of Africa report A new report uncovers the fact that Chinese ivory traffickers are present in virtually every African state, and operate at nearly every point along the supply chain. The report, called Out of Africa; Criminalisation of the African Ivory Trade, was commissioned..
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by Margot Stewart, September 2014 This weekend I was reminded of some lyrics from a popular 70’s song called “American Pie” by Don McLean: “But something touched me deep inside…the day the music died.” This weekend I lost faith in my country and had my last few illusions shattered. Here in South Africa on TV..
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