Here is a list of resources to be used in doing your own independent research, away from mainstream media’s overbearing pro Big Pharma narrative. Anyone who wants to learn more about if or why vaccines are not safe nor effective, check out these doctors and documentaries! It’s about time the biggest fraud in the history of pharmacology gets exposed so that there can be open discussion and informed consent.
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List of Vaccine Resources to do your own Independent Research to promote #OpenDebate and #InformedConsent!
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How Covid19 Kills Innocent People Who DON’T Have Covid19! Kidney Patient Neglected & Left to Die in Tshepong State Hospital!
Collateral Damage: Did Covid restrictions let a man literally starve to a lonely death, in yet another horror story from a state hospital, preventing his family from noticing and helping him? Allowed to die from hunger and dehydration in Tsheponh hospital in Klerksdorp? By now everyone should be aware of what death traps SA state hospitals have become, as 58 year old Andre Smit’s family found out when Andre died in hospital on 17 February 2021, after the hospital inexplicably refused him kidney dialysis treatment. Due to Covid the family were barred from helping him themselves and they are convinced he developed kidney failure because of dehydration, from neglect, hunger and thirst in the Tshepong hospital.
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Five Basics Steps To Making a Good First Impression in Online Dating to Get The Attention You Desire!
So, it is weekend and you’ve taken the leap and created a profile on… now what? Let’s look at the five basic steps of making a great first impression on our SAmatch dating site and getting the attention you deserve!
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Do Artificial Sweeteners Raise Odds for Obesity?
Artificial sweeteners may be less helpful than many believe in helping people lose weight and avoid health problems associated with extra pounds, a new evidence review suggests.
Aspartame, saccharin, sucralose and other artificial sweeteners did not lead to any significant weight loss in more than 1,000 participants in seven clinical trials, said lead researcher Meghan Azad. Clinical trials are considered the “gold standard” of medical research, added Azad, an assistant professor of pediatrics with the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada.
At the same time, the combined data from 30 observational studies involving more than 400,000 participants showed that artificial sweeteners are associated with obesity, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and heart health problems. Observational studies cannot prove a cause-and-effect relationship, however.
These results are “kind of the opposite of what these products are intended for,” Azad said. “It should make pe
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South Africans are urged by dietitians to ‘Eat Fact Not Fiction’ June 2017
Nutrition advice promising all sorts, from weight loss to healthier living and even cures for diseases, spread like wildfire across social media. In the era of ‘alternative facts’ and post-truth, ‘the latest, greatest nutrition advice’ from dubious sources can unfortunately tempt many away from accepted dietary guidelines and recommendations based on years of evidence.
‘Eat Fact Not Fiction’ is the theme of Dietitian’s Week 2017, highlighting the important role of dietitians who are able to interpret nutrition science and dietary guidelines in order to customise nutrition advice for each individual. This is vital because from weight loss to a disease like diabetes, there is no ‘one size fits all’ best eating plan. Dietitians happen to be health professionals trained and qualified to do this.
Dietitians and evidence
In the course of earning their degrees in the science of dietetics, dietitians are specifically taught the skills re
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Green Tea extract:- SA voted among best in the world
A highly potent South African green tea extract has been voted among the world’s top new products at one of Europe’s most prestigious natural health trade shows.
Produced in the foothills of the Drakensberg in Mpumalanga and developed by scientists and medical experts, polyphenol-rich Origine 8 was voted as one of the top three out of 330 new health products in the Judges Choice Awards at the Natural & Organic Products Europe trade show (NOPE) in London…
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8 Symptoms of Endometriosis Many Doctors Don’t Recognize
Endometriosis is one of the least understood female conditions.
Despite the fact that roughly 1 in 10 women of reproductive age suffers from endometriosis (equivalent to 5 million women in the United States and 176 million women worldwide) very little is known about the condition (1,2).
Worse yet, about three-quarters of these women experience pelvic pain and/or painful periods as typical symptoms of endometriosis.
What is Endometriosis?
According to WebMD: “Endometriosis occurs when tissue that should line the inside of your uterus, the endometrium, grows outside of it instead. Even though the tissue is outside of your uterus, it still acts like it should during your menstrual cycles. That means at the end of your period, this tissue will break apart and bleed.”
“However, the blood from this tissue has no place to go. Surrounding areas may become inflamed or swollen, and scar tissue and lesions can develop. The most common site fo
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Obesity costs SA economy more than R700bn per year
Johannesburg – The economic impact of obesity in South Africa is more than R700bn per year, a study revealed. According to the Discovery Vitality OBEcity index for 2017, which presents insights on weight status and food purchasing behavior of Vitality members across six South African cities, the impact of obesity is not only limited to..
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Do Artificial Sweeteners Raise Odds for Obesity?
Artificial sweeteners may be less helpful than many believe in helping people lose weight and avoid health problems associated with extra pounds, a new evidence review suggests. Aspartame, saccharin, sucralose and other artificial sweeteners did not lead to any significant weight loss in more than 1,000 participants in seven clinical trials, said lead researcher Meghan..
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South Africans are urged by dietitians to ‘Eat Fact Not Fiction’ June 2017
Nutrition advice promising all sorts, from weight loss to healthier living and even cures for diseases, spread like wildfire across social media. In the era of ‘alternative facts’ and post-truth, ‘the latest, greatest nutrition advice’ from dubious sources can unfortunately tempt many away from accepted dietary guidelines and recommendations based on years of evidence. ‘Eat..
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8 Symptoms of Endometriosis Many Doctors Don’t Recognize
Endometriosis is one of the least understood female conditions. Despite the fact that roughly 1 in 10 women of reproductive age suffers from endometriosis (equivalent to 5 million women in the United States and 176 million women worldwide) very little is known about the condition (1,2). Worse yet, about three-quarters of these women experience pelvic..
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Future Health Now! 2-Year Total Health and Wellness Program
A 2-year Continuity Program With Reoccurring Payments Every 4 Weeks. Ever 7 Days A 5+ Page PDF Document — Written By A Medical Doctor And Naturopath — Details Strategies (from Her Seven Pillars Of Health Model) For Improving Health And Wellbeing
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100 Healthy Sugar Free Raw Snacks And Treats
Healthy, Natural, Sugar Free, No Cook Recipes. Living Nutrition For Living Bodies. Learn How Simple It Is To Improve Your Health With These 100 Quick And Easy Recipes. Http://
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The Next Level Lean Formula – Guide To Getting Lean & Staying Lean
Brand New Vsl W/upsell! 75% Comm./ Insane Conversion Rate! Author Is A Former Pro Athlete And Biomedical Scientist. Product Showing A Scientifically Proven Method For Getting And Staying Lean For Life./promo Tools — Http://
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