Naspers (Netwerk24) Makes Profit From Our Misery – Hides Genocide Behind Pay Wall. How You Unknowingly Promote Their Sales and Propaganda, and Your Eradication

Difficult times for SA health after election of controversial chairperson, Dr Dhlomo whom was responsible for the collapse of KwaZulu-Natal’s health care services

State hospitals in SA frequently makes news headlines and not because of good medical care! – Addington hospital in flames, 84 patients had to be evacuated while elevators were out of order

SA hospitals are described as “death institutions” a National Health program will only create a disaster – free medical care for the entire SA population is not feasible

Inhumane abuse of elderly woman at the hands of hospital staff in Mamelodi Hospital – woman tied up to a leg of a chair and lying on the floor

Woman to sue Gauteng health department after giving birth to ‘decapitated’ baby in state hospital

Lyk verdwyn, koelkamers stukkend in die Mthatha-patologie-laboratorium in die Oos-Kaap – Hoe de joos, verdwyn ’n lyk in die lykshuis?

Ill baby denied healthcare at state hospitals, as a result of very arrogant medical employees the infant died – death could have been prevented if medical team chose to do their job properly

Billions are lost due to Doctors, hospitals and medical aid members collude to commit fraud

Our borders are being flooded so the question is, are foreigners really entitled to free healthcare in South Africa?

More ‘money wasted’ and there are lots of concerns over incomplete Free State drug treatment centre

ANC owerheid nalatig om betyds voorraad aan te vul van lewensnoodsaaklike entstof, nou sit SA met landswye tekort – kinders se gesondheidstoestand word nou bedreig

Here’s a view on what the 2019 budget means for healthcare consumers

SA becoming a third world country, healthcare in shambles – Overcrowding in mortuaries becoming a national problem and health risk

Gauteng-gesondheid R5 mjd. in die rooi en sal waarskynlik ’n reddingsboei moet kry, nogtans ploeg ANC regering voort met nuwe gesondheidsplan alhoewel hy nou alreeds nie die mas kan opkom nie