NASPERS (Network24, News24) asked us to remove this post below. What is it that Netwerk24 wants to hide from poor people from SA, who cannot afford subscriptions to NASPERS or Medical Funds? Do NASPERS want poor people to be under the wrong impression that state hospitals are absolutely good, and when they arrive in an emergency, are they left for dead by negligence, which is not only deliberate, but also often racist? As many people are now discovering, mass media have long forgotten what real journalism is, and they rather just repeat the excuses of the authorities, rather than pointing out the reasons for the misery.
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Naspers (Netwerk24) Makes Profit From Our Misery – Hides Genocide Behind Pay Wall. How You Unknowingly Promote Their Sales and Propaganda, and Your Eradication
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Difficult times for SA health after election of controversial chairperson, Dr Dhlomo whom was responsible for the collapse of KwaZulu-Natal’s health care services
The FF Plus foresees difficult times ahead for our country’s health sector after Dr Sibongiseni Dhlomo, former MEC for Health in KwaZulu-Natal, was elected as chairperson of the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee for Health during the Committee’s first meeting. Dr Dhlomo’s departure from the position of MEC in KwaZulu-Natal earlier this year was welcomed by opposition..
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State hospitals in SA frequently makes news headlines and not because of good medical care! – Addington hospital in flames, 84 patients had to be evacuated while elevators were out of order
An unexplained fire in Durban’s Addington hospital resulted in 84 patients being evacuated. Elevators have been out of order in hospital for 18 months. The Addington Hospital in Durban had to act quickly to remove patients from the seventh floor after a fire occurred. About 84 patients, 25 of whom were newly born babies, had..
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SA hospitals are described as “death institutions” a National Health program will only create a disaster – free medical care for the entire SA population is not feasible
The government wants to set up a National Health Program so that the entire population of South Africa can access free medical care. However, reality speaks volumes. After an unsuccessful term as Minister of Health, Aaron Motsoaledi was “redeployed” to another sector of the cabinet. Under his rule, 143 patients died in institutions and hospitals..
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Inhumane abuse of elderly woman at the hands of hospital staff in Mamelodi Hospital – woman tied up to a leg of a chair and lying on the floor
The hospital’s clinical manager says the abuse was inhumane and that the matter will be investigated and those involved will be taken to task. Mamelodi Hospital’s clinical manager, Dr Mpho Thoabala Motjope said the facility was “dismayed and appalled” by the abuse of 76-year-old Martha Marais at the hospital. This comes after it surfaced through..
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Woman to sue Gauteng health department after giving birth to ‘decapitated’ baby in state hospital
A 19-year-old woman who delivered a “decapitated” baby is planning to sue the Gauteng health department.
According to eNCA, the woman had suffered with abdominal pain for a few weeks before she went into labour. The woman, who has not been named, spoke to eNCA.
She then went to a general practitioner, who found that something was wrong with the baby and suggested she go to hospital for further assessment.
The pain persisted, so she went to Tambo Memorial hospital in Boksburg, where a scan was done, eNCA said.
The hospital confirmed the baby was abnormal, but said a heartbeat could be heard.
“Three days later, she went into labour. She was pushing, but the baby was not coming out. A doctor came and used forceps to take the baby out,” eNCA reported. “That’s when she said she saw the head of her baby without their rest of the body.”
According to eNCA, the woman spent 24 hours with the rest of her baby’s body inside her.
Head of obstetrics
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Lyk verdwyn, koelkamers stukkend in die Mthatha-patologie-laboratorium in die Oos-Kaap – Hoe de joos, verdwyn ’n lyk in die lykshuis?
’n Vermiste lyk, stukkende koelkamers waarin lyke gehou word en personeel wat glo op grond van hul politieke affiliasie aangestel word – dis hoe dinge glo in die Mthatha-patologie-laboratorium in die Oos-Kaap lyk.
Jane Cowley, DA-woordvoerder oor gesondheid in die Oos-Kaap, sê die lyk van ’n jong man het in Januarie spoorloos uit die lykshuis verdwyn en is sedertdien steeds weg.
Na verneem word, is hy in Januarie vermoor, waarna sy gesin sy lyk na die laboratorium vir ’n lykskouing geneem het. Maar die dag toe die gesin die uitslae wou gaan afhaal, het hulle glo met skok verneem dat sy lyk vermis word en dat die lykskouing nooit gedoen is nie.
Ander personeellede is ook hoogs gefrustreerd aangesien aansienlike bedrae weens oortydwerk aan hulle verskuldig is.
“Dit is absoluut verskriklik om te dink dat ’n lyk uit ’n lykshuis kan wegraak,” sê Cowley.
Die polisie het blykbaar nog geen vordering gemaak om die lyk op te spoor nie, sê sy.
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Ill baby denied healthcare at state hospitals, as a result of very arrogant medical employees the infant died – death could have been prevented if medical team chose to do their job properly
A Pietermaritzburg woman’s impassioned plea for nurses at two city hospitals to help her very ill infant fell on deaf ears and hours later the five-month-old baby died.
After his mother was turned away from two state hospitals — Grey’s and Northdale — baby Brody Lee Bezuidenhout could not hold on any longer and died.
The grieving family told The Witness on Monday that had he been attended to urgently they believe Brody Lee would still be alive today.
The five-month-old baby died at Edendale Hospital in the early hours of Sunday morning after his family were allegedly earlier turned away by nurses at Grey’s and Northdale Hospitals.
A series of tests later revealed that baby Brody Lee had contracted bacterial meningitis. His bereaved aunt, Janine Kemp, said the infant woke up crying on Saturday night. The mother noticed that the baby was running a very high fever and could not calm down.
When he continued to cry, they knew something was wrong and
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Billions are lost due to Doctors, hospitals and medical aid members collude to commit fraud
The Special Investigating Unit says it is actively targeting fraudsters in the private healthcare sector.
Fraud, waste and abuse is costing the private healthcare system more than R22-billion, and if you submit false claims, you could face more than just being terminated from your scheme, the Council for Medical Schemes warned at its summit on fraud this week.
The event comes after deputy president David Mabuza announced at the Presidential Health Summit that the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) would be honing in on the healthcare sector.
“We want independent investigations that are turned around quickly and submit and identify findings appropriately,” Mabuza said at the October gathering.
The CMS estimates that fraud, abuse or waste accounts for about 15% of the R160-billion in claims that medical aids pay out annually.
The head of the SIU, advocate Andy Mothibi, said the body is working with the National Prosecuting Authority to help ensure tha
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Our borders are being flooded so the question is, are foreigners really entitled to free healthcare in South Africa?
Directives recently issued by the national and Gauteng health departments requiring foreign nationals to pay in full for healthcare at public facilities weren’t only a threat to public health, they may have been downright illegal.
Walk into a public hospital, and you may be asked to fill out a form stating just how much you earn. That’s because many services in the public sector are billed for on a sliding scale based on a means test: You pay what you can for the treatment you need. At least in theory.
In mid-January, a national health department circular reportedly instructed clinics and hospitals to begin billing foreign nationals the full rate for public health services. Low-income refugees, the memo said, would be the sole exception and would be means tested, Business Day reported.
Only Gauteng passed these instructions onto its clinics and hospitals, specifying that all non-South Africans other than documented refugees should be charged full fees for
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More ‘money wasted’ and there are lots of concerns over incomplete Free State drug treatment centre
The Portfolio Committee on Social Development wants to have a meeting with the National Treasury and the Department of Public Works as to why a drug treatment centre in the Free State has not been completed.
In a statement the committee said the facility has been under construction for three years without any progress. This was despite funds having been allocated and made available to the province annually, as a conditional grant.
“This delay impacts negatively on the agreement of having at least one drug treatment centre in every province,” committee chairperson, Zoleka Capa said.
The committee received a shocking report from the Central Drug Authority (CDA) on how the use of drugs is escalating in communities, something which leads to crime and violence in communities.
“This has increased the committee’s belief in the fact that these drug treatment facilities in all provinces should be prioritised in order to deal with this scourge. The committee
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ANC owerheid nalatig om betyds voorraad aan te vul van lewensnoodsaaklike entstof, nou sit SA met landswye tekort – kinders se gesondheidstoestand word nou bedreig
Suid-Afrika se gesondheidsektor het tans ’n landswye tekort aan lewensnoodsaaklike entstof wat voorkomend is vir Witseerkeel asook ’n entstof ter voorkoming van klem in die kaak.
Die tekort het ouers nie net gefrustreerd gelaat nie, maar veroorsaak woede en angs omdat hul geliefdes se algehele toestand bedreig word.
Die tekort aan die entstof is ’n ernstige bedreiging vir kinders se gesondheidstoestand en kan lei tot sterftes wat voorkom kon word.
Die mense in afgeleë gebiede moet dikwels lang afstand te voet aflê na klinieke waar hulle die voorkomende entstof kry vir hulle kinders, en word nou woedend omdat hulle telkens aangesê word om maar weer later te kom.
Dit blyk egter dat die tekort nie by verskaffers is nie, maar by die owerhede wat nalatig is om betyds hulle voorraad aan te vul.
Deur: Die Vryburger
Hierdie berig weerspieël nie noodwendig die mening van SAUK-nuus nie.
Free Medical-Aid, Hosp
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Here’s a view on what the 2019 budget means for healthcare consumers
National Health Insurance (NHI) is critical to creating a quality functioning healthcare system for all South Africans and it is good to see that Finance Minister Tito Mboweni’s Budget Speech covered areas such as increased funding for certain diseases and improved service delivery in the public sector.
Healthcare in South Africa can only work if the public and private sectors work in partnership – not one at the expense of the other. That is according to Damian McHugh, head of marketing at Momentum’s health solutions.
“By strengthening public health delivery, and with the private sector making sure that it is working towards a healthier South African healthcare sector by looking for opportunities to work with public entities, we can improve and safeguard the health of all South Africans,” says McHugh.
Mboweni unveiled several changes intended to improve the public health system and address funding for initiatives like the NHI.
Flat lining m
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SA becoming a third world country, healthcare in shambles – Overcrowding in mortuaries becoming a national problem and health risk
Unfolding investigations have led to the exposure of a national problem of overcrowding in South African mortuaries.
This was the outcome after local business owners, situated near the Middelburg State Mortuary, lost business due to the oppressive smell of decomposition permeating from the morgue.
The bodies of 18 cable thieves who perished in an explosion at the Gloria Mine are now resting in the state mortuary at room temperature, as post mortem procedures continue.
The already decomposed bodies, are withheld from refrigeration as pathologists try to preserve evidence.
It was later discovered that the Middelburg State Mortuary was suffering from overcrowding due to the influx of bodies as well as restricting laws that have been passed on in the previous year.
Forensic teams are struggling to stay afloat after the new laws prevent them from doing more than four autopsies a day, two days a week.
A 30% overtime limit was also imposed, where co
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Gauteng-gesondheid R5 mjd. in die rooi en sal waarskynlik ’n reddingsboei moet kry, nogtans ploeg ANC regering voort met nuwe gesondheidsplan alhoewel hy nou alreeds nie die mas kan opkom nie
Die Gautengse departement van gesondheid sal waarskynlik ’n reddingsboei moet kry, waarsku die DA.
Jack Bloom, DA-woordvoerder oor gesondheid in Gauteng, sê dr. Gwen Ramokgopa, Gautengse LUR vir gesondheid, het verlede week bevestig die departement is sowat R5 miljard in die rooi.
Bloom het haar op ’n vergadering van die Gautengse wetgewer se gesondheidskomitee oor die departement se skuldlas uitgevra. Die departement het R1 miljard oorbestee en sy skuldlas staan op R4 miljard, sê die DA in ’n verklaring.
Thabo Masebe, woordvoerder van die Gautengse regering, erken “daar is probleme by die departement”.
“Ek verseker jou egter dat die regering wel die probleem hanteer. Ons gee ons volle aandag hieraan.”
Die stabilisering van die departement is volgens hom nie net vir die provinsiale regering ’n topprioriteit nie, maar ook vir dr. Aaron Motsoaledi, minister van gesondheid, en selfs vir pres. Cyril Ramaphosa.
Hoewel hy nie wou sê of di
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