THE COLLAPSE OF EUROPE: GEORGE SOROS – #WesternSocietiesMustFall Before One-World Government Could Be Established

A GLIMPSE INTO HISTORY: Rudolf Hess – The Secret Royal Conspiracy Behind The Murder Of A Man Seeking A Peace Deal

Former Gitmo Detainee And Al Qaeda Leader Promises “New And Creative Ways” To Kill Americans

Ongoing Civil Unrest Is Exactly What Elites Want To Activate ‘Global Police’ (Video)

Father Of Doctor Treating Hillary Clinton For Dementia Mysteriously Dies

A GLIMPSE INTO HISTORY: How The United States Of America Stabbed It’s Allies In The Back 16 Times

The Five Racecard Trick: Why Thabo Mbeki Was Not Charged With Genocide. Are ICC / UN too scared of being called racist?

Explosive: High-Profile NWO Satanic Paedophilia Network Exposed In Australia

The #BlackLivesMatter Movement, As Told By And Through Social Media – And What It Means For Black Africans?

Destitute White Afrikaners In South Africa – A Lost Generation The Communist ANC Wants To Get Rid Of, And The World Wants To Forget

EU CRUMBLES – Austria Warns It Will LEAVE EU If Turkey Wins Controversial Brussels Bid

Uprising: Brexit Triggers Domino Effect Across Europe

BRexit – A Victory for Poor and Normal People, has exposed the rich Elitists and Supremacists, even in SA.

U.S. Embassy Warns of ‘near-term’ ISIS attacks against Americans in South Africa

Will Zuma end like Qaddafi who was killed in a Western driven false color revolution that wants to give Malema the power?