Collateral Damage: Did Covid restrictions let a man literally starve to a lonely death, in yet another horror story from a state hospital, preventing his family from noticing and helping him? Allowed to die from hunger and dehydration in Tsheponh hospital in Klerksdorp? By now everyone should be aware of what death traps SA state hospitals have become, as 58 year old Andre Smit’s family found out when Andre died in hospital on 17 February 2021, after the hospital inexplicably refused him kidney dialysis treatment. Due to Covid the family were barred from helping him themselves and they are convinced he developed kidney failure because of dehydration, from neglect, hunger and thirst in the Tshepong hospital.
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How Covid19 Kills Innocent People Who DON’T Have Covid19! Kidney Patient Neglected & Left to Die in Tshepong State Hospital!
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VIDEO: Two SA Doctors with Asymptomatic COVID19 Not Allowed to Self Quarantine, Arrested & Forced Into Tuberculosis Hospital by Police!
#COVID19SouthAfrica State Sponsored #COVID19 kidnappings have begun in SA where the ANC are exerting their extra totalitarian powers afforded to them by the State of Disaster & Lockdown. Like happened in communist China, two white female doctors who tested positive for COVID19 but were asymptomatic, have been arrested, after a court order was obtained, at their house and forced into quarantine at a Limpopo multi-drug resistant tuberculosis hospital.
The guidelines say that if you’re positive but are asymptomatic or have mild disease, you can be quarantined at home which is what they were doing. However Vavi and other political leaders who are also COVID19 positive have not been treated this way? They had previously been refused COVID19 testing as they had no travel history and were also forced to work without sufficient protective medical clothing.
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#Covid19 First Confirmed Case of CoronaVirus Reported in South Africa in Kwazulu-Natal – patient returned from Italy.
A 38 year old man who returned from Italy with his wife, in a tour group of 10, on March 1, has tested positive for CoronaVirus. The patient and doctor are self isolating.
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Why South Africa Should Be Banning Flights From China NOW, Like Many Other Nations Have – Non Severe Cases ARE Infectious!
As the Coronavirus infection rate shows no sign of letup in China, and if we can trust the figures, there are now 31,440 infections and 639 deaths, with 64,000 close contacts under medical observation. It is two now weeks later, which was supposedly the incubation period, and it is now high time that SA stop..
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The maddening state of Gauteng’s psychiatric facilities
A massive shortages of hospital beds for psychiatric patients in Gauteng is compromising patient care.
Gauteng is short of about 2700 psychiatric beds which means that psychiatric patients have to be admitted to general wards where there is no security, thus posing a threat both to themselves and others.
This was revealed recently by Gauteng Health MEC Gwen Ramokgopa in a 22-page statement handed to the Gauteng Legislature in response to questions about the state of psychiatric care for hospitalised patients.
By the time a person with a psychiatric illness is hospitalised, their symptoms are usually severe and patients may be suicidal or psychotic.
The World Health Organisation (using prevalence US figures) estimates that up to three percent of a population will have severe psychiatric conditions and need hospitalisation. This excludes figures for people with substance abuse-related disorders and post-traumatic stress – so it is likely to be an under-esti
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Health MEC ‘putting band aid on gaping wound of oncology crisis’
The DA in KwaZulu-Natal on Sunday renewed its call for Health MEC Sibongiseni Dhlomo to be fired, saying it appears he is “trying to put a band aid on a large gaping wound” in respect of the province’s oncology crisis.
The DA had been advised by the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) that Dhlomo had met the latest in a series of deadlines in terms of its recommendations required to address the province’s cancer crisis, DA MPL Imran Keeka said.
This followed the SAHRC’s release of a damning report in June which found Dhlomo and his department guilty of violating the rights of KwaZulu-Natal cancer patients by failing to provide proper access to treatment.
Keeka said the DA had received a copy of the MEC’s submissions from the SAHRC, which the party was currently assessing.
“On the face of it, it appears that the MEC is trying to put a band aid on a large gaping wound, with the proposals providing little in the way of concrete steps to
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The most expensive and cheapest medical aids in SA for 2017
The latest GTC Medical Aid Survey for 2017 has been released, which compares local medical aid schemes on cost to members across various levels of cover.
According to GTC, medical aids are complicated schemes, and comparing them is an almost impossible task; however it has developed a review process that compares schemes across specific categories, rather than on specific services offered.
For its 2017 review, GTC screened 23 medical aids (22 open and 1 closed scheme) offering 144 plans.
The rankings in the GTC Medical Aid Survey are based on the concept of a total cost or a risk rating for each medical aid plan.
This risk rating is derived from a risk premium, which represents the premium paid monthly minus the allocation to what is known as the ‘savings’ or out-of-hospital account.
“This approach removes any differences in personal circumstances, priorities or behaviours that may influence an individual’ eventual healthcare costs,” the group said.
The savi
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Genesis wins case on accounting for use of medical savings funds
On Tuesday, the Constitutional Court ruled that all funds paid by members to their schemes should be considered as assets, regardless of their intended use.
Genesis medical scheme has won its legal battle with the Council of Medical Schemes over how to account for the funds in members’ medical savings accounts (MSAs), a development that has potentially far-reaching implications for both the industry and consumers.
This technical accounting point will make a material difference in the way schemes calculate their solvency ratios that measure gross income against reserves.
Treating MSA balances as assets means schemes’ reported solvency ratios will improve, because funds accumulated in MSAs will now be considered as part of a schemes’ reserves, said Insight Actuaries joint CEO Barry Childs.
This is important because better solvency ratios mean less pressure on schemes to increase premiums.
The judgment overturned a high court ruling that the council has us
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Suid Afrika word geraak deur medisyne krisis na vervaardiging aanleg sluit
Talle kankerpasiënte loop die risiko dat hul allerbelangrike bestralingsbehandeling halfpad gestaak sal moet word omdat die aanleg wat kankermedisyne by Pelindaba vervaardig weens veiligheidsprobleme gesluit is. Onkoloë en bestralingskundiges sit nou met die hand in die hare omdat die behandeling van pasiënte wat ernstig siek is onbepaald uitgestel moet word of nie sal kan voortgaan..
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What’s driving up our healthcare costs?
Discovery Health CEO explains why South Africans are paying higher medical aid premiums than ever before. Access to quality healthcare at an affordable price is a critical priority for every family, and in society at large. South Africans lucky enough to afford private healthcare have rapid and convenient access to some of the best quality..
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Medical aid waiting periods and late-joiner penalties: What. How. Why?
The world of medical schemes in South Africa is a very different one to 25 years ago. There are strict rules and regulations governing the industry, there to protect both the members and the financial sustainability of the scheme. Now is the time of year when medical schemes announce their annual increases and benefit changes…
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The maddening state of Gauteng’s psychiatric facilities
A massive shortages of hospital beds for psychiatric patients in Gauteng is compromising patient care. Gauteng is short of about 2700 psychiatric beds which means that psychiatric patients have to be admitted to general wards where there is no security, thus posing a threat both to themselves and others. This was revealed recently by Gauteng..
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Health MEC ‘putting band aid on gaping wound of oncology crisis’
The DA in KwaZulu-Natal on Sunday renewed its call for Health MEC Sibongiseni Dhlomo to be fired, saying it appears he is “trying to put a band aid on a large gaping wound” in respect of the province’s oncology crisis. The DA had been advised by the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) that Dhlomo..
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The most expensive and cheapest medical aids in SA for 2017
The latest GTC Medical Aid Survey for 2017 has been released, which compares local medical aid schemes on cost to members across various levels of cover. According to GTC, medical aids are complicated schemes, and comparing them is an almost impossible task; however it has developed a review process that compares schemes across specific categories,..
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Genesis wins case on accounting for use of medical savings funds
On Tuesday, the Constitutional Court ruled that all funds paid by members to their schemes should be considered as assets, regardless of their intended use. Genesis medical scheme has won its legal battle with the Council of Medical Schemes over how to account for the funds in members’ medical savings accounts (MSAs), a development that..
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