Thousands of operations canceled in Gauteng hospitals due to defective infrastructure or lack of basic medical supplies

National Health Insurance Plan of ANC regime – this is what you need to know!

Woman to sue Gauteng health department after giving birth to ‘decapitated’ baby in state hospital

‘Terminally ill children left to die in pain in SA government hospitals’ – ANC-regime has not yet implemented its policy on palliative care, affecting paediatric patients with terminal illnesses.

Ill baby denied healthcare at state hospitals, as a result of very arrogant medical employees the infant died – death could have been prevented if medical team chose to do their job properly

ANC owerheid nalatig om betyds voorraad aan te vul van lewensnoodsaaklike entstof, nou sit SA met landswye tekort – kinders se gesondheidstoestand word nou bedreig

Gauteng-gesondheid R5 mjd. in die rooi en sal waarskynlik ’n reddingsboei moet kry, nogtans ploeg ANC regering voort met nuwe gesondheidsplan alhoewel hy nou alreeds nie die mas kan opkom nie

Pasiënte se regte word benadeel by Bophelong hospitaal a.g.v. infrastruktuur uitdagings – nie-nakoming van aanvaarbare standaarde en norme kan lei tot die uitbreek van siektes omdat infeksiebeheer nie behoorlik toegepas word

ANC-government to open state-owned pharmaceutical company – the idea of this is terrifying since we are all aware of the lack of skill government officials has not to mention a treasury that is lacking funding – How on earth will this move be sustainable?

Motsoaledi swyg oor proses met NGV-wet – paneel wat die markondersoek na die private gesondheidsbedryf lei, se werk is opgeskort tot in die nuwe boekjaar omdat die geld glo opgeraak het om hulle te betaal

Jong dokters, wat deur die ANC regime verplig word om sogenaamde gemeenskapsdiens te doen nadat hulle af studeer, is nou nog nie betaal vir dienste gelewer vir Januarie

State hospital in KwaZulu Natal invested with monkeys – Monkeys invade kitchen and wards, sometimes even interfering with patients’ intravenous (IV) drips

National Health Insurance legislation will hit private hospital sector’s future investment and capital expenditure, NHI laws threaten 132,000 jobs

Seems like South-Africa’s Health Department has a major cash flow problem – Several Gauteng Doctors, Medical Interns Not Paid January Salaries

Staats pasiënte moet ly omrede mediese staatsdepot in Bloemfontein nie medisyne en mediese toebehore betyds aan hospitale en klinieke kan lewer