The ANC regime in Limpopo emptied a dilapidated TB hospital in Nylstoom to house COVID-19 positive people, but the first 3 people locked up there never even saw a doctor, were given dirty rooms and had to take their own temperatures! Dr Claire Olivier, Dr Taryn Williams and Elmarie van Emmenis (64) were all suddenly released from the ANC Gulag on Wednesday morning less than a week after being locked up there!
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Update: Two COVID19 Positive Doctors Who Were Arrested & Locked in TB Hospital Released! Were Not Seen by a Doctor & Had to Take Own Temperatures!
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VIDEO: Two SA Doctors with Asymptomatic COVID19 Not Allowed to Self Quarantine, Arrested & Forced Into Tuberculosis Hospital by Police!
#COVID19SouthAfrica State Sponsored #COVID19 kidnappings have begun in SA where the ANC are exerting their extra totalitarian powers afforded to them by the State of Disaster & Lockdown. Like happened in communist China, two white female doctors who tested positive for COVID19 but were asymptomatic, have been arrested, after a court order was obtained, at their house and forced into quarantine at a Limpopo multi-drug resistant tuberculosis hospital.
The guidelines say that if you’re positive but are asymptomatic or have mild disease, you can be quarantined at home which is what they were doing. However Vavi and other political leaders who are also COVID19 positive have not been treated this way? They had previously been refused COVID19 testing as they had no travel history and were also forced to work without sufficient protective medical clothing.
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Netcare intends to retrench more than 500 staff in an effort to limit spending due to poor economic conditions in SA – Many families will be affected due to the ANC regime’s negligence in managing the country efficiently
The hospital group, Netcare, is planning to retrench more than 500 employees in an effort to limit spending due to economic downturn. Netcare’s Ramasela Mokonyama confirmed that retrenchments will be made and that notices are being sent to staff passing them information on the intended action. Personnel dealing with patients are not affected, but retrenchment..
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Hot Medical News:- Hi-tech lung cancer lab to benefit all
If the country is to reduce its high cancer statistics, the public would have to be educated about the illness and preventative measures taken, says Gauteng Health MEC, Dr Gwen Ramokgopa.
Ramokgopa was speaking at the launch of the state-of-the-art Lung Laboratory at the Helen Joseph Hospital, in Johannesburg.
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Just how competitive is South Africa’s private healthcare sector?
After a four and a half year probe initiated by South Africa’s Competition Commission, a panel of independent experts released their preliminary report into the country’s private healthcare market.
The Conversation Africa spoke to Sharon Fonn, who was on the panel of experts, about the report.
Why was a market inquiry set up?
The inquiry was set up because private healthcare and medical scheme cover is expensive in South Africa. Costs continue to rise and fewer people can afford it. People who have health insurance find that the scheme covers less care and they often have to pay out of pocket.
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Hier is die 20 beste hospitale in SA
Die resultate van die nuutste peiling onder pasiënte wat Discovery Health uitgevoer het om die beste hospitale in die land aan te wys, toon sewe hospitale wat al vier jaar agtereenvolgens op die lysie is.
Lede van mediese skemas wat deur Discovery Health geadministreer word, het aan die peiling deelgeneem oor die hospitale waar hulle in 2017 opgeneem is. Die lys is uit 140 hospitale saamgestel.
Life Healthcare, en die onafhanklike netwerk van hospitale wat lede van die National Hospital Network (NHN) is, het die meeste hospitale op die lys.
Netcare het net een hospitaal op die lys.
NHN het die meeste hospitale wat reeds vier jaar agtereenvolgens op die lys is.
Hier is die lys van die 20 beste hospitale in alfabetiese volgorde:
1. Ahmed Al-Kadi- private hospitaal (Durban, KwaZulu-Natal)
2. eThekwini-hospitaal en -hartsentrum (Durban, KwaZulu-Natal)
3. Gateway- private hospitaal (Umhlanga Rocks, KwaZulu-Natal)
4. Hillcrest- private hospitaal (
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You are paying more for less when it comes to medical aid, does it make sense. Here’s why.
What are your chances of ending up in a hospital? Higher than you’d think if you are a medical aid member in a large city — and the reason reveals some never-before-seen truths about the country’s private healthcare sector.
A lack of competition within the private healthcare market is fuelling an epidemic of overtreatment — and mystery medical bills — in South Africa, the Competition Commission revealed on Thursday.
As part of a four-year investigation into private healthcare costs, the Competition Commission looked at hospital admission rates among patients treated in nine specialised areas of medicine. People who had insurance and lived near more hospitals were more likely to be admitted than people with similar conditions that lived farther away from lots of empty beds, the statutory body found.
Looking for a affordable Medical Aid or Hospital Plan, just click here Continue reading…
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